Update 54 added.
To be honest, I would have no idea where to start. Lua makes me suicidal lol, and I haven't even looked into any of Tim's extensions yet. I'm content with stealthedit right now, but if the need arises to update the table, I'll turn to you for some guidance.
Just a quick heads up, there are two checked scripts in your table, Set Box Quantity and Change Max Carry. You welcome to use how I set them up as a template for any of your future updates.
I've known about this for a while, just never got around to fixing it. Might work on it in the future.
I think its a matter of changing the fire mode from semi-auto to auto since the "cooldown" is already covered with Inf Special Ammo. Could also be something for response time. Idk, got to look around.
Character Edit is working fine on my end, not sure what you are doing wrong.
Merry Christmas everyone!