I'm still thoroughly testing all scripts out, but everything seems to be working fine. This was made on CE 6.7 since it was the last version I read that worked with SE, I'll test out 6.8.1 soon.
Tested some functions:
Max Sharpness - not working =(
Ignore Crafting Requirements - not working too, BTW older version is working but gives a crash =\
Thanks so much for the update and all the work put in. I'm def a leecher, but if I knew where to start to help more i would.
Everything seems to be working well for me, tested it between work and teaching.
Only time the game crashed is when i tried to use the fearlessrevolution Trainer's super fast heavy bowgun shots with alongside CE's stuff. So not a problem on your side at all.
tested cheat engine 6.8.1
Invulnerable - not working
Inf Stamina - working
Inf Slinger Ammo - working
Max Sharpness - not working
and no crashed 1 hour with this table.
Same about invul and sharpness
Tried a big bunch of cheats from the last table, many of them doesn't work
"Bowgun Supports All Ammo/No Reload" for example, same for the "bow all coatings", etc.
Thanks for the work Squall, greatly appreciated.
So quick question:
I'm reading the README.txt for the StealthEdit download and I've added the stealthedit.dll to my plugins, and all looks well. However I'm not seeing the "stealthedit" option on right click that the document speaks of. Where would this actually get enabled, or can I just run the table as normal?
I haven't made any bios changes if that's the problem.
How does the stealth edit work?
I read the Read me and it says add to the plugin list however when I try to do that I get this error "The plugin dll could not be loaded:193"
I am using 6.8.1 cheat engine. How do I get it working so I can cheat on MHW