Monster Hunter World (Steam)

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by PapricaJim »

Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 pm
What's your goal? Doing the quest till the end or just getting loot quick without any work? In which case I described it pretty easy here:

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

Base Pointer Address OFFSET `-113C0`

If you are using Marcus101RR's Pointers, please recalculate new addresses by this value.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by Vorrs »

Any chance of getting the weapon buffs to work? Specifically the bowgun no reload cheat? The ones I've gotten to work are the infinite spirit and infinit extract duration. Infinite spirit gauge with the long sword is fun to play with btw.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by Lord Blade »

PapricaJim wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:30 pm
Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 pm
What's your goal? Doing the quest till the end or just getting loot quick without any work? In which case I described it pretty easy here:
I've already got all the stuff crafted. And cheating for the weapons is easy enough.
I was basically just looking at trying to get KT "kills" registered. But I'm not sure how to go about doing that solo.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by vosszaa »

Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:10 pm
PapricaJim wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:30 pm
Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 pm
What's your goal? Doing the quest till the end or just getting loot quick without any work? In which case I described it pretty easy here:
I've already got all the stuff crafted. And cheating for the weapons is easy enough.
I was basically just looking at trying to get KT "kills" registered. But I'm not sure how to go about doing that solo.
Why not just mod weapon to a massive dmg and armor? I tested that with 15k armor, my hp never ticked at all lul. Pretty much god mode

If you want, i can mod them for you free of charge. Im just bored lul

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by Eternallydissolved »

Marcus101RR wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:57 pm
Base Pointer Address OFFSET `-113C0`

If you are using Marcus101RR's Pointers, please recalculate new addresses by this value.
I don't suppose you have any pointers for the askill_param.asp file which governs the mantles and smokers(affinity, health and cleanser booster) or for the pl_skills_param.plsp file? The ones you did for pl_item_param.plip allowed me to edit that file directly. The files are not encrypted, but there is nothing to denote what number goes to what item, skill or mantle. your pointers allowed me to byte search, edit reload the game and confirm changes for pl_item_param. there are still a few items i couldn't alter like mega potion, potion ect, but if it had a pointer in your table, i was able to alter it. Well if nothing else, i wanted to thank you for those pointers and what they allowed me to do, but if your up for it, i would love to collaborate on this a bit as i think we could figure out everything given time. oh; and since you have been working on the player parameters, have you run across a value of decimal 32, hex 20, which if altered will allow for more than 32 effects to be added to armor(skills, set bonuses) as i am really trying hard to find a way to raise that cap, although i must concede that it is possible that it is defined in the game engine and not in the param files.
Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 pm
vosszaa wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:38 am
fearlessrevolution trainer is still working. You can use that for the time being
Yeah, thankfully that works.
Though it sadly doesn't work quite right when trying to solo KT. Because if you use the "easy part break", you'll end up "driving it off", which isn't supposed to happen until you get to zone 4. But without that cheat it's pretty much impossible to do enough to keep it around long enough to make it to zone 4. Which is frustrating.

I mean, I get it, they want it to be a "raid" for lots of people. But some of us like playing solo.
I think one of the CE tables had an option for a damage multiplier, if that could be made to work, it would probably help a ton. Let us set ourselves to doing x4 damage, so we count as a group solo. Should let us keep the fight going long enough to win it properly.

My issue is that even playing online normally, I've "won" a lot, but I've yet to be in the group that actually drives it off. I've always been in a group that gets it to zone 3 or 4 when it runs. Then before we can go back in and finish it off, some other group does so, so it all resets. :(
I can add you on steam and bring you on a few kulve runs if you want! I have had no problems making the golden goddess my bitch solo, and considering i really enjoy that quest mutliplayer, it is no problem at all to make a few friends and help them farm kulve!


Lunastra Favor 4/4 (gives minds eye/ballistics at level 4 and stamina cap up at level 2 making 200 stamina possible and i have mine set for 250 stamina)
Attack boost lv7 (set to attack +90 affinity +100)
Tool specialist lv3 (set to eliminate cooldown for specialized tools entirely; remove tool, reapply; profit)
Stamina surge lv3 (set weeeelllll above the 30% it normally gives in stamina recovery boost)
Recovery up lv3 (set to 250%)
Recovery speed lv3 (Set to recover red health really fast)
Focus lv3 (set to make the greatsword charge time 0 and massively increase gauge fill rate)
marathon runner lv3 (set to minimize stamina depletion while sprinting as much as the game engine will allow)
Constitution lv3 (Set to minimize stamina draining moves depletion as much as the game engine will allow)
Guard lv5(set to minimize guard stamina depletion as much as game engine will permit)
Item prolonger lv3 (set to give 50 minutes for dash/mega dash juice buff duration)
part breaker lv3 (set to amplify part damage by 1200%)
critical boost lv3 (set to increase crit damage by 100% instead of 40%)
health boost lv3 (set to add 100 hp instead of 50 making 250 possible)
Hero's protection lv1 (negates small damage, mine is set to 25hp)
Defense boost lv 7 set to Defense +510 and elemental resistance +100
Divine blessing lv3 set to fire 100% of the time and reduce damage taken by 85%
Free meal lv1 set to fire 100% of the time making all food or drink items unlimited (potions, pills, steaks, ect. no effect on powders)
Quick sheath set to essentially instantly sheath your weapon, almost too fast for the eye to see
Odogaron mastery edited to attempt to increase stun power(not sure if it is working) and to maintain protective polish for the entire quest(confirmed working; must sharpen weapon once to activate protective polish component of odogaron mastery set bonus)
Latest skill file. installs into nativePC\common\equip
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Finally set up my discord and a server for MHW Skills Modding; permanent link [Link]

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

UPDATE: Kulve Taroth Pointer located and added in exchange for the AOB by Beserker.

In response to your finding/help from pointers. Most of these are loaded upon title screen, but anything that is strictly loaded only on mission / activeness will most likely need to be pointed out by a dynamic pointer. If you have not joined this community yet, I advise you do so as it focuses on the decompiling/mapping of the game:

Discord: [Link]

UPDATE 2: Added Objectives, Instant Rewards.
UPDATE Rev 160018
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Last edited by IcyPurpose99 on Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by gogfox »

Eternallydissolved wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:12 pm
Marcus101RR wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:57 pm
Base Pointer Address OFFSET `-113C0`

If you are using Marcus101RR's Pointers, please recalculate new addresses by this value.
I don't suppose you have any pointers for the askill_param.asp file which governs the mantles and smokers(affinity, health and cleanser booster) or for the pl_skills_param.plsp file? The ones you did for pl_item_param.plip allowed me to edit that file directly. The files are not encrypted, but there is nothing to denote what number goes to what item, skill or mantle. your pointers allowed me to byte search, edit reload the game and confirm changes for pl_item_param. there are still a few items i couldn't alter like mega potion, potion ect, but if it had a pointer in your table, i was able to alter it. Well if nothing else, i wanted to thank you for those pointers and what they allowed me to do, but if your up for it, i would love to collaborate on this a bit as i think we could figure out everything given time. oh; and since you have been working on the player parameters, have you run across a value of decimal 32, hex 20, which if altered will allow for more than 32 effects to be added to armor(skills, set bonuses) as i am really trying hard to find a way to raise that cap, although i must concede that it is possible that it is defined in the game engine and not in the param files.
Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 pm
vosszaa wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:38 am
fearlessrevolution trainer is still working. You can use that for the time being
Yeah, thankfully that works.
Though it sadly doesn't work quite right when trying to solo KT. Because if you use the "easy part break", you'll end up "driving it off", which isn't supposed to happen until you get to zone 4. But without that cheat it's pretty much impossible to do enough to keep it around long enough to make it to zone 4. Which is frustrating.

I mean, I get it, they want it to be a "raid" for lots of people. But some of us like playing solo.
I think one of the CE tables had an option for a damage multiplier, if that could be made to work, it would probably help a ton. Let us set ourselves to doing x4 damage, so we count as a group solo. Should let us keep the fight going long enough to win it properly.

My issue is that even playing online normally, I've "won" a lot, but I've yet to be in the group that actually drives it off. I've always been in a group that gets it to zone 3 or 4 when it runs. Then before we can go back in and finish it off, some other group does so, so it all resets. :(
I can add you on steam and bring you on a few kulve runs if you want! I have had no problems making the golden goddess my bitch solo, and considering i really enjoy that quest mutliplayer, it is no problem at all to make a few friends and help them farm kulve!


Lunastra Favor 4/4 (gives minds eye/ballistics at level 4 and stamina cap up at level 2 making 200 stamina possible and i have mine set for 250 stamina)
Attack boost lv7 (set to attack +90 affinity +100)
Tool specialist lv3 (set to eliminate cooldown for specialized tools entirely; remove tool, reapply; profit)
Stamina surge lv3 (set weeeelllll above the 30% it normally gives in stamina recovery boost)
Recovery up lv3 (set to 250%)
Recovery speed lv3 (Set to recover red health really fast)
Focus lv3 (set to make the greatsword charge time 0 and massively increase gauge fill rate)
marathon runner lv3 (set to minimize stamina depletion while sprinting as much as the game engine will allow)
Constitution lv3 (Set to minimize stamina draining moves depletion as much as the game engine will allow)
Guard lv5(set to minimize guard stamina depletion as much as game engine will permit)
Item prolonger lv3 (set to give 50 minutes for dash/mega dash juice buff duration)
part breaker lv3 (set to amplify part damage by 1200%)
critical boost lv3 (set to increase crit damage by 100% instead of 40%)
health boost lv3 (set to add 100 hp instead of 50 making 250 possible)
Hero's protection lv1 (negates small damage, mine is set to 25hp)
Defense boost lv 7 set to Defense +510 and elemental resistance +100
Divine blessing lv3 set to fire 100% of the time and reduce damage taken by 85%
Free meal lv1 set to fire 100% of the time making all food or drink items unlimited (potions, pills, steaks, ect. no effect on powders)
Quick sheath set to essentially instantly sheath your weapon, almost too fast for the eye to see
Odogaron mastery edited to attempt to increase stun power(not sure if it is working) and to maintain protective polish for the entire quest(confirmed working; must sharpen weapon once to activate protective polish component of odogaron mastery set bonus)

Finally set up my discord and a server for MHW Skills Modding; permanent link [Link]
What exactly that file do ?

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by cyborg5742 »

Lord Blade wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 pm
vosszaa wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:38 am
fearlessrevolution trainer is still working. You can use that for the time being
Yeah, thankfully that works.
Though it sadly doesn't work quite right when trying to solo KT. Because if you use the "easy part break", you'll end up "driving it off", which isn't supposed to happen until you get to zone 4. But without that cheat it's pretty much impossible to do enough to keep it around long enough to make it to zone 4. Which is frustrating.

I mean, I get it, they want it to be a "raid" for lots of people. But some of us like playing solo.
I think one of the CE tables had an option for a damage multiplier, if that could be made to work, it would probably help a ton. Let us set ourselves to doing x4 damage, so we count as a group solo. Should let us keep the fight going long enough to win it properly.

My issue is that even playing online normally, I've "won" a lot, but I've yet to be in the group that actually drives it off. I've always been in a group that gets it to zone 3 or 4 when it runs. Then before we can go back in and finish it off, some other group does so, so it all resets. :(
make it easier by getting to pursuit lvl 6 first man. parts easily breaks, fights stay longer and theres one guy who posted few pages back with pursuit exp level options. just enable those 2600 then talk to the npc and boom pursuit lvl 6.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by Lord Blade »

Do I want just 6? Or would it not be better to boost it further?

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by cyborg5742 »

Lord Blade wrote:
Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:35 am
Do I want just 6? Or would it not be better to boost it further?
6 is max. max exp to get to pursuit lvl 6 is put in 2600 both of em and talk to the lady. and have fun after that

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by Lord Blade »

Ah, okay. Didn't know what the cap was.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by cyborg5742 »

Lord Blade wrote:
Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:01 am
Ah, okay. Didn't know what the cap was.
hope it helps.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

Already Update the CE Table pointers for it now, s oyou can go raid it instant P6.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Post by Eternallydissolved »

Modified skill request for pchan!
Install to nativePC\common\equip created from an unedited file so only the requested skills are altered!
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