i used the squall's one but i think it's the same as sekiro's. let's say you want to change ignition impact's damage; enable the cheat, change to another weapon and change it back. by that time the cheat engine already have the ignition data and you just have to change the base damage to whatever and disable the cheat. the changes stay until you restart the game. basically you can solo kulve. haha
i used the squall's one but i think it's the same as sekiro's. let's say you want to change ignition impact's damage; enable the cheat, change to another weapon and change it back. by that time the cheat engine already have the ignition data and you just have to change the base damage to whatever and disable the cheat. the changes stay until you restart the game. basically you can solo kulve. haha
i did that but like 2 mins in the raid , dced . Always
For opening the chunk.bin, google the famous mods sites, one of them is called WorldChunkTool.
Another stuff like, to open .gmd files, is also available there.
For opening the chunk.bin, google the famous mods sites, one of them is called WorldChunkTool.
Another stuff like, to open .gmd files, is also available there.
253 AM_HEAD191_NAME Kulve Taroth's Fury<ICON ALPHA>
254 AM_HEAD191_EXP Kulve Taroth armor that shines with
a rich light. The terrifying anger
of the mother goddess lies within.
255 AM_HEAD192_NAME Kulve Taroth's Fury<ICON BETA>
271 AM_HEAD203_NAME Kulve Taroth's Fury
589 AM_BODY191_NAME Kulve Taroth's Ire<ICON ALPHA>
590 AM_BODY191_EXP Kulve Taroth armor that shines with
a rich light. The terrifying anger
of the mother goddess lies within.
591 AM_BODY192_NAME Kulve Taroth's Ire<ICON BETA>
607 AM_BODY203_NAME Kulve Taroth's Ire
899 AM_ARM191_NAME Kulve Taroth's Rage<ICON ALPHA>
900 AM_ARM191_EXP Kulve Taroth armor that shines with
a rich light. The terrifying anger
of the mother goddess lies within.
901 AM_ARM192_NAME Kulve Taroth's Rage<ICON BETA>
917 AM_ARM203_NAME Kulve Taroth's Rage
1205 AM_WAIST191_NAME Kulve Taroth's Malice<ICON ALPHA>
1206 AM_WAIST191_EXP Kulve Taroth armor that shines with
a rich light. The terrifying anger
of the mother goddess lies within.
1207 AM_WAIST192_NAME Kulve Taroth's Malice<ICON BETA>
1223 AM_WAIST203_NAME Kulve Taroth's Malice
1515 AM_LEG191_NAME Kulve Taroth's Wrath<ICON ALPHA>
1516 AM_LEG191_EXP Kulve Taroth armor that shines with
a rich light. The terrifying anger
of the mother goddess lies within.
1517 AM_LEG192_NAME Kulve Taroth's Wrath<ICON BETA>
1533 AM_LEG203_NAME Kulve Taroth's Wrath
129 WP_BOW_104_EXP A Kulve Taroth bow with unknown
traits. Its true potential has yet
to be realized.
133 WP_BOW_107_EXP A Kulve Taroth bow that utilizes
other monster parts for research
143 WP_BOW_116_EXP A Kulve Taroth bow that possesses
new properties due to clever
material utilization.
153 WP_BOW_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth bow that fully
harnesses the hidden power of
the materials used to create it.
Charge Axe:
126 WP_CAXE_104_EXP A Kulve Taroth charge blade with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
130 WP_CAXE_107_EXP A Kulve Taroth charge blade that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
140 WP_CAXE_116_EXP A Kulve Taroth charge blade that
possesses new properties due to
clever material utilization.
150 WP_CAXE_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth charge blade that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
Great Sword:
144 WP_LSWD_100_EXP A Kulve Taroth great sword with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
148 WP_LSWD_103_EXP A Kulve Taroth great sword that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
158 WP_LSWD_112_EXP A Kulve Taroth great sword that
possesses new properties due
to clever material utilization.
168 WP_LSWD_121_EXP A Kulve Taroth great sword that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
127 WP_GLANCE_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth gunlance with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
131 WP_GLANCE_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth gunlance that
utilizes other monster parts
for research purposes.
142 WP_GLANCE_115_EXP A Kulve Taroth gunlance that
possesses new properties due to
clever material utilization.
153 WP_GLANCE_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth gunlance that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
139 WP_HAMMER_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth hammer with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
143 WP_HAMMER_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth hammer that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
153 WP_HAMMER_114_EXP A Kulve Taroth hammer that
possesses new properties due to
clever material utilization.
163 WP_HAMMER_123_EXP A Kulve Taroth hammer that fully
harnesses the hidden power of
the materials used to create it.
Heavy Bow Gun:
130 WP_HBG_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth heavy bowgun with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
134 WP_HBG_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth heavy bowgun
that utilizes other monster parts
for research purposes.
144 WP_HBG_114_EXP A Kulve Taroth heavy bowgun
that possesses new properties
due to clever material utilization.
154 WP_HBG_123_EXP A Kulve Taroth heavy bowgun that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
Light Bow Gun:
138 WP_LBG_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth light bowgun with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
142 WP_LBG_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth light bowgun that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
153 WP_LBG_115_EXP A Kulve Taroth light bowgun that
possesses new properties due to
clever material utilization.
164 WP_LBG_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth light bowgun that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
137 WP_LANCE_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth lance with unknown
traits. Its true potential has yet
to be realized.
141 WP_LANCE_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth lance that utilizes
other monster parts for research
151 WP_LANCE_114_EXP A Kulve Taroth lance that possesses
new properties due to clever
material utilization.
161 WP_LANCE_123_EXP A Kulve Taroth lance that fully
harnesses the hidden power of
the materials used to create it.
Insect Glaive:
135 WP_ROD_104_EXP A Kulve Taroth insect glaive with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
139 WP_ROD_107_EXP A Kulve Taroth insect glaive that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
149 WP_ROD_116_EXP A Kulve Taroth insect glaive that
possesses new properties due
to clever material utilization.
159 WP_ROD_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth insect glaive that
harnesses the hidden power of the
materials used to create it.
81 OAM_HEAD025_EXP Luxury and performance meet in
this lavish headgear made of top
grade Kulve Taroth materials.
94 OAM_HEAD055_NAME Felyne Kulve Fur<ICON ALPHA>
95 OAM_HEAD055_EXP Armor made from the carapaces of
Kulve Taroth. They've been worked
into a gorgeous, warm headpiece.
196 OAM_BODY025_EXP Layer upon layer of hard, golden
Kulve Taroth plating make this
armor impervious to any scratch.
211 OAM_BODY055_NAME Felyne Kulve Suit<ICON ALPHA>
212 OAM_BODY055_EXP Armor made from the carapaces of
Kulve Taroth. They've been worked
into a beautiful, fluffy suit.
91 OWEP055_NAME Felyne Kulve Fan<ICON ALPHA>
92 OWEP055_EXP The golden scales of Kulve Taroth
have been reworked to forge this
elegant, yet useful fan.
Dual Blades:
138 WP_WSWD_098_EXP Kulve Taroth dual blades with
unknown traits. Their true po-
tential has yet to be realized.
142 WP_WSWD_101_EXP Kulve Taroth dual blades that
utilizes other monster parts
for research purposes.
153 WP_WSWD_111_EXP Kulve Taroth dual blades that
possesses new properties due
to clever material utilization.
164 WP_WSWD_121_EXP Kulve Taroth dual blades that fully
harness the hidden power of the
materials used to create them.
130 WP_SAXE_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth switch axe with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
134 WP_SAXE_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth switch axe that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
145 WP_SAXE_115_EXP A Kulve Taroth switch axe that
possesses new properties due
to clever material utilization.
156 WP_SAXE_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth switch axe that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
Sword & Shield:
148 WP_SWD_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth sword & shield
with unknown traits. Its true
potential has yet to be realized.
152 WP_SWD_108_EXP A Kulve Taroth sword & shield
that utilizes other monster parts
for research purposes.
163 WP_SWD_118_EXP A Kulve Taroth sword & shield
that possesses new properties
due to clever material utilization.
174 WP_SWD_128_EXP A Kulve Taroth sword & shield that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
Long Sword:
132 WP_TACHI_095_EXP A Kulve Taroth long sword with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
136 WP_TACHI_098_EXP A Kulve Taroth long sword that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
147 WP_TACHI_108_EXP A Kulve Taroth long sword that
possesses new properties due
to clever material utilization.
158 WP_TACHI_118_EXP A Kulve Taroth long sword that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
Hunting Horn:
136 WP_WSL_102_EXP A Kulve Taroth hunting horn with
unknown traits. Its true potential
has yet to be realized.
140 WP_WSL_105_EXP A Kulve Taroth hunting horn that
utilizes other monster parts for
research purposes.
151 WP_WSL_115_EXP A Kulve Taroth hunting horn that
possesses new properties due
to clever material utilization.
162 WP_WSL_125_EXP A Kulve Taroth hunting horn that
fully harnesses the hidden power
of the materials used to create it.
i've tried the table in the kulve taroth quest and is always crashing the game even just activating inf health stamina and sharpness only, im doing something wrong? or the tables aren't optmized yet for taroth quest?
i've tried the table in the kulve taroth quest and is always crashing the game even just activating inf health stamina and sharpness only, im doing something wrong? or the tables aren't optmized yet for taroth quest?
i've tried the table in the kulve taroth quest and is always crashing the game even just activating inf health stamina and sharpness only, im doing something wrong? or the tables aren't optmized yet for taroth quest?
For opening the chunk.bin, google the famous mods sites, one of them is called WorldChunkTool.
Another stuff like, to open .gmd files, is also available there.