(VR Games) Seeking Dawn and Contagion VR: Outbreak

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(VR Games) Seeking Dawn and Contagion VR: Outbreak

Post by NumberXer0 »

I didn't want to take up unnecessary space on two VR titles that probably won't get filled, so I combined them into one. I'm sorry i this is against the rules, just trying to avoid spamming requests.


[B]Game Name:[/B] Contagion VR: Outbreak

[B]Game Engine:[/B] Unreal Engine

[B]Game Version:[/B] 1.1 (Update #1)

[B]Options Required:[/B] Health, Ammo, Flashlight Battery, Infinite Consumables

[B]Game/Steam Website:[/B] [URL]https://store.steampowered.com/app/676840/Contagion_VR_Outbreak/[/URL]

[B]Other Info:[/B] It's a VR game, so the chances of anyone looking at this is slim. I know there are a few people on here with headsets that have created tables in the past, so I hope they'd be willing to give it a look. The game can be found through less savory means if required. I could pay for a decent table, but to be honest, the chances of it being maintained are just as low as being created in the first place. If anyone is interested however, I'm fully behind it.


[B]Game Name:[/B] Seeking Dawn

[B]Game Engine:[/B] Unity

[B]Game Version:[/B] 1.0 (Initial Release)

[B]Options Required:[/B] Health, Ammo, Shields, Infinite Items, Easy Crafting

[B]Game/Steam Website:[/B] [URL]https://store.steampowered.com/app/859340/Seeking_Dawn/[/URL]

[B]Other Info:[/B] It's a VR game, so the chances of anyone looking at this is slim. I know there are a few people on here with headsets that have created tables in the past, so I hope they'd be willing to give it a look. The game can be found through less savory means if required. I could pay for a decent table, but to be honest, the chances of it being maintained are just as low as being created in the first place. If anyone is interested however, I'm fully behind it.
Last edited by NumberXer0 on Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:02 am, edited 3 times in total.

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(VR Games) Seeking Dawn and Contagion VR: Outbreak

Post by STN »

You have a better chance of getting them seen if you had made separate threads for them.

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