ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by bloodfayte »

Here is my Weapon Level Up Every Xp Gain Script:

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(xp1,ReCore.dll,8B 40 54 48 83 C4 20)


mov [xp_addy],rax
push rbx
push rcx
mov rbx,["ReCore.dll"+02478CE0]
cmp rbx,0
je code
mov rbx,[rbx+B0]
cmp rbx,0
je code
mov rbx,[rbx+08]
cmp rbx,0
je code
mov rbx,[rbx+88]
cmp rbx,0
je code
mov rbx,[rbx+B0]
cmp rbx,0
je code
mov rbx,[rbx+10]
cmp rbx,0
je code
mov rbx,[rbx+78]
cmp rbx,0
je code
lea rbx,dword ptr [rbx+428]
cmp rbx,0
je code
fld dword ptr [rbx]
fsub [subb]
fistp dword ptr [rbx]
mov ecx,[rbx]
cmp [rax+54],ecx
jge code
mov [rax+54],ecx

pop rcx
pop rbx
mov eax,[rax+54]
  add rsp,20
  jmp return

  dq 0

dd (float)1

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 40 54 48 83 C4 20


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by bloodfayte »

Start With 99x Combos - Instant Extract Always Available

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(combo2,ReCore.dll,89 83 94 00 00 00 66)
aobscanmodule(instant1,ReCore.dll,75 11 E8 55 1B E4 FF)

db EB 11

cmp [rbx+00000094],63
jge code
mov eax,63

  mov [rbx+00000094],eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 89 83 94 00 00 00
  db 75 11


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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by spyingwind »

For Steam version:

After much frustration in trying to understand how to utilize Cheat Engine to create a table for the Steam version of ReCore. I decided that modifying the assembly was much easier. I used dnSpy to make my changes. I haven't been able to narrow down the timer for dungeons. :(

What I've changed:
Take No Damage
Here I changed DamagedAmount to 0, before it was processed.
Inf Jump
This doesn't increase the jump counter. Forever in the first jump state.
Inf Ammo
This doesn't remove ammo from the ammo counter.

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by akarnokd »

spyingwind wrote:
Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:19 am
For Steam version:

After much frustration in trying to understand how to utilize Cheat Engine to create a table for the Steam version of ReCore. I decided that modifying the assembly was much easier. I used dnSpy to make my changes. I haven't been able to narrow down the timer for dungeons. :(
Do you have any hints for either the damage dealt by the gun or damage received by the enemy bots? I saw the TakeDamage methods but I don't see the means to increase the damage amount as it is a read-only parameter.

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by spyingwind »

akarnokd wrote:
Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:01 pm
Do you have any hints for either the damage dealt by the gun or damage received by the enemy bots? I saw the TakeDamage methods but I don't see the means to increase the damage amount as it is a read-only parameter.
I'm directly modifying the dll to just not apply any damage to the player. All damage is negated doing this. It's probably the same with how one would do it while the game is running, in memory, but this all I know I can do.

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by akarnokd »

spyingwind wrote:
Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:10 am
I'm directly modifying the dll to just not apply any damage to the player. All damage is negated doing this. It's probably the same with how one would do it while the game is running, in memory, but this all I know I can do.
I figured it out. The KyotoRobokHealth.TakeDamage can be adjusted:

Code: Select all

  float num = info.GetDamageAmount();
  if (this.Owner.IsAlignedWithPlayer())
    num *= 0.1f;
  else if (info.Source != null && info.Source.GetComponent<KyotoPlayer>() != null)
    num *= 7f;
I had to add that "who fired" check because the companion robots kept destroying my targets too fast and could not extract basic cores.

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by akarnokd »

I could freeze the timer by resetting it whenever the game asks for the remaining time:

Code: Select all

TimedStoryQuest.GetTimeRemaining() method

                int result;
		if (this.m_QuestProgress != null)
			result = this.m_QuestProgress.TimeRemaining;
			this.m_QuestProgress.TimeRemaining = 300; // <-------------------------------
			result = 0;
		return result;

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by akarnokd »

Also I managed to reveal some unclaimed collectibles:

Code: Select all


// Always enable its image
PersistentMapVisibility.EState mapVisibilityState = this.GetMapVisibilityState();
int elementState = this.GetElementState();
if (this.m_Image != null)
   // this is the original enabler
    this.m_Image.enabled = (mapVisibilityState == PersistentMapVisibility.EState.Revealed 
   // this is for the 3 types relevant, but only in state 0 which means unclaimed
    || (elementState == 0 && 
         (this.m_TypeOfElement == KyotoMapMenuStatics.EMapMenuElementType.TreasureChest 
        || this.m_TypeOfElement == KyotoMapMenuStatics.EMapMenuElementType.PrismaticCore 
        || this.m_TypeOfElement == KyotoMapMenuStatics.EMapMenuElementType.PowerCell
        || this.m_TypeOfElement == KyotoMapMenuStatics.EMapMenuElementType.AudioLog
    // For the chest to show up, the mapVisibilityState has to be passed to the animator below
     if (this.m_TypeOfElement == KyotoMapMenuStatics.EMapMenuElementType.TreasureChest 
        && elementState == 0)
        mapVisibilityState = PersistentMapVisibility.EState.Revealed;
// originally this was encomappsing the image-enable but would generally not execute the overrides
// above in the original order
if (base.isActiveAndEnabled && this.IsUIMapSideElement() && AnimationUtilities.IsUsable(this.m_Animator))
    this.m_Animator.SetValue(KyotoMapMenuElement.skAnimationParameter_MapVisibilityState, (int)mapVisibilityState);
    this.m_Animator.SetValue(KyotoMapMenuElement.skAnimationParameter_ElementState, elementState);

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by pgain2004 »

spyingwind wrote:
Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:19 am
For Steam version:

After much frustration in trying to understand how to utilize Cheat Engine to create a table for the Steam version of ReCore. I decided that modifying the assembly was much easier. I used dnSpy to make my changes. I haven't been able to narrow down the timer for dungeons. :(

What I've changed:
Take No Damage
Here I changed DamagedAmount to 0, before it was processed.
Inf Jump
This doesn't increase the jump counter. Forever in the first jump state.
Inf Ammo
This doesn't remove ammo from the ammo counter.
The KyotoPlayer itself has several error like "xxx is never used", make me not able to comopile changes. Why?

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition 1.1.7468.2 +15

Post by sabin1981 »

pgain2004 wrote:
Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:42 am
spyingwind wrote:
Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:19 am
For Steam version:

After much frustration in trying to understand how to utilize Cheat Engine to create a table for the Steam version of ReCore. I decided that modifying the assembly was much easier. I used dnSpy to make my changes. I haven't been able to narrow down the timer for dungeons. :(

What I've changed:
Take No Damage
Here I changed DamagedAmount to 0, before it was processed.
Inf Jump
This doesn't increase the jump counter. Forever in the first jump state.
Inf Ammo
This doesn't remove ammo from the ammo counter.
The KyotoPlayer itself has several error like "xxx is never used", make me not able to comopile changes. Why?
I came here to ask the same thing, it's a shame @spyingwind didn't reply :( I haven't the first clue when it comes to Assembly-CSharp editing but whenever I try and modify the file using dnspy, it refuses to compile.


Okay, I managed to get *one* entry to compile... and thankfully it's the most important one; frozen timer. The timer won't decrease in dungeons any longer :D Sadly I simply cannot get any of the other entries to compile and I'm absolutely lost when it comes to making heads and tails of the "map visibility" entries. Anyway, here's my modded Assembly-CSharp.dll with the timer disabled. I couldn't get "no ammo" working, nor "map visibility" (and didn't try with health/etc since I don't care about those)

Code: Select all
I'm sorry, the rest is just beyond me.


Okay, I figured it out - we can switch to the main.g.cs dropdown and then delete each RED X entry, those are seemingly broken and won't compile at all. You can even open the unmodded file in dnSpy and click compile without making any changes and it will still give red x errors. The yellow warning symbol can be ignored, the compiler will work anyhow :)

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ReCore: Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180

Post by Uhuru N'Uru »

After just getting this game in Steam Summer Sale, I was Surprised to discover only Windows Store Tables for this game, here despite others trying (and failing) to recompile the exe, because Cheat Engine was to difficult?!
WTF, they thought recompiling a DRM protected game would be easier?

Anyway, being all in favour of taking an actual easy root, I looked elsewhere for someone else doing the hard work for me.
Found a working table, for Steam version, so as none exist here, I'm posting the details.

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180

Post by TG1K986 »

That site is not source! And here was it only place, that I shared in comments. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7418&start=15

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180

Post by STN »

Uhuru N'Uru wrote:
Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:15 pm
After just getting this game in Steam Summer Sale, I was Surprised to discover only Windows Store Tables for this game, here despite others trying (and failing) to recompile the exe, because Cheat Engine was to difficult?!
WTF, they thought recompiling a DRM protected game would be easier?

Anyway, being all in favour of taking an actual easy root, I looked elsewhere for someone else doing the hard work for me.
Found a working table, for Steam version, so as none exist here, I'm posting the details.
Huh. Not sure why you zipped the few Kbs cheat table instead of uploading it here. Also since the table actually exists here, i merged the topic here and removed the links which actually were copying the table from here.

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Re: ReCore: Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180

Post by Uhuru N'Uru »

TG1K986 wrote:
Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:33 pm
That site is not source! And here was it only place, that I shared in comments. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7418&start=15
Missed that buried as it was in this thread, the one I had looked at as well, but with all the posts on this last page, being from users trying to get a working Steam version , it never occurred to me, that there was one already posted on first page, and ironically the same CT I found on by searching outside of Fearless Revolution site.

By the way your link didn't take me to your post, it just went to top of this pagr.
This link opens at your post
ReCore: Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180 by TG1K986

Thanks for the Table, and I apologise for my SNAFU again.

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Re: ReCore – Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180 – Working Jump by TG1K986

Post by Uhuru N'Uru »

After the recent posts, I downloaded TG1K986's Steam Table, from the post lined below.
ReCore: Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180 by TG1K986

On trying it I ran into a problem, the Jump option does not work, so I went to comparing it with the version I got elsewhere.
The other version seems to be an older version, and may also have been edited by an unnamed 3rd party.

"Freeze HP (first get some hit, then activate)"
Options identical, but other version lacks the bracketed instruction

"Freeze Timer (Activate in dungeon)"
Options identical, but other version lacks the bracketed instruction

"Energy (buggy, when ON, item not goes to inventory)"
Totally missing from other version

All are superior in the version hosted here, and linked above.

Then we come to the Jump Option(s)

Both have this Jump Entry that doesn't work, which looks like this

In Cheat Engine, with the CT, and Game Running
Jump … P->???????? … 4 Bytes … ??

In the code the broken address is

The other table has 3 additional Jump entries, which all seem to work individually,
I've played most of the game with all three activated, without issue

In Cheat Engine, with the CT, and Game Running, All three working Entries show
Jump … P->7AC58A28 … 4 Bytes … 0

In the code the 1st working address is

In the code the 2nd working address is

In the code the 2nd working address is

Original Single Jump Entry Code

Code: Select all

      <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
Four Jump Entry Code

Code: Select all

      <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
      <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
      <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
      <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
The current table is superior, for all the other entries, Jump is where it's failing for me.
So adding the working jump options makes sense, though I'm not sure we need all three.
I've seen no issues with activating all of them, and short tests with each one separately also work, so I've not removed any.
You can manually replace the Jump code using Copy & Paste, or use the Working Jump Table I've uploaded here

All credit goes to TG1K986, as no other authors credited, on the other site.
I have done nothing except merge the differences to get jump working.
The attachment ReCore - Working Jump.CT is no longer available
I'm not sure why the post says attachment isn't available, I've just downloaded it, to check it is.
Maybe my previews, or changing the BBCode number for attachment=0 to 1 (used), and 2 (No visible effect) set a flag.
ReCore - Working Jump.CT
ReCore – Definitive Edition – Steam Build ID = 2250180 – Working Jump by TG1K986
(221.62 KiB) Downloaded 293 times

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