Minecraft Windows 10 edition 1.4.2 (1.4.0 is main update)

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Minecraft Windows 10 edition 1.4.2 (1.4.0 is main update)

Post by goff7blc »

* inf health

* inf hunger

* fly mode and/or no clip mode (toggle on/off)

* no fall dmg

maybe some how infinite items (maybe)

maybe a way to mod weapons & armor

spawn items

spawn mobs

running speed inc+ or dec-

jump higher

maybe a way to increase mob spawn rates cause (that the main reason i dislike Windows10 version the mob spawn rates are really bad they suck lol)

maybe a way to make an inf mob spawner?

The ones with a * in front of them are the main ones i want hte others would be awesome tho

Thank You

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