Updated table in next post; this one vvv only has mask, updated one has timer, lives and mask
This only tested on Crash 1 in nSane trilogy Steam; and it's only the mask value. Setting it to 3 doesn't give you invincibility as far as I've tested but you can try to keep it at 2 the entire time and when you pick up a new mask maybe it'll give you invincibility. Haven't tested much but it will work if you start a level with no mask, setting it to 2 will give you 2 hits.
Idk if this is going to work for anyone, but I'll post it anyway. I have had almost no luck whittling down pointers for this address on my end after shutting down game multiple times. So, I'll just walk you through how to do it along with this table.
Have CE ready to go, enter first level (or easy level with 3 boxes of masks).
Get first mask box then search for value of 1 (4 bytes). 2nd box will be value of 2,
value = 3 will be invincibility mode. So after pickup first mask, search for 1, then pick up next mask and search for 2, then try to get hit by turtle, search for 1, then go pick up the last box (avoid the turtle) and search for 2 again. then get hit by turtle and search for 1. By this time you should find two addresses. Usually the top 1 is the correct one and the 2nd one on the list is just reading from the top address. So jump down a hole to restart level, then set one of the addresss to 2 and go find a turtle to bump into and see if it works.
Once you have the address, add it to your list if you haven't already (double left click or right click > add to addresslist)
once it's on your address list, right click and select 'pointer scan for this address'. There will be a lot of options but default is fine for this. just hit ok and you'll be prompted to save a .PTR file. If you're not, you've done something wrong. Save the file to a place you can find it, call it something recognizable. Then it will list a bunch of pointers to the address. You can then try to whittle down this saved file list. The best way is to completely get out of the game and then go back to the earlier steps of finding the mask address. Once you have the mask address, then right click to find pointer but make sure you hit cancel instead of ok to be placed in the Pointer Scan window. then just go to file > open and bring up your saved PTR file. after that's loaded, go to the top menu bar of the Pointer Scan window and select Pointer Scanner > ReScan Memory. It will then opt for an address. So you need to go back to the main CE application and double left click the address to copy and paste the NEW address you found for the masks into the pointer scanner rescan option then hit okay. It should remove some. At this point, you can just pick one of these pointers by double left clicking and it will set it into your main CE address list. You can continue this process as much as you need but I haven't seen it change.
I will also mention that you can find the address that keeps track of deaths and you can change this value so the game thinks you didn't die (by keeping it at zero) before you end the level. However, there seems to be another value (probably a boolean) that triggers upon death so it's not going to give you the Gem at the end. Since starting with a value of 0 brings back 20 billion results, starting to look at zero across the entire process is a bad idea. If you're desperate to find it, maybe just search the exe or try to find it within the values around the mask value. If I find it, i'll post it but again, idk how good it will be.