Oh, I play with Xbox controller, but YES, everything works. Did not know that you can choose the power of the Green Stars, after an item is skipped by too many green stars. I'll try it out. But the table works so far perfectly
Which would be helpful, at least for me, if one could modify these green points (speed, drones, addons, plasma, etc.) individually. Then this table would be perfect for me. Can you please add that?
Was noch hilfreich wäre, jedenfalls für mich, wenn man diese Grüne Punkte (Speed, Drones, Addons, Plasma usw.) einzeln modifizieren könnte. Dann wäre dieser Table für mich perfekt. Kannst Du das bitte noch hinzufügen?
Each ship has different maximum values for these green stats. Safe option is to provide setting for each stat to set to max value(for that ship). e.g. setSpeedToMax, setMissilesToMax, setDronesToMax etc.
If you want to enter numbers manually, then you'll have to refer to ships max value first. If you enter wrong value then I don't know how the game will react.
I'll provide settings for each stat to set to max value for the current ship. Is it ok?
Edit: The problem with "Maxed Out Green" is that I do get life, but getting back to the other items is extremely difficult. In addition, as soon as I go back in the items, he drops a green star, but as soon as I accidentally pick it up again, the whole green bar is gray and useless, even if I pick up another green star. Therefore, my request to make the individual items modifiable or at least to bring to the maximum.
Last edited by Pernicies on Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In the game terminology the points on green bar are called 'power up'. Using these powerups you increase ship stats, like speed.
[QUOTE="Pernicies, post: 50730, member: 888"]Would be great
I've added max option for all powerUps(green points). For example, 'Max Speed' will set '_speed' to '_maximumSpeed'. You can increase _maximumSpeed by using 'Add on' 9th power up on green bar.
[QUOTE="Pernicies, post: 50730, member: 888"]
Edit: The problem with "Maxed Out Green" is that I do get life, but getting back to the other items is extremely difficult. In addition, as soon as I go back in the items, he drops a green star, but as soon as I accidentally pick it up again, the whole green bar is gray and useless, even if I pick up another green star.
Therefore, my request to make the individual items modifiable or at least to bring to the maximum.[/QUOTE]
Yup, added a new option to modify individual items on green bar. See '[B]Selected PowerUP[/B] ' in latest table.
Now you can directly select desired powerUp(green point) in cheat table, and in game just keep activating it(right click).
You could increase each stat up to 16. Be careful with speed. Don't max it to 16, or you won't be able to control the ship. ?
Also don't forget to use "Add On", 9th power up on green bar:
Was checking your table today (am not playing the game, but we've had some encounters on the board) out of curiosity. I got a suggestion that might help you bring a bit of order in what you're doing (not that it doesn't work the way you thought it). I was checking this out: [I]Counter Attack _ script V3[/I].
While this may be nice and dandy, don't you wanna do the scan [I]only in the PlayerMovement: PlayHaxAnimation function[/I]. What I mean by this: determine where PlayerMovement: PlayHaxAnimation function ends :) Instead of 0xFF (again, I know using a high enough range would suffice).
Here's what I did in the [B]BattleTech[/B] script of mine (will explain):
[*]first-up I found this custom Lua [B]AOBScanEx[/B] function that accepts as parameters a start and end (among other parameters)
[code]local function AOBScanEx( aob, p, a, n, s, e, pb )
local p, a, n, s, e = p or '*X*W', a or fsmNotAligned, n or '0', s or 0x0, e or 0xffffffffffffffff
local ms = pb and createMemScan( pb ) or createMemScan()
local fl = createFoundList( ms )
ms.firstScan( soExactValue, vtByteArray, nil, aob, nil, s, e, p, a, n, true, false, false, false )
local result = nil
if fl ~= nil and fl.getCount() > 0 then
result = createStringlist()
for i = 1, fl.getCount() do result.add( fl.getAddress( i-1 ) ) end
return result
[*]you may check it out here: [URL]https://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=577536[/URL] (I'm not quite sure if [I]aobscanregion[/I] does the trick instead of this, but you'd have to call ASM from Lua - - as in [I]autoAssemble([[ .. ]])[/I])
[*]then I used this to start a scan for a pattern (just like you do) from function's [B]prologue[/B]; and what I looked for is a [I]jump[/I] somewhat close to the prologue, a condition based on which function would leap to the [B]epilogue[/B]; I'm aware not all functions might have a conditional like this, but in my situation this worked
[*]if you're not in a scenario like the above one, a [B]C3[/B] ([B]RET[/B]) should do
Then I wrote this:
[code]local function AOBScanEx( aob, p, a, n, s, e, pb )
local p, a, n, s, e = p or '*X*W', a or fsmNotAligned, n or '0', s or 0x0, e or 0xffffffffffffffff
local ms = pb and createMemScan( pb ) or createMemScan()
local fl = createFoundList( ms )
ms.firstScan( soExactValue, vtByteArray, nil, aob, nil, s, e, p, a, n, true, false, false, false )
local result = nil
if fl ~= nil and fl.getCount() > 0 then
result = createStringlist()
for i = 1, fl.getCount() do result.add( fl.getAddress( i-1 ) ) end
return result
local prologue = getAddress( "BattleTech.UI:CombatDebugHUD:SetGodMode" )
local getJMP = AOBScanEx( "45 33 ED E9 ?? ?? ?? ??", nil, nil, nil, prologue, prologue+0x100 )
Explanation per line, starting from [I]local[/I] [I]prologue[/I]:
[*]go to prologue of BattleTech.UI:CombatDebugHUD:SetGodMode function
[*]scan for 45 33 ED E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? from prologue till prologue+0x100 (see, I too use a range high enough)
[*]when found, convert result from string to qword and offset it by 0x3 (to get to E9 ?? ?? ?? ??, which is a JMP)
[*]to get to the destination of the JMP, the formula is: current line address + the bytes past the identifier (E9 in this case) + size of opcode (E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? = 5 bytes); so addr + readInteger(addr + 1) + 5 == destination address
[*]scan for C3 from destination address to find function RET (thus the epilogue) - - again, am using a range high enough (+0x100)
[*]convert found address from string to qword
[*]find F3 0F 10 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 between prologue and epilogue, thus only inside our function
Done :D
Take it or leave it :p
Last edited by SunBeam on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
Check out my tables from time to time, you might find goodies in there. Don't mind if you use them; just keep the credits in, as I do, since some are not my creation.
Last edited by SunBeam on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
[QUOTE="koderkrazy, post: 50784, member: 18664"]Yup, added a new option to modify individual items on green bar. See '[B]Selected PowerUP[/B] ' in latest table.
Now you can directly select desired powerUp(green point) in cheat table, and in game just keep activating it(right click).
You could increase each stat up to 16. Be careful with speed. Don't max it to 16, or you won't be able to control the ship. ?
Also don't forget to use "Add On", 9th power up on green bar:[/QUOTE]