Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash

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Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash

Post by Cyber »

Just a simple table for Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash

Note: This table is mostly for single player in Single Splash and Multi Splash.

  • Inf. HP (Hotkey: Num 1), Enter Power Mode (Hotkey: Caps Lock) - Clear enough*.
  • No Card Cooldown (Hotkey: Num 3), Inf. Platform HP (Hotkey: Num 4), OHKO (Hotkey: Num 5) - Clear enough*.
  • Set P1 Buff/Debuff Duration to 900 (Hotkey: F2) and Set P1 Buff/Debuff Duration to 0 (Hotkey: F3) - Clear enough*.
  • Quick Respawn - Quickly respawn any character to the respawn point when she falls in battle*.
  • Instant Revival - Instantly revive any character when she falls in battle*.
  • Ignore Zeni and Medal while Shopping (Hotkey: Num 6) - Clear enough**.
  • Infinite Duplicate Cards (Hotkey: Num 7) - You need at least 1 duplicate card**.
  • You can customize Player 2- Player 10 (CPU) in Multi-Splash. The steps:
    • Add CPU then activate "Player Status" main script
    • Open Player Customization and configure CPU settings.
  • Previous method is kind of slow since you can't save CPU settings in Multi-Splash but you can save your favorite deck for CPU via script. The steps:
    • Right click "Player Status" script and choose change script.
    • Search for this line "Player Favorite Deck". Below the line is settings for Player 2 - Player 10 (CPU).
    • Now you just need to edit the value between "#" and //Enter ... according your preferences. I have provided ID for weapon model, weapon type, and weapon card inside the script, at the bottom. Weapon model, type, and card must match one with another. So if weapon model is shotgun lv.9, weapon type must be shotgun, and weapon card must be shotgun lv.9. As for skill card and pet card, you can use "Card ID Scanner" to scan the ID by opening change card and highlight the card. When you have configured CPU settings, click OK then save the table.
    • Next time you play Multi-Splash with CPU after/before adding CPU you can press Num 0 to load favorite deck that you have configured before for CPU.
  • You can adjust mouse sensitivity above 1 (max normal value). You can save this setting.
  • <Experimental> You can play ranked mode with CPU. The steps:
    • Open experimental in table then copy all the content under the empty box
    • Activate "Player Status" then paste all the content you copy before to "Starting Point" value.
  • <Experimental> You can play as Sayuri. The steps:
    • Load your save game and stay in the main menu.
    • Activate "Player Status" Script" and change your "Character" to Sayuri (value: 27)***.
  • Grunt HP +
    Increase grunt HP in multisplash by + value
*: You need to activate "Battle Status" script first.
**: You need to activate "Player Status" script first.
***: The game will crash if you change your deck while using Sayuri so you must change your character first.

Thanks to FreeEr for his lua script.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
v 1.08
(169.96 KiB) Downloaded 1465 times
v 1.06
(508.34 KiB) Downloaded 299 times
Last edited by Cyber on Fri Feb 07, 2020 4:15 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash v1.06

Post by rigan »

could you make or update this to work at V1.07

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Re: Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash v1.06

Post by Cyber »

Updated for v 1.08

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