Well hope i made working pointers. Should work both in mission and in lobby (safer while in mission but you need to finish it).
Values of "Attribute Points" pointers both don't match values shown in game and its normal just use one of them. Also pointers may not work after loading new character so you need to exit to main menu and load character again.
-Passive points pointer
-Attribute points pointers
-Attributes pointers
-Infinite Inoculator charges script
To permanently increase attributes beyond "hardcoded" limit you need to set attribute points higher than sum of desired value of all attributes, then set "Attribute Points Invested" pointers to desired value, then close character window (its important cos values will reset in next step if you dont close it), then add or remove point to any attribute to make game accept changes.
For example, to increase all three attributes by 50 set attribute points to 150+, then set one attribute to 51 and other two to 50, then close character window, then remove (in character window) one point from attribute which was set to 51, et voila! If you did it in mission you should finish it like normal to save changes.
Well guys i finally cracked passive points. Lack of skills doesn't allow me to make simple pointer so there is an instruction -
attach .ct to process, click 'Advanced Options' in bottom left corner of CE window, in new window right click on address and click 'Find out what addresses this code writes to', if CE ask permission to attach debugger - press yes, new window should open, go to game and open "Passives" tab, go to CE, one address should appear ??? profit. There are your passive points. Set desired value, distribute points then you better restart game cos attached debugger eventually makes game to crash
PS Do this in mission cos game recalculate values after leaving "Passives" tab while you in lobby
PSS Also i found a way to PERMANENTLY change attributes but method way more complicated so im not sure that i can explain it in english