Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by bug_me_not »

Toadmaster15 wrote:
Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:45 am
Tried both WPE pro and wireshark and none of them worked (WPE don't even recognize mobius as a running .exe because it's not listed to sniff). So, as I said, we've got to wait for Goghor to give us this fantastic trick
tbh, wireshark always worked, but thats just a tool. u seeing encrypted packets, so u need to decrypt that first. need sender key, so u can read with normal letter/words

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by sweetstyle »

if Gohhor help us it will be a jackpot for everyone and we will not be greedy because than we can pull our desired cards and throw trash other cards away on ther hand i am surprised SE generate gacha list for account to have trash cards :cry:

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by DarkLord268 »

I hope that Goghor will help us about this mechanics. We will wait him.

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by qiqichenx »

hello, i wonder if there is a way to modified any ability card to the max stats?

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Disable EW Job Usage Check

Post by Goghor »

Hi again, what a busy day...

I wanna share again this time is for disabling Job Usage Check on EW (Phantasmic Loop: Endless War). By default, we can use only 1 job on each Battle, now with this hack we can always use our favourite job infinitely like I'm doing always using my Supreme Job: Cloud Strife because it has 20% EXP Bonus :D
Disable EW Job Usage Check

Code: Select all

{ Game   : mobiusff.exe
  Date   : 2018-10-19
  Author : Goghor

  Disable EW Job Usage Check


aobscan(NoJobCheck,0F B7 00 85 C0 0F 84 33) // should be unique



  xor eax,eax
  test eax,eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 0F B7 00 85 C0



""+2269713C: 83 3E 00                       -  cmp dword ptr [rsi],00
""+2269713F: 48 0F BF BE F4 00 00 00        -  movsx rdi,word ptr [rsi+000000F4]
""+22697147: 45 33 FF                       -  xor r15d,r15d
""+2269714A: E9 47 00 00 00                 -  jmp DatasheetApi:ContainsJobCategoryHistory+d6
""+2269714F: 90                             -  nop 
""+22697150: 49 8B 46 58                    -  mov rax,[r14+58]
""+22697154: 49 63 CF                       -  movsxd  rcx,r15d
""+22697157: 39 48 18                       -  cmp [rax+18],ecx
""+2269715A: 0F 86 68 00 00 00              -  jbe DatasheetApi:ContainsJobCategoryHistory+108
""+22697160: 48 8D 44 48 20                 -  lea rax,[rax+rcx*2+20]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
""+22697165: 0F B7 00                       -  movzx eax,word ptr [rax]
""+22697168: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
""+2269716A: 0F 84 33 00 00 00              -  je DatasheetApi:ContainsJobCategoryHistory+e3
""+22697170: 49 8B 46 58                    -  mov rax,[r14+58]
""+22697174: 49 63 CF                       -  movsxd  rcx,r15d
""+22697177: 39 48 18                       -  cmp [rax+18],ecx
""+2269717A: 0F 86 31 00 00 00              -  jbe DatasheetApi:ContainsJobCategoryHistory+f1
""+22697180: 48 8D 44 48 20                 -  lea rax,[rax+rcx*2+20]
""+22697185: 0F B7 00                       -  movzx eax,word ptr [rax]
""+22697188: 3B C7                          -  cmp eax,edi
""+2269718A: 75 07                          -  jne DatasheetApi:ContainsJobCategoryHistory+d3
""+2269718C: B8 01 00 00 00                 -  mov eax,00000001
Original Function Reference

Code: Select all

public static bool ContainsJobCategoryHistory(string jobId)
	DbManager.RegionSaveData regionSaveData = Mevius.Db.Api.GetRegionSaveData();
	C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 c648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b = C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(jobId);
	if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b.m36b86ab5f6c6964d7e7d37c608c2b76c()))
		c648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b = C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(c648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b.m36b86ab5f6c6964d7e7d37c608c2b76c());
	int num = (int)c648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b.m9704a55ee28a3e8d29373c1de3ceb1de();
	for (int i = 0; i < regionSaveData.jobCardCategoryHistory.Length; i++)
		if (regionSaveData.jobCardCategoryHistory[i] == 0)
		if ((int)regionSaveData.jobCardCategoryHistory[i] == num)
			return true;
	return false;

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by DarkLord268 »

EW, they can check the clearing number from your ID ranking. they will check you if you have many clearing number such as 300 loops up. How will you prevent it? Or Is it possible the cheat code for fixing clearing number?

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by Shiranui »

Goghor wrote:
Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:41 pm
DarkLord268 wrote:
Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:27 pm
I don't know that there is a cheat table for increasing in magicite drop rate or frequent drop rate while we're farming. Because 20,000 magicite farming per month is so hard to collect if you don't run every days or use Bot program.
Why is Magic Stone (Magicite) so important to you buddy?

I'm playing the game for the gameplay & stories, I don't even have extremely awesome Job or Ability card since I'm playing with Cheats & using whatever card I want. And it's still fun.

PS: I'm playing with Cheats both on PC & Smartphone, and it's still fun enough; the story, is the one I really enjoyed.
Mobius FF Android
I'll share another reference:

Max Card Auto Enhance Slots is 16

Code: Select all

int residentInteger2 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("AutoCompSlotMax", 16);
16 Card Auto Enhance Slots
Max Weapon Auto Enhance Slots is 16

Code: Select all

int residentInteger = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("WeaponSlotMax", 16);
16 Weapon Auto Enhance Slots
Hello! Thanks for sharing this, but how do you use them? I don't think they're scripts for cheat engine. @_@

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by Goghor »

How do I know if I'm about to get any Job Card summon?
Job Card Result

Code: Select all

public static Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType GetGachaResultType(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 2) == 2)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB;
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_ABILITY;

public static DbManager.JobCardInfo GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(int index)
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetJobCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((4095 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
	return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);
How do I know if I'm about to get any Ability Card summon?
Ability Card Result

Code: Select all

public static DbManager.CardInfo GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult[index] & 32768) == 32768)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 4) == 4)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((32767 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
	return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
More Clues

Code: Select all

case GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_Wait:
	if (Mevius.Gui.Util.IsExistTaskId(ref this.m_TaskId))
	if (base._CheckNetworkConnection())
		NetworkManager.SessionResultType sessionResult = Mevius.Network.Api.GetSessionResult();
		if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_NONE && Mevius.Db.Api.IsGachaSuccess())
			if (!this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_ScratchCount = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaCardCount();
			this.m_rareResult = false;
			this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[0];
			int num24 = 0;
			int num25 = -1;
			this.m_RewardStoneCountedUp = false;
			DbManager.BackupReward backupReward = Mevius.Db.Api.GetBackupReward();
			for (int num26 = 0; num26 < this.m_ScratchCount; num26++)
				if (this.IsSkillGacha)
					SkillCardGacha.GachaResult skillGachaResult = Mevius.Db.Api.GetSkillGachaResult(num26);
					if (skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1 > num24)
						num24 = skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1;
					if (num24 >= this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
				else if (Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaResultType(num26) == Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB)
					DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(num26);
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.get_count == 1u)
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isClassChangeCardNew())
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isAvatarJob())
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
					DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(num26);
					int cardIndexByName = Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardIndexByName(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
					if (!backupReward.get_receive_card(cardIndexByName) || Mevius.Db.Api.IsClassChangeCard(num26))
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						int num27 = (!Mevius.Gui.Api.IsServiceWorldWide()) ? 5 : 4;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().m67848041ff9f182f0939a2860264272d() >= num27)
							if (num24 < 2)
								num24 = 2;
						else if (num24 < 1)
							num24 = 1;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().me82baaf68246a911ff06abeca30677f1() > 0)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
			if (this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle1";
				this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[num24];
				if (num24 == 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent", 30);
				else if (num24 == 2)
					if (Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_new_lv5_cut_enable", 0) > 0)
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[2];
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[3];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
					this.m_rarityCutName = "ev_0000_360";
					num25 = 100;
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle2";
				if (this.m_rareResult && (ulong)(Mevius.Common.Random.GetInstance().GetUnsignedInteger() % 100u) <= (ulong)((long)num25))
					this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle3";
			this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_OnScratch, false);
			Mevius.Gui.Util.SetText(this.m_TouchScreenLabel, Mevius.Gui.Util.GetGuiText("$scratch_018"));
			this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_CutBegin;
		else if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_TERM_OUT)
			int num28 = Mevius.Gui.Util.CheckMessageBox(ref this.m_MsgHandle, "$syoukan_011", "$syoukan_006", GuiMessageBox.Buttons.OK, GuiMessageBox.Skin.Default, false, GuiMessageBox.DefaultFromTextButtonSE, Mevius.Gui.Constants.SoundEffectKind.system_se_window_in, false);
			if (num28 >= 0)
				this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_Common, false);
				this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.WaitSelect;
			this.m_Status = this.m_StatusMemo;
How do I use that?

Make sure I am familiar with Cheat Engine, activate Mono Features. Look/search at that APIs posted above, play with function Breakpoint, dump the stack, etc. Still hard? Learn Cheat Engine tutorial on YouTube, you gain more knowledge more power. Not spoonfeded :D

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);

Am I getting a Rare (already owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5Cut = "ev_0000_350";
Look up ev_0000_350 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare (never owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5NewCut = "ev_0000_345";
Look up ev_0000_345 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare 5+Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv6Cut = "ev_0000_360";
Look up ev_0000_360 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a Normal TRASH Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_NormalResultCut = "ev_0000_330";
Look up ev_0000_330 on the enumerated results.

And so on and so on and so on...

--- Supreme Card is categorised within c_RareLv6Cut

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by DarkLord268 »

Goghor wrote:
Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:49 pm
How do I know if I'm about to get any Job Card summon?
Job Card Result

Code: Select all

public static Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType GetGachaResultType(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 2) == 2)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB;
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_ABILITY;

public static DbManager.JobCardInfo GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(int index)
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetJobCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((4095 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
	return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);
How do I know if I'm about to get any Ability Card summon?
Ability Card Result

Code: Select all

public static DbManager.CardInfo GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult[index] & 32768) == 32768)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 4) == 4)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((32767 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
	return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
More Clues

Code: Select all

case GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_Wait:
	if (Mevius.Gui.Util.IsExistTaskId(ref this.m_TaskId))
	if (base._CheckNetworkConnection())
		NetworkManager.SessionResultType sessionResult = Mevius.Network.Api.GetSessionResult();
		if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_NONE && Mevius.Db.Api.IsGachaSuccess())
			if (!this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_ScratchCount = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaCardCount();
			this.m_rareResult = false;
			this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[0];
			int num24 = 0;
			int num25 = -1;
			this.m_RewardStoneCountedUp = false;
			DbManager.BackupReward backupReward = Mevius.Db.Api.GetBackupReward();
			for (int num26 = 0; num26 < this.m_ScratchCount; num26++)
				if (this.IsSkillGacha)
					SkillCardGacha.GachaResult skillGachaResult = Mevius.Db.Api.GetSkillGachaResult(num26);
					if (skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1 > num24)
						num24 = skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1;
					if (num24 >= this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
				else if (Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaResultType(num26) == Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB)
					DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(num26);
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.get_count == 1u)
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isClassChangeCardNew())
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isAvatarJob())
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
					DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(num26);
					int cardIndexByName = Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardIndexByName(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
					if (!backupReward.get_receive_card(cardIndexByName) || Mevius.Db.Api.IsClassChangeCard(num26))
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						int num27 = (!Mevius.Gui.Api.IsServiceWorldWide()) ? 5 : 4;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().m67848041ff9f182f0939a2860264272d() >= num27)
							if (num24 < 2)
								num24 = 2;
						else if (num24 < 1)
							num24 = 1;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().me82baaf68246a911ff06abeca30677f1() > 0)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
			if (this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle1";
				this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[num24];
				if (num24 == 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent", 30);
				else if (num24 == 2)
					if (Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_new_lv5_cut_enable", 0) > 0)
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[2];
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[3];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
					this.m_rarityCutName = "ev_0000_360";
					num25 = 100;
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle2";
				if (this.m_rareResult && (ulong)(Mevius.Common.Random.GetInstance().GetUnsignedInteger() % 100u) <= (ulong)((long)num25))
					this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle3";
			this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_OnScratch, false);
			Mevius.Gui.Util.SetText(this.m_TouchScreenLabel, Mevius.Gui.Util.GetGuiText("$scratch_018"));
			this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_CutBegin;
		else if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_TERM_OUT)
			int num28 = Mevius.Gui.Util.CheckMessageBox(ref this.m_MsgHandle, "$syoukan_011", "$syoukan_006", GuiMessageBox.Buttons.OK, GuiMessageBox.Skin.Default, false, GuiMessageBox.DefaultFromTextButtonSE, Mevius.Gui.Constants.SoundEffectKind.system_se_window_in, false);
			if (num28 >= 0)
				this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_Common, false);
				this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.WaitSelect;
			this.m_Status = this.m_StatusMemo;
How do I use that?

Make sure I am familiar with Cheat Engine, activate Mono Features. Look/search at that APIs posted above, play with function Breakpoint, dump the stack, etc. Still hard? Learn Cheat Engine tutorial on YouTube, you gain more knowledge more power. Not spoonfeded :D

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);

Am I getting a Rare (already owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5Cut = "ev_0000_350";
Look up ev_0000_350 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare (never owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5NewCut = "ev_0000_345";
Look up ev_0000_345 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare 5+Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv6Cut = "ev_0000_360";
Look up ev_0000_360 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a Normal TRASH Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_NormalResultCut = "ev_0000_330";
Look up ev_0000_330 on the enumerated results.

And so on and so on and so on...

--- Supreme Card is categorised within c_RareLv6Cut
Thank you Goghor for your kindness.

I’m a very new user for CE and I’m studying about the method. Can you please suggest the video or something about using your code? I will try to do it.

Thank you again

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by Zackaryiel »

Good morning, everyone,

First of all I wanted to thank you for the cheat mobius and the download link.

Thanks also to Gohor, for all his research, unfortunately I am French and I can't really understand how to search and change the codes you have made available to Gohor...

Could you integrate them into the cheat engine and upload them to us as on page 1?

Or a tuto?

Thank you for your work

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by xaionhia »

Hi guys, I've made a simple tutorial how to use "strings".
Open CE, Select the game, click in Mono, after active "active mono features".
1° take the "string". Ex: AutoCompSlotMax or c_RareLv6Cut, whatever.
2° Follow the steps.

3° This steps is to find a strings, only that. Good luck guys!
Last edited by xaionhia on Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by Shiranui »

xaionhia wrote:
Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:51 pm
Hi guys, I've made a simple tutorial how to use "strings".
Open CE, Select the game, click in Mono, after active "active mono features".
1° take the "string". Ex: AutoCompSlotMax or c_RareLv6Cut, whatever.
2° Follow the steps.

3° This steps is to find a strings, only that. Good luck guys!
Thanks for this! I've just gone through the cheat engine tutorial but have yet to do the last part of it, but this definitely helps add up to what I know now, lol.

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by DarkLord268 »

xaionhia wrote:
Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:51 pm
Hi guys, I've made a simple tutorial how to use "strings".
Open CE, Select the game, click in Mono, after active "active mono features".
1° take the "string". Ex: AutoCompSlotMax or c_RareLv6Cut, whatever.
2° Follow the steps.

3° This steps is to find a strings, only that. Good luck guys!
Thank you for your sharing
I created the code from string by following your pictures. and I have a questions.

1. How do we see the result of this code while pulling the cards? or Will it show in the cheat engine program?
2. Is it possible If you have more pictures about the result of this code, it will be easy to understand?

Thank you for your kindness again

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by Zackaryiel »

I managed to do the steps unfortunately during the research I had a lot of address and I blocked here:


how to know what selected?

Can you give a full and precise explanation if possible?
I would very much like to anticipate what I will gain in card

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by sweetstyle »

After Spending 2 days on Goghor provided information it is concluded he is only wasting time of everyone by posting fake information about gacha and weapon slots it is hard for him to post a video and easy to write false info because he fears due to false claims.

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