Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by sweetstyle »

Goghor wrote:
Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:49 pm
How do I know if I'm about to get any Job Card summon?
Job Card Result

Code: Select all

public static Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType GetGachaResultType(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 2) == 2)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB;
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_ABILITY;

public static DbManager.JobCardInfo GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(int index)
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetJobCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((4095 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
	return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);
How do I know if I'm about to get any Ability Card summon?
Ability Card Result

Code: Select all

public static DbManager.CardInfo GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult[index] & 32768) == 32768)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 4) == 4)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((32767 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
	return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
More Clues

Code: Select all

case GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_Wait:
	if (Mevius.Gui.Util.IsExistTaskId(ref this.m_TaskId))
	if (base._CheckNetworkConnection())
		NetworkManager.SessionResultType sessionResult = Mevius.Network.Api.GetSessionResult();
		if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_NONE && Mevius.Db.Api.IsGachaSuccess())
			if (!this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_ScratchCount = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaCardCount();
			this.m_rareResult = false;
			this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[0];
			int num24 = 0;
			int num25 = -1;
			this.m_RewardStoneCountedUp = false;
			DbManager.BackupReward backupReward = Mevius.Db.Api.GetBackupReward();
			for (int num26 = 0; num26 < this.m_ScratchCount; num26++)
				if (this.IsSkillGacha)
					SkillCardGacha.GachaResult skillGachaResult = Mevius.Db.Api.GetSkillGachaResult(num26);
					if (skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1 > num24)
						num24 = skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1;
					if (num24 >= this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
				else if (Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaResultType(num26) == Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB)
					DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(num26);
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.get_count == 1u)
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isClassChangeCardNew())
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isAvatarJob())
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
					DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(num26);
					int cardIndexByName = Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardIndexByName(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
					if (!backupReward.get_receive_card(cardIndexByName) || Mevius.Db.Api.IsClassChangeCard(num26))
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						int num27 = (!Mevius.Gui.Api.IsServiceWorldWide()) ? 5 : 4;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().m67848041ff9f182f0939a2860264272d() >= num27)
							if (num24 < 2)
								num24 = 2;
						else if (num24 < 1)
							num24 = 1;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().me82baaf68246a911ff06abeca30677f1() > 0)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
			if (this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle1";
				this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[num24];
				if (num24 == 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent", 30);
				else if (num24 == 2)
					if (Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_new_lv5_cut_enable", 0) > 0)
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[2];
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[3];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
					this.m_rarityCutName = "ev_0000_360";
					num25 = 100;
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle2";
				if (this.m_rareResult && (ulong)(Mevius.Common.Random.GetInstance().GetUnsignedInteger() % 100u) <= (ulong)((long)num25))
					this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle3";
			this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_OnScratch, false);
			Mevius.Gui.Util.SetText(this.m_TouchScreenLabel, Mevius.Gui.Util.GetGuiText("$scratch_018"));
			this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_CutBegin;
		else if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_TERM_OUT)
			int num28 = Mevius.Gui.Util.CheckMessageBox(ref this.m_MsgHandle, "$syoukan_011", "$syoukan_006", GuiMessageBox.Buttons.OK, GuiMessageBox.Skin.Default, false, GuiMessageBox.DefaultFromTextButtonSE, Mevius.Gui.Constants.SoundEffectKind.system_se_window_in, false);
			if (num28 >= 0)
				this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_Common, false);
				this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.WaitSelect;
			this.m_Status = this.m_StatusMemo;
How do I use that?

Make sure I am familiar with Cheat Engine, activate Mono Features. Look/search at that APIs posted above, play with function Breakpoint, dump the stack, etc. Still hard? Learn Cheat Engine tutorial on YouTube, you gain more knowledge more power. Not spoonfeded :D

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);

Am I getting a Rare (already owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5Cut = "ev_0000_350";
Look up ev_0000_350 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare (never owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5NewCut = "ev_0000_345";
Look up ev_0000_345 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare 5+Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv6Cut = "ev_0000_360";
Look up ev_0000_360 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a Normal TRASH Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_NormalResultCut = "ev_0000_330";
Look up ev_0000_330 on the enumerated results.

And so on and so on and so on...

--- Supreme Card is categorised within c_RareLv6Cut
Can anybody make a video of this cheat so we can learn this method

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by s4ker01 »

Disable EndlessWar Job Usage Check is not wrking
Pls check this error.
Thank a lot

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by MBRKiNG »

Table Update : 16/11/2018
-added SP Full Mobius Zone bar code (INT ver)

Disable EndlessWar Job Usage Check is working there was no update, just start 1st one EW Battle and enable

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by DiegoFBLima »

MBRKING, there's any chance to add those function made by Goghor to see the cards you'll be able to pull before pulling into the main Table?

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by babbo12345 »

MBRKiNG wrote:
Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:22 pm
Table Update : 16/11/2018
-added SP Full Mobius Zone bar code (INT ver)

Disable EndlessWar Job Usage Check is working there was no update, just start 1st one EW Battle and enable
Thanks for the update :D

btw can you teach me how to change the below lua script from 'ctrl key' to xbox360 control 'Y' button?

Code: Select all


function checkKeys(timer)
  if (isKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) then
    if lastspeed ~= 13 then
    if lastspeed ~= 1 then


timer_setInterval(t, 100)
timer_onTimer(t, checkKeys)
timer_setEnabled(t, true)

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by MBRKiNG »


Code: Select all

   VK_PAD_A = 0x5800
    VK_PAD_B = 0x5801
    VK_PAD_X = 0x5802
    VK_PAD_Y = 0x5803
    VK_PAD_RSHOULDER = 0x5804
    VK_PAD_LSHOULDER = 0x5805
    VK_PAD_LTRIGGER = 0x5806
    VK_PAD_RTRIGGER = 0x5807
    VK_PAD_DPAD_UP = 0x5810
    VK_PAD_DPAD_DOWN = 0x5811
    VK_PAD_DPAD_LEFT = 0x5812
    VK_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x5813
    VK_PAD_START = 0x5814
    VK_PAD_BACK = 0x5815
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_PRESS = 0x5816
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_PRESS = 0x5817
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UP = 0x5820
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWN = 0x5821
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT = 0x5822
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_LEFT = 0x5823
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UP = 0x5830
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN = 0x5831
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT = 0x5832
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_LEFT = 0x5833
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNLEFT = 0x5837            

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by babbo12345 »

MBRKiNG wrote:
Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:02 am

Code: Select all

   VK_PAD_A = 0x5800
    VK_PAD_B = 0x5801
    VK_PAD_X = 0x5802
    VK_PAD_Y = 0x5803
    VK_PAD_RSHOULDER = 0x5804
    VK_PAD_LSHOULDER = 0x5805
    VK_PAD_LTRIGGER = 0x5806
    VK_PAD_RTRIGGER = 0x5807
    VK_PAD_DPAD_UP = 0x5810
    VK_PAD_DPAD_DOWN = 0x5811
    VK_PAD_DPAD_LEFT = 0x5812
    VK_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x5813
    VK_PAD_START = 0x5814
    VK_PAD_BACK = 0x5815
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_PRESS = 0x5816
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_PRESS = 0x5817
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UP = 0x5820
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWN = 0x5821
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT = 0x5822
    VK_PAD_LTHUMB_LEFT = 0x5823
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UP = 0x5830
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN = 0x5831
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT = 0x5832
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_LEFT = 0x5833
    VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNLEFT = 0x5837            

mean i only need to change vk_control to vk_pad_Y?

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by ken79 »

Hi MBRKiNG, "god mode only" is not working on sub deck. I've tried activating it before and during battle.

I'm using mainly sub deck. Is it possible to make god mode in sub deck? Thanks alot!

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by 7222057 »


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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by overdose »

7222057 wrote:
Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:51 am
works for me

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by MBRKiNG »

Table Update : 01/12/2018

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by DiegoFBLima »

Goghor wrote:
Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:49 pm
How do I know if I'm about to get any Job Card summon?
Job Card Result

Code: Select all

public static Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType GetGachaResultType(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 2) == 2)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB;
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_ABILITY;

public static DbManager.JobCardInfo GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(int index)
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetJobCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((4095 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
	return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);
How do I know if I'm about to get any Ability Card summon?
Ability Card Result

Code: Select all

public static DbManager.CardInfo GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(int index)
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult[index] & 32768) == 32768)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	if ((DbManager._i._gachaResult2[index] & 4) == 4)
		return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfo("c" + ((int)(8191 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index])).ToString("D4"), false, false, false, false);
	return Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardInfoLoaclIndex((int)((32767 & DbManager._i._gachaResult[index]) - 1));

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
	DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
	return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
More Clues

Code: Select all

case GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_Wait:
	if (Mevius.Gui.Util.IsExistTaskId(ref this.m_TaskId))
	if (base._CheckNetworkConnection())
		NetworkManager.SessionResultType sessionResult = Mevius.Network.Api.GetSessionResult();
		if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_NONE && Mevius.Db.Api.IsGachaSuccess())
			if (!this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_ScratchCount = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaCardCount();
			this.m_rareResult = false;
			this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[0];
			int num24 = 0;
			int num25 = -1;
			this.m_RewardStoneCountedUp = false;
			DbManager.BackupReward backupReward = Mevius.Db.Api.GetBackupReward();
			for (int num26 = 0; num26 < this.m_ScratchCount; num26++)
				if (this.IsSkillGacha)
					SkillCardGacha.GachaResult skillGachaResult = Mevius.Db.Api.GetSkillGachaResult(num26);
					if (skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1 > num24)
						num24 = skillGachaResult.cardInfo.GetCardClass() - 1;
					if (num24 >= this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
				else if (Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaResultType(num26) == Mevius.Db.Api.GachaCardResultType.GachaCardResultType_JOB)
					DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(num26);
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.get_count == 1u)
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isClassChangeCardNew())
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						if (num24 < this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1;
					if (gachaJobCardResultInfo.isAvatarJob())
						num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
					DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(num26);
					int cardIndexByName = Mevius.Db.Api.GetCardIndexByName(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);
					if (!backupReward.get_receive_card(cardIndexByName) || Mevius.Db.Api.IsClassChangeCard(num26))
						this.m_rareResult = true;
						int num27 = (!Mevius.Gui.Api.IsServiceWorldWide()) ? 5 : 4;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().m67848041ff9f182f0939a2860264272d() >= num27)
							if (num24 < 2)
								num24 = 2;
						else if (num24 < 1)
							num24 = 1;
						if ((int)gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.getCard().me82baaf68246a911ff06abeca30677f1() > 0)
							num24 = this.m_RarityCutNames.Length;
			if (this.IsSkillGacha)
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle1";
				this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[num24];
				if (num24 == 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent", 30);
				else if (num24 == 2)
					if (Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_new_lv5_cut_enable", 0) > 0)
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[2];
						this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[3];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1)
					this.m_rarityCutName = this.m_RarityCutNames[this.m_RarityCutNames.Length - 1];
					num25 = Mevius.DataSheet.Api.GetResidentInteger("gacha_rare_motion_percent_lv5", 80);
				else if (num24 == this.m_RarityCutNames.Length)
					this.m_rarityCutName = "ev_0000_360";
					num25 = 100;
				this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle2";
				if (this.m_rareResult && (ulong)(Mevius.Common.Random.GetInstance().GetUnsignedInteger() % 100u) <= (ulong)((long)num25))
					this.m_scratchMotionName = "z_exidle3";
			this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_OnScratch, false);
			Mevius.Gui.Util.SetText(this.m_TouchScreenLabel, Mevius.Gui.Util.GetGuiText("$scratch_018"));
			this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.Scratch_CutBegin;
		else if (sessionResult == NetworkManager.SessionResultType.SessionResultType_TERM_OUT)
			int num28 = Mevius.Gui.Util.CheckMessageBox(ref this.m_MsgHandle, "$syoukan_011", "$syoukan_006", GuiMessageBox.Buttons.OK, GuiMessageBox.Skin.Default, false, GuiMessageBox.DefaultFromTextButtonSE, Mevius.Gui.Constants.SoundEffectKind.system_se_window_in, false);
			if (num28 >= 0)
				this._setMenuMode(GuiScratchMenu.MenuMode.Mode_Common, false);
				this.m_Status = GuiScratchMenu.Status.WaitSelect;
			this.m_Status = this.m_StatusMemo;
How do I use that?

Make sure I am familiar with Cheat Engine, activate Mono Features. Look/search at that APIs posted above, play with function Breakpoint, dump the stack, etc. Still hard? Learn Cheat Engine tutorial on YouTube, you gain more knowledge more power. Not spoonfeded :D

public static C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.C648971f118c7e1100318b6fb7ac13b59 GetGachaJobCardResult(int index)
DbManager.JobCardInfo gachaJobCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaJobCardResultInfo(index);
return C912567889466ef0cf80daa8b03815aff.Find(gachaJobCardResultInfo.card_name);

public static Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Cb7e018306898cacd6ff6351b58dd9425 GetGachaAbilityCardResult(int index)
DbManager.CardInfo gachaAbilityCardResultInfo = Mevius.Db.Api.GetGachaAbilityCardResultInfo(index);
return Cce76e2a43c381cdc7447ac7340578ed3.Find(gachaAbilityCardResultInfo.card_name);

Am I getting a Rare (already owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5Cut = "ev_0000_350";
Look up ev_0000_350 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare (never owned) 5* Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv5NewCut = "ev_0000_345";
Look up ev_0000_345 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a new Rare 5+Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_RareLv6Cut = "ev_0000_360";
Look up ev_0000_360 on the enumerated results.

Am I getting a Normal TRASH Card?

Code: Select all

public const string c_NormalResultCut = "ev_0000_330";
Look up ev_0000_330 on the enumerated results.

And so on and so on and so on...

--- Supreme Card is categorised within c_RareLv6Cut
Goghor, can you make a Youtube video showing how this work?

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by overdose »

Last edited by overdose on Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by youbetme »

I'm not convinced that we can make use of these gatcha functions to actually help us get all the stuff we want, here is my small rant.

My guess is that these functions exists to get the data from the server and that the actual information on what cards (or kind) you get when you pull is something that the client asks the server to provide and then these functions get the data and they get presented to the player.

It would also be really dumb to let the client decide what cards it gets for obivous reasons, not to mention that it would be really retarded from SE side, why in gods name would you to expose that when it's just a matter of time before hackers catch on to it and exploit it?

Try doing this: click on a banner so you get the popup where it says how much mag/summon tickets you have and press on summon, after that DO NOT click on the spinning thingy but instead kill the game and then log back in and you will see that you got new cards and even perhaps a job if you're lucky etc etc.

What i'm trying to say if that it *seems* like the server tells your client at the moment you click on "summon" what cards/jobs/skin/whatever you're going to get.

I'de LOVE to be wrong and eventually get some way to get more supremes, but if that is indeed possible right now and we get a way of exploiting it i'm pretty sure SE will adress it since that would hurt them pretty bad economically... :)

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Re: Mobius Final Fantasy International/Japanese Steam Edition

Post by marulash »

Here's the explanation about how SUMMON works.

firs when you click on a Banner

The confirmation for the summon will pop-up

Now here's the trick

1. Your mobius application will send the banner_id to server application
2. The server application will retrieved the cards list available from that banner_id
3. The server applications will randomly pickup from the cards list. The percentages of cards probability are listed from Mobius Info.
4. After picking up the card_ids, the server applications will send back the card_ids to your application. Yes only the card_id.
5. After sending the card_ids to your application, your application will now collect the images corresponding to the card_ids sent by the server application.
6. all succeeding steps are all animations, this will include clicking 1 by 1 on the screen to show the cards you get.

Now here's the explanation on Goghor's post. Goghor's knows what he's doing, why? because Goghor is a programmer.
The programming language that Goghor's post was a JAVA programming language, A language that all applications of android was built.
Observed on the video (Goghor's post) there is a little icon hovering, that is an application that connects to another application which is Mobius FF, that icon is a MOD SETTINGS for the game. if you have that and if you know how to program it you will know what goghor's mean it.

But actually when you clicked YES on the summon pop-up confirmation, summon tickets and/or Magicite will consumed, and after that if you have goghor's modded application you will know the cards you will get BEFORE THE ANIMATION!.

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