I'm not sure how SE detected us. but Let's compare our playing data for discussing.
My data
I'm lv 174stamina rank. MP lv86
EW2 Kill at27. no time to play more than that lol.
NEVER did multiplayer with anyone. except my 2nd account on android.
NEVER did tower ranking more than 1-2 phantasmic loop.
Possible deck for all-around battle. (2 attack cards, 2 supports. &right job at the right time.)
(someone in MBFF NE facebook group told about impossible deck for beating foes CAN BE DETECT by WEEKLY RANKING).
**you can avoid that by setting normal decks. do highest score as possible. so record score of your is LEGIT. SHOW them what you can do in normals, then cheat it
You can see my post about SE banning & how to avoid in this thread. I always play as safe as possible in this way.
I always use CE in steam Before this thread, then use MBRKiNG's CE. still no ban.
**EDITed - I remember that I was banned 2 times on android ver. ,both NE ver. and Jap ver. at the time that both server first launch.
That hacked APK has cheat "no Orb Cost"
I use MBRKiNG's newest CE. with No mana cost in -Chaos Vortex- once last night. (that stage has no record of anything if I know correctly)
If I also banned this time. I must comfirm on No mana cost will be risky
**EDIT again
No banning for now. It's just players do Witch-hunting report. SE still no auto-banning.