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Re: Raft

Post by fantomas »

dapac84063 wrote:
Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:43 pm
Can u add disable shark or is impossible?
I do not know if the game does allow you to enbale/disable a NPC - But if the shark is bothering you, then just use Fast Kill and you'll be good for a few minutes. :D

How to use this cheat table?
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Re: Raft

Post by Elterin »

A way to disable the shark would be to prevent it to respawn, either by noping the respawn instruction or by freezing the timer.

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Re: Raft

Post by fantomas »

Elterin wrote:
Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:31 pm
A way to disable the shark would be to prevent it to respawn, either by noping the respawn instruction or by freezing the timer.
I understood but I deeply doubt there's a piece of code that allows it. I can take a look at it, eventually if it's what you're waiting for.

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Re: Raft

Post by Elterin »

Don't worry, that was just a thought. 1-hit kill is just what I need to deal with it.

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Re: Raft

Post by sonitaaa »

any update with update 11 ?

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Re: Raft

Post by fantomas »

sonitaaa wrote:
Tue Feb 18, 2020 10:34 pm
any update with update 11 ?
New game update does not automatically mean new CT update. Try the current CT with the new game update at first, and if a script is broken, then just report it.

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Re: Raft

Post by Sigan »

**All scripts below require mono activated. Just click the word "Mono" in the menu bar on Cheat Engine after you've attached CE to the game's process.

Shark never attacks raft:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Raft.exe
  Author : Sigan

define(bytes,F3 0F 11 AE 94 01 00 00)





  movss [rsi+00000194],xmm5
  mov [rsi+00000194],(float)0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db bytes
  // movss [rsi+00000194],xmm5


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: AI_StateMachine_Shark:UpdateStateMachine+2cf

09D7E0B3: F3 0F 10 86 94 01 00 00        -  movss xmm0,[rsi+00000194]
09D7E0BB: F3 0F 5A C0                    -  cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
09D7E0BF: F2 0F 11 85 78 FF FF FF        -  movsd [rbp-00000088],xmm0
09D7E0C7: 48 8D AD 00 00 00 00           -  lea rbp,[rbp+00000000]
09D7E0CE: 49 BB 40 2C BB 08 00 00 00 00  -  mov r11,0000000008BB2C40
09D7E0D8: 41 FF D3                       -  call r11
09D7E0DB: F3 0F 5A C8                    -  cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm0
09D7E0DF: F2 0F 10 85 78 FF FF FF        -  movsd xmm0,[rbp-00000088]
09D7E0E7: F2 0F 58 C1                    -  addsd xmm0,xmm1
09D7E0EB: F2 0F 5A E8                    -  cvtsd2ss xmm5,xmm0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
09D7E0EF: F3 0F 11 AE 94 01 00 00        -  movss [rsi+00000194],xmm5
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
09D7E0F7: F3 0F 10 86 94 01 00 00        -  movss xmm0,[rsi+00000194]
09D7E0FF: F3 0F 5A C0                    -  cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
09D7E103: F2 0F 11 45 90                 -  movsd [rbp-70],xmm0
09D7E108: 48 8B CE                       -  mov rcx,rsi
09D7E10B: 66 66 90                       -  nop 
09D7E10E: 49 BB C0 B1 E1 09 00 00 00 00  -  mov r11,0000000009E1B1C0
09D7E118: 41 FF D3                       -  call r11
09D7E11B: F3 0F 5A C8                    -  cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm0
09D7E11F: F2 0F 10 45 90                 -  movsd xmm0,[rbp-70]
09D7E124: 66 0F 2F C8                    -  comisd xmm1,xmm0
Gulls Never Attack Crops:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Raft.exe
  Author : Sigan

define(bytes,48 8B 86 D0 00 00 00)




  mov byte ptr [rsi+100],00
  mov rax,[rsi+000000D0]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db bytes
  // mov rax,[rsi+000000D0]



0C38A394: 48 83 EC 50                    -  sub rsp,50
0C38A398: 48 89 75 D8                    -  mov [rbp-28],rsi
0C38A39C: 48 89 7D E0                    -  mov [rbp-20],rdi
0C38A3A0: 4C 89 6D E8                    -  mov [rbp-18],r13
0C38A3A4: 4C 89 75 F0                    -  mov [rbp-10],r14
0C38A3A8: 4C 89 7D F8                    -  mov [rbp-08],r15
0C38A3AC: 48 8B F1                       -  mov rsi,rcx
0C38A3AF: 45 33 FF                       -  xor r15d,r15d
0C38A3B2: E9 77 00 00 00                 -  jmp 0C38A42E
0C38A3B7: 90                             -  nop 
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
0C38A3B8: 48 8B 86 D0 00 00 00           -  mov rax,[rsi+000000D0]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
0C38A3BF: 4C 8B F0                       -  mov r14,rax
0C38A3C2: 4D 8B EF                       -  mov r13,r15
0C38A3C5: 83 38 00                       -  cmp dword ptr [rax],00
0C38A3C8: 49 63 46 18                    -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [r14+18]
0C38A3CC: 44 3B E8                       -  cmp r13d,eax
0C38A3CF: 0F 83 8D 00 00 00              -  jae 0C38A462
0C38A3D5: 49 8B 46 10                    -  mov rax,[r14+10]
0C38A3D9: 49 63 CD                       -  movsxd  rcx,r13d
0C38A3DC: 48 8D 44 C8 20                 -  lea rax,[rax+rcx*8+20]
0C38A3E1: 48 8B 38                       -  mov rdi,[rax]
Motors Always Fueled:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Raft.exe
  Author : Sigan

define(bytes,0F B6 86 BD 00 00 00)




  push rdx
  push rdi
  mov rdx,[rsi+30]         //FuelTank
  mov rdi,[rdx+60]         //maxWater
  mov [rdx+58],rdi         //currentWater
  pop rdi
  pop rdx
  movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+000000BD]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db bytes
  // movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+000000BD]



0A43FED6: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
0A43FED8: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
0A43FEDA: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
0A43FEDC: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
0A43FEDE: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
0A43FEE0: 55                             -  push rbp
0A43FEE1: 48 8B EC                       -  mov rbp,rsp
0A43FEE4: 48 83 EC 30                    -  sub rsp,30
0A43FEE8: 48 89 75 F8                    -  mov [rbp-08],rsi
0A43FEEC: 48 8B F1                       -  mov rsi,rcx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
0A43FEEF: 0F B6 86 BD 00 00 00           -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+000000BD]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
0A43FEF6: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
0A43FEF8: 0F 84 CD 00 00 00              -  je 0A43FFCB
0A43FEFE: 48 8B CE                       -  mov rcx,rsi
0A43FF01: 48 8D 64 24 00                 -  lea rsp,[rsp+00]
0A43FF06: 49 BB 30 09 48 0A 00 00 00 00  -  mov r11,000000000A480930
0A43FF10: 41 FF D3                       -  call r11
0A43FF13: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
0A43FF15: 0F 84 A0 00 00 00              -  je 0A43FFBB
0A43FF1B: 66 66 90                       -  nop 
0A43FF1E: 49 BB 50 7F C4 08 00 00 00 00  -  mov r11,0000000008C47F50
Get Wheel Position: (Note: With this one, I manually create the pointer by adding a manual address. The address is "_wheel", with an offset of +68. After creating this, I link that pointer to a hotkey of Num0, and make it set the float value to zero upon pressing. This will center the rudder, but not the wheel. When you go to turn the wheel again, it will reset to the last position it was left, and will begin to resume control of the rudder.)

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Raft.exe
  Author : Sigan

define(bytes,F3 0F 10 56 68)




  mov [_wheel],rsi
  movss xmm2,[rsi+68]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db bytes
  // movss xmm2,[rsi+68]


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: SteeringWheel:get_SteeringRotation+29

0A48C370: 55                             -  push rbp
0A48C371: 48 8B EC                       -  mov rbp,rsp
0A48C374: 48 83 EC 40                    -  sub rsp,40
0A48C378: 48 89 75 F8                    -  mov [rbp-08],rsi
0A48C37C: 48 8B F1                       -  mov rsi,rcx
0A48C37F: F3 0F 10 46 6C                 -  movss xmm0,[rsi+6C]
0A48C384: F3 0F 5A C0                    -  cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
0A48C388: 66 0F 57 05 A0 00 00 00        -  xorpd xmm0,[0A48C430]
0A48C390: F3 0F 10 4E 6C                 -  movss xmm1,[rsi+6C]
0A48C395: F3 0F 5A C9                    -  cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
0A48C399: F3 0F 10 56 68                 -  movss xmm2,[rsi+68]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
0A48C39E: F3 0F 5A D2                    -  cvtss2sd xmm2,xmm2
0A48C3A2: F2 0F 5A EA                    -  cvtsd2ss xmm5,xmm2
0A48C3A6: F3 0F 11 6D F4                 -  movss [rbp-0C],xmm5
0A48C3AB: F3 0F 10 55 F4                 -  movss xmm2,[rbp-0C]
0A48C3B0: F3 0F 5A D2                    -  cvtss2sd xmm2,xmm2
0A48C3B4: F3 0F 10 1D 64 00 00 00        -  movss xmm3,[0A48C420]
0A48C3BC: F3 0F 5A DB                    -  cvtss2sd xmm3,xmm3
0A48C3C0: F3 0F 10 25 48 00 00 00        -  movss xmm4,[0A48C410]
0A48C3C8: F3 0F 5A E4                    -  cvtss2sd xmm4,xmm4
0A48C3CC: F2 0F 5A EC                    -  cvtsd2ss xmm5,xmm4
Raft - Get Wheel Position.CT
Num0 to center rudder after activating
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Last edited by Sigan on Fri Mar 06, 2020 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Raft

Post by Shandelzare820 »

It is not working rn. need to be updated.

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Re: Raft

Post by darkdex52 »

So far with the latest version, only thing I've found not to be working correctly is one-hit-kill. It kinda "kills" the shark, because it prompts you to hold E to pick up when you're close to it, but shark still attacks and swims around normally.

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Re: Raft

Post by Elterin »

@Sigan Nice! Can we have the files for all these scripts please? :)

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Re: Raft

Post by Sigan »

Elterin wrote:
Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:27 pm
@Sigan Nice! Can we have the files for all these scripts please? :)
Mine is a mess now. It's easier to copy one of those, paste it into the Auto Assembler, click File ->Assign to current cheat table, and close the Auto Assembler. Then, in the cheat table, title the script as you feel so inclined, and activate it. Activate mono features first!

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Re: Raft

Post by Elterin »

Ah, thank you!

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Re: Raft

Post by lord_anselhelm »


Thank you kindly for the wonderful table. Would it kindly be possible to make an update for version 11? At present if you use the fast kill script, the NPC shows the dead model but remains alive. I have witnessed this behaviour with the shark and the bird.

I have not noticed any other issues, but have not tested all functions. The ones I have personally found to be working perfectly are the instant fishing, no crafting requirements and infinite hotslot item durability. I have not tested the others to confirm.

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Re: Raft

Post by Elterin »

Also, instant cooking is now instant smelting in this version. ^^"

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Re: Raft

Post by fantomas »

Hi guys :)

Sorry to hear it but I already tested the current table with the latest (I guess) Update 11 (213) from Feb 13, 2020 and ALL scripts work just fine here. :(
I do not know what to say, if not I'm sorry.
When I was checking the scripts, I found out some other pieces of code that deserve to be scripted :P so I added 4 new scripts (Unlimited Items Uses, Unlimited Battery, Unlimited Tank (fuel, water), Variables). Give them a try. ;)

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