Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by Ontos »

[QUOTE="DrummerIX, post: 46580, member: 1466"]

Anyway, I could guess you set the update base address to 1 again and pick another character for Shinkansen's table.[/QUOTE]

Later I wrote, that cheats earned. But there is 1 character, Maya. How to choose another character (another member of my team) to change the characteristics?

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by DrummerIX »

[QUOTE="Ontos, post: 46582, member: 3554"]Later I wrote, that cheats earned. But there is 1 character, Maya. How to choose another character (another member of my team) to change the characteristics?[/QUOTE]

You are using a table I didn't make. If it doesn't work, I cannot help you. Try the table in the first post of this thread if you are having issues with the other table.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by iicecube »

[QUOTE="DrummerIX, post: 46584, member: 1466"]You are using a table I didn't make. If it doesn't work, I cannot help you. Try the table in the first post of this thread if you are having issues with the other table.[/QUOTE]

[USER=1466]@DrummerIX[/USER], i wonder how does the no cooldown/resource work in this game? Like if i pick cipher i still need to gather my focus even i enable/disable those script.

For the weapon, its still flash run "yellow bar" for the cooldown if i enable it as well. I wonder is this script work in this way?

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by DrummerIX »

[QUOTE="iicecube, post: 46585, member: 8878"][USER=1466]@DrummerIX[/USER], i wonder how does the no cooldown/resource work in this game? Like if i pick cipher i still need to gather my focus even i enable/disable those script.

For the weapon, its still flash run "yellow bar" for the cooldown if i enable it as well. I wonder is this script work in this way?[/QUOTE]

To be honest I didn't test every situation as I haven't played much of the game. It hooks into the ConsumeResource function and skips it. I believe things like spells and ability uses don't go down with it enabled. I attempted to set the cooldown time to zero for modal abilities also. Of course, I wasn't a cipher, so not sure how it affects those classes.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by iicecube »

[QUOTE="DrummerIX, post: 46586, member: 1466"]To be honest I didn't test every situation as I haven't played much of the game. It hooks into the ConsumeResource function and skips it. I believe things like spells and ability uses don't go down with it enabled. I attempted to set the cooldown time to zero for modal abilities also. Of course, I wasn't a cipher, so not sure how it affects those classes.[/QUOTE]

Cipher,chanter or monk doesnt work in cooldown but with resource gathering, the table script you wrote also included both the cooldown/resource so i thought they work on them but still they need to hit something to generate and drop when cast it. (So i assume its not working with most spell but maybe weapon modal ability) Need some confirm too but me its just seem not working even i enable.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by merlini »

[QUOTE="draw95, post: 46162, member: 7496"]Damn this game so much backtracking, and so many to explore.

still can't find the movement speed like here [MEDIA=youtube]Z47zpQaZGRY[/MEDIA] at 01:06

Can speedhack it, but stutter-y

Can anyone help?[/QUOTE]

Run speed is acquired at

[B]Game:Mover:GetRunSpeed+c1[/B] - F3 0F5A C0 - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0

as xmm0

Exchange that line with

movss xmm0,[runSpeed]

cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0

where runspeed is (float)4.0 by default.

If you make it like 20, you'll be flying off the screen.

Nothing will stop the characters from stuttering as I fear this is just the way it was programmed.

The pathing is probably done as a projectile.

It'll calculate the run speed, calculate the vector, then every few milliseconds, it'll move it to a

new position as x1 = x0+runspeed*deltaTime

But what happens if you jump to the new position and you are in a box, or over water, or in the wall?

It'll put you back where you were, then do the calculation again, maybe with a little jitter.

You'll be facing toward a bit left, or right, or move a little slower, or whatever.

The game will keep doing this till you are not in a box, or over water, or in the wall.

Then it'll start following the waypoint again. I guess you can call this iterative path-finding.

This type of iterative approach is never a problem as long as your run speed is around 4.

The deltaTime is small enough so that the recalculations are rarely necessary -

until you change run time to like 8+.

This is just the type of optimization game makers do so that you aren't making deltaTime so small

as to make it difficult to run on an older pc (like mine) and not so large that everything is stuttering.

Stuttering is just the side-effect of making the game run in a way it wasn't optimized to be run.

Anyways that's my two cents.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by robthebob11 »

[QUOTE="DrummerIX, post: 45895, member: 1466"]Yes[/QUOTE]

So I've been having trouble with the ability point function since it was added. I've tried it it during the ability tree portion of the level up screen as you instruct but the numbers just won't populate. All other functions I've tried seem to work fine. Is there something I'm missing here? Steam version latest update.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by merlini »

[QUOTE="iicecube, post: 46587, member: 8878"]Cipher,chanter or monk doesnt work in cooldown but with resource gathering, the table script you wrote also included both the cooldown/resource so i thought they work on them but still they need to hit something to generate and drop when cast it. (So i assume its not working with most spell but maybe weapon modal ability) Need some confirm too but me its just seem not working even i enable.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about chanter because I don't have one, but ciphers resources are in float.

[B]Game:FocusTrait:ValidateFocus+a4 - F3 0F11 AE A4000000 - movss [rsi+000000A4],xmm5[/B]

rsi+a4 has the cipher points.

movss xmm5,[minFocus] { [99.00] }

movss [rsi+000000A4],xmm5

replacing with the above code sets the focus to 99 everytime you cast something.

Of course, simple script like that doesn't discriminate between allies and enemies,

so enemy ciphers will also have infinite focus.

Clearly rsi is related to the cipher, so if you reverse engineer rsi, you can make this for

allies only. I didn't bother doing that for this run through because tbh,

AI ciphers are dumb as brick so even if you give it 99 focus, it'll still be casting level 1-3 spells.
Last edited by merlini on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by draw95 »

[QUOTE="merlini, post: 46592, member: 1550"]Run speed is acquired at

[B]Game:Mover:GetRunSpeed+c1[/B] - F3 0F5A C0 - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0

as xmm0

Exchange that line with

movss xmm0,[runSpeed]

cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0

where runspeed is (float)4.0 by default.

If you make it like 20, you'll be flying off the screen.

Nothing will stop the characters from stuttering as I fear this is just the way it was programmed.

The pathing is probably done as a projectile.

It'll calculate the run speed, calculate the vector, then every few milliseconds, it'll move it to a

new position as x1 = x0+runspeed*deltaTime

But what happens if you jump to the new position and you are in a box, or over water, or in the wall?

It'll put you back where you were, then do the calculation again, maybe with a little jitter.

You'll be facing toward a bit left, or right, or move a little slower, or whatever.

The game will keep doing this till you are not in a box, or over water, or in the wall.

Then it'll start following the waypoint again. I guess you can call this iterative path-finding.

This type of iterative approach is never a problem as long as your run speed is around 4.

The deltaTime is small enough so that the recalculations are rarely necessary -

until you change run time to like 8+.

This is just the type of optimization game makers do so that you aren't making deltaTime so small

as to make it difficult to run on an older pc (like mine) and not so large that everything is stuttering.

Stuttering is just the side-effect of making the game run in a way it wasn't optimized to be run.

Anyways that's my two cents.[/QUOTE]

Thank for the reply, you explaining everything but sorry I don't understand.

Still, Thanks for the nice gesture :D

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by LorgrenBenirus »

Thanks for the table DrummerIX. Just a question, will you check it at some point in regards to max level (20)? Once player hits that level several options stop working.

Is there also a possibility for a "de-level" feature like it was in PoE 1? I tried with changing the level in the script but got into situation where on one side character was de-leveled, but on other side game continued to count the levels upwards so I hit visual levels like 30 and 40, although by stats I was still level 10 and 20.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by iicecube »

[QUOTE="merlini, post: 46601, member: 1550"]I don't know about chanter because I don't have one, but ciphers resources are in float.

[B]Game:FocusTrait:ValidateFocus+a4 - F3 0F11 AE A4000000 - movss [rsi+000000A4],xmm5[/B]

rsi+a4 has the cipher points.

movss xmm5,[minFocus] { [99.00] }

movss [rsi+000000A4],xmm5

replacing with the above code sets the focus to 99 everytime you cast something.

Of course, simple script like that doesn't discriminate between allies and enemies,

so enemy ciphers will also have infinite focus.

Clearly rsi is related to the cipher, so if you reverse engineer rsi, you can make this for

allies only. I didn't bother doing that for this run through because tbh,

AI ciphers are dumb as brick so even if you give it 99 focus, it'll still be casting level 1-3 spells.[/QUOTE]

Swee, i will try to edit it up my own and see how those resource gathering like chanter,cipher and monk do.

Thanks for the main line.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by Carrnage »

Game just updated and and now the initial script is no longer loading.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by DrummerIX »

[QUOTE="Carrnage, post: 47202, member: 6780"]Game just updated and and now the initial script is no longer loading.[/QUOTE]

Game didn't update for me. Even tried beta branch and things still enabled for me.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by Carrnage »

[QUOTE="DrummerIX, post: 47225, member: 1466"]Game didn't update for me. Even tried beta branch and things still enabled for me.[/QUOTE]

Seems the update was the game installing the gaum's pledge micro-dlc, and restarting fixed the script.

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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Steam) (Release Version)

Post by Jhon1234 »

new version v1.1.0.0023

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