Code Injection - Working with Integers

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Code Injection - Working with Integers

Post by TimFun13 »


Code Injection - Working with Integers

This tutorial builds on the topic of Code Injection:
  • [Link]
  • [Link]
  • [Link]
  • [Link]
Let's say you have an integer and some code that increases the value.

Code: Select all

add [eax+10],ecx
What if what writes to the value is only a [Link]. Try to find a spot above the write instruction that has an [Link] (or a [Link] depending on what you want to do).

Code: Select all

add ecx,ebx
mov [eax+10],ecx

Hardcoded value

We could just hardcode a value for this.

Code: Select all

add dword ptr [eax+10],(int)100 // #100 //// "#" is a short hand for integer

Editable value

We could use a [Link], giving it some memory. And optionally [Link] it so the label can be used on the table as an address.

Code: Select all

alloc(someMem, 0x400)
 mov ecx,[someSymbol]
 add [eax+10],ecx
 jmp return
 dd (int)100

Adding a Multiplier

We could add an editable value like above but use [Link] to add a multiplier to the script.

Code: Select all

alloc(someMem, 0x400)
 imul ecx,[someSymbol]
 add [eax+10],ecx
 jmp return
 dd (int)10

Fractional Multiplier

But what if we wanted to be able to multiply by a fractional number (i.e.: "0.5"). Well this can take a bit more, but we can use [Link] and [Link] to convert the value form an integer to a float and back a gain. Then we can just use [Link] to do the multiplying, but we will need an [Link] [Link] to work with. So we will need some extra memory and use [Link] to save and restore the XMM registry.

Code: Select all

alloc(someMem, 0x400)
 movups [extraStuff],xmm0 //// save
 cvtsi2ss xmm0,ecx
 mulss xmm0,[someSymbol]
 cvtss2si ecx,xmm0
 movups xmm0,[extraStuff] //// restore
 jmp return
 dd (int)10
 dd 0 //// Data double-word (4 bytes)
 dd 0
 dq 0 //// Data quad-word (8 bytes)

Calculate a value for a Multiplier

Let's say we just can't find an [Link] or a [Link], and all we have is a [Link].

Code: Select all

mov [eax+10],ecx
We can just do some math in the script, to calculate a value for a multiplier.

Code: Select all

alloc(someMem, 0x400)
 sub ecx,[eax+10]
 imul ecx,[someSymbol]
 add ecx,[eax+10]
 mov [eax+10],ecx
 jmp return
 dd (int)10

See Also
  • [Link]
  • [Link]
  • [Link]
  • [Link]
Last edited by TimFun13 on Mon May 07, 2018 12:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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