I assume the cause of this is tied to one of the scripts behaving badly when the game updated, but I have encountered an unexpected but with the Squad Shop.
i haven't used anything to manipulate it or unlock any squads, so it did come as a surprise to me. Seems one of the character slots has become corrupted. Priere was in that slot, but I have placed her elsewhere without issue so whatever I did doesn't appear to have lingered with her.
Problem is, I can't open that squad to edit it. The game outright crashes.
Anyone know of a quick fix? If not, no worries as fluffing up a save file kinda comes with the territory and I am fine starting over.
I wish I could provide better info, but all I've done is adding some innocents to items, used the instant kill script and add Mana to characters using a merged table.
Sadly I don't know enough of the whole code manipulation stuff to figure out what caused it, but it's pretty interesting non-the-less.
Here's what it looks like:
Lastly, I would like to thank those who have put in the work to have such a decent set of editing options so quickly. It astounds me how awesome you guys are!