AOB signatures
What is an AOB? An AOB is just an Array of Bytes, it tends to be used as a signature. A signature is really only an AOB with wild cards. A signature can be found even if the address where it is changes, so long as the signature still exists.
So if we look at the code for step 8 of the CE tutorial (x32), we see some code like this.
Code: Select all
Tutorial-i386.exe+26180 - E8 7B85FEFF - call Tutorial-i386.exe+E700
Tutorial-i386.exe+26185 - 8B 55 DC - mov edx,[ebp-24] //// AOB starts here
Tutorial-i386.exe+26188 - 89 42 18 - mov [edx+18],eax //// Injecting here
Tutorial-i386.exe+2618B - 8B 45 DC - mov eax,[ebp-24]
Tutorial-i386.exe+2618E - 8B 40 18 - mov eax,[eax+18]
Tutorial-i386.exe+26191 - 8D 55 B0 - lea edx,[ebp-50]
Tutorial-i386.exe+26194 - E8 073C0100 - call Tutorial-i386.exe+39DA0
And we could just try [ICODE]89 42 18 8B 45 DC 8B 40 18 8D 55 B0[/ICODE], but what if the registry changes or the offset.
So let's say that we always have a MOV, MOV, MOV, LEA, CALL, ... Then we could make an AOB like this:
Code: Select all
And after clicking first scan we are looking to get just one result.
If you get more results then one just add more bytes to the signature.
So to use this signature we'll need to use an offset. Let's look at a script using the signature.
Code: Select all
define(step8WrtBytes, 89 42 18 8B 45 DC)
//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobStep8WrtHook, Tutorial-i386.exe, 8Bxxxx89xxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx8DxxxxE8xxxxxxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxxxxxxxx)
//// or with aobScan
//aobScan(aobStep8WrtHook, 8Bxxxx89xxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx8DxxxxE8xxxxxxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxxxxxxxx)
define(injStep8WrtHook, aobStep8WrtHook+3)
//// Here the offset is set, to be used for enabling and disabling.
assert(injStep8WrtHook, step8WrtBytes)
//// Here the bytes are asserted to be compatable with the process version.
alloc(memStep8WrtHook, 0x400, injStep8WrtHook)
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
jmp step8wrtn_code
//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
db step8WrtBytes
But with step 8 we could also use an AOB to pull a pointer.
Code: Select all
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FB1 - A1 60D65F00 - mov eax,[Tutorial-i386.exe+1FD660]
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FB6 - 89 45 E8 - mov [ebp-18],eax
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FB9 - 8B 45 E8 - mov eax,[ebp-18]
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FBC - 8B 55 E8 - mov edx,[ebp-18]
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FBF - 8B 00 - mov eax,[eax]
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FC1 - 3B 42 04 - cmp eax,[edx+04]
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FC4 - 74 02 - je Tutorial-i386.exe+25FC8
Tutorial-i386.exe+25FC6 - EB 4F - jmp Tutorial-i386.exe+26017
Code: Select all
//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobStep8Hook, Tutorial-i386.exe, A1xxxxxxxx89xxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx8Bxx3Bxxxx74xxEBxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx8Bxxxx3Bxxxx)
define(ptrStep8Hook, aobStep8Hook+1)
//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
See also
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