That's really good to know, Watch_Dogs 2 at least allows the command-line argument to just bypass loading the .dll file but Wildlands and Far Cry 5 forces it so it's good to know the same bypass can work across most of these titles.
(Shame they changed that, use that argument to skip EAC and it's offline and no Easy Anti Cheat software blocking anything which seems like the best possible combination really.)
I think Far Cry 5 is no longer updated either after 1.11 (September 2018) but Wildlands is running on Year 3 now and still going and who knows what the upcoming titles will be utilizing, so far it seems Assassin's Creed has avoided any third party software and with it's heavy online focus I assume The Division 2 will be similar to For Honor and keep things server side at least in partial.
And then Far Cry 5 New Dawn sometime next year which is probably going to be like this one again. But that's nothing but speculation, still nice to see the .dll still being viable and there's the fearlessrevolution modules too.
EDIT: But that's jumping ahead a bit, who knows what EAC will change in newer versions or Ubisoft for their games or game engines, New Dawn for Far Cry 5 will likely not make any drastic alterations to Dunia but we'll see.
I do need to read up on the basics of how this worked again from the earlier posts in these topics, I recall the .dll being stripped down to minimum but there's some reading to be done.