I tried to work out how to bypass the intro, usually they just load a bunch of videos to disk, but the epilepsy warning and Dunia 2 portions are all rendered IN ENGINE! I guess this is done to cut down on translation costs? They just load in the locale file they need at runtime...
I tried skipping it, but the game just gets stuck at a black screen if I do.
You can however skip the AMD logo, since that is a video.
If you want to, change 5412AF4 byte from 74 to EB, that will always skip the AMD logo. I couldn't get it to skip the rest. They were VERY adamant about you watching this stupid fucking intro.
Here's notes on what I took for no intro if someone else wants to take a peek.
Code: Select all
.xcode:00000001858BACC0 GetAMDLogoVid proc near ; CODE XREF: j_GetAMDLogoVid
.xcode:00000001858BAD00 mov cs:amd_logo_location, rax
.sbss:0000000181398560 DoesAMDCheck proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_18138C6B0+47↑p
.sbss:000000018139857F jz loc_1813989B2 ; Change to JMP to replace epilepsy warning with loading videos (Still unskippable).