These codes are to edit everything I know how to edit so far in the basket, for slots 1-50. I have a script to generate these, and they're all pointers (please be patch proof) so should work fine. Note that these are for viewing data and modifying individual items, rather than for bulk modifying the basket or what have you. You CAN do that, but they're not super efficient for it.
Currently modifiable: Item ID, Quality, Traits 1-3, Effects 1-3 (effect 4 doesn't seem to be where it should, if it actually exists at all; might just be intentional blank space??? i need to find an item with four effects to be certain), and Usage. Components should be both modifiable and somewhere between effect 3 and usage, but that's more than I've got time for and not my kinda code. Feel free to just copy+paste the header into any cheat table you're using to append it, or to append it to the main post if you want it there.
It IS hypothetically possible to do this for the container and/or harvest equipment, but as of this moment I do not intend to extend it that far. This list is just an early way to manually cheat, and primarily for making it easy to find digits on anything in your basket.
The Lua script I used to make these without killing myself is in the tag below. This is just for future reference both if the basket extends and I need to edit it, and so that I can find it to append dropdown menus and component data to the list. Also because... I lose scripts all the time and putting it here means I'll actually be able to find it next time I decide to update the damn thing.
Code: Select all
local al = getAddressList()
local base = al.createMemoryRecord()
base.Description = "Basket Mod Codes"
base.IsGroupHeader = true
base.options = "[moHideChildren]"
local addr = "Atelier_Lydie_and_Suelle.exe+00E69B28"
local offsetItemID = 0x2
local offsetQuality = 0x4
local offsetTrait1 = 0x6
local offsetTrait2 = 0x8
local offsetTrait3 = 0xA
local offsetEffect1 = 0xC
local offsetEffect2 = 0xE
local offsetEffect3 = 0x10
local offsetUsage = 0x20
local slotnum = 1
for i = 1, 50 do
local recHeader = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recItemID = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recQuality = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recTrait1 = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recTrait2 = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recTrait3 = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recEffect1 = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recEffect2 = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recEffect3 = al.createMemoryRecord()
local recUsage = al.createMemoryRecord()
local headertxt = string.format("Basket Slot %d", slotnum)
recHeader.Description = headertxt
recHeader.isGroupHeader = true
recHeader.options = "[moHideChildren]"
recItemID.Description = "Item ID"
recItemID.Address = addr
recItemID.OffsetCount = 1
recItemID.Offset[0] = offsetItemID
recItemID.type = vtWord
recQuality.Description = "Quality"
recQuality.Address = addr
recQuality.OffsetCount = 1
recQuality.Offset[0] = offsetQuality
recQuality.type = vtWord
recTrait1.Description = "Trait Slot 1"
recTrait1.Address = addr
recTrait1.OffsetCount = 1
recTrait1.Offset[0] = offsetTrait1
recTrait1.type = vtWord
recTrait2.Description = "Trait Slot 2"
recTrait2.Address = addr
recTrait2.OffsetCount = 1
recTrait2.Offset[0] = offsetTrait2
recTrait2.type = vtWord
recTrait3.Description = "Trait Slot 3"
recTrait3.Address = addr
recTrait3.OffsetCount = 1
recTrait3.Offset[0] = offsetTrait3
recTrait3.type = vtWord
recEffect1.Description = "Item Effect Slot 1"
recEffect1.Address = addr
recEffect1.OffsetCount = 1
recEffect1.Offset[0] = offsetEffect1
recEffect1.type = vtWord
recEffect2.Description = "Item Effect Slot 2"
recEffect2.Address = addr
recEffect2.OffsetCount = 1
recEffect2.Offset[0] = offsetEffect2
recEffect2.type = vtWord
recEffect3.Description = "Item Effect Slot 3"
recEffect3.Address = addr
recEffect3.OffsetCount = 1
recEffect3.Offset[0] = offsetEffect3
recEffect3.type = vtWord
recUsage.Description = "Item Usage Count"
recUsage.Address = addr
recUsage.OffsetCount = 1
recUsage.Offset[0] = offsetUsage
recUsage.type = vtByte
offsetItemID = offsetItemID + 0x26
offsetQuality = offsetQuality + 0x26
offsetTrait1 = offsetTrait1 + 0x26
offsetTrait2 = offsetTrait2 + 0x26
offsetTrait3 = offsetTrait3 + 0x26
offsetEffect1 = offsetEffect1 + 0x26
offsetEffect2 = offsetEffect2 + 0x26
offsetEffect3 = offsetEffect3 + 0x26
offsetUsage = offsetUsage + 0x26
slotnum = slotnum + 1