[QUOTE="l0wb1t, post: 44385, member: 6208"]Thanks for this. since the cracked updates takes years forever now, you saved me time in the future xD
i'll check that when i'm able to. Thanks again mate.
Edit: BTW you took an older version of the Cheat Table. I've reuplaoded the Table in it's latest version and used your two updated Scripts in it. Hope the Rest is working :)[/QUOTE]
'No Spread' not working? Everything else seems fine.
A number of additions and quite a few bug fixes and hopefully the existing workarounds still work for EAC but I don't think Ubisoft will be changing that very often. :)
EDIT: Got some free time, it does look like the current EAC .dll still works without issue. Guessing the same is true for modifying FC_m64.dll directly too.
In either case the game will works without having this block injections and what not. :)
(Well everything not explicitly whitelisted or how it was, shame they couldn't just settle on keeping the command line argument.)
EDIT: Good to see the table updated too, wonder if Cheat-Engine still has a little oddity with async and popping up a timer message.
(Standard 6.8 worked fine but then it got updated a bit, still working on figuring out why that occurs but setting async to 0 in the tables using this works for now.)
But it doesn't matter for the topic at hand here, time to hit the last couple of stashes.
Last edited by jonasbeckman on Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
Is there any chance that the table that has teleporting etc will be updated for 1.07?
I"m currently doing the second play through of Hours of Darkness, can really can't be bothered doing it slowly. I just want the achievement lol
Keep up the great work guys, I used the 1.05 version while doing weekly quests and it makes it so much easier to just get them out of the way and go do something else more enjoyable :P
[QUOTE="gir489, post: 49297, member: 3979"]Here's my table updated for 1.07. I knew I should've generated IDA signatures but I was too lazy to fix the DLL for IDA...[/QUOTE]
Check your code, please, as after several reloads, game crashes. [I]No Recoil[/I] and [I]Super Accuracy[/I] (or what's it called) options were the only two I had on from your table. As far as my options, I've tested them thoroughly with try/except to see if those caused the crash.
1.8.0 came out yesterday, the usual bug fixes and a few enhancements though I assume this also brings the game up for compatibility with the second of the three DLC missions. (The Mars one I think was next following Vietnam and then the third and final should be the Zombie one.)
Im kinda a noob at Cheat engine, other then opening existing .ct files, not sure how to add this piece of code to a preexisting .ct file. Unless there is a .ct file for 1.08 or whatever the newest update is with the mars DLC.
[QUOTE="martuksxxxx, post: 52188, member: 19584"]Hey would it be possible to somehow unlock "live reward" outfits and weapons on pirated version with cheat engine table?[/QUOTE]
My guess is that live rewards are only available to unlock up to patch 1.4.0 since the pirated version version is severly outdated. I am wondering on the other hand if it is posible to unlock the Hunter Outfit since this is the community reward that nobody got during that live event. I've got everything unlocked from all the live events except the Hunter Outfit since this is the one nobody got from the community goal.
They actually announced that they'll be re-running the existing events starting August 7th, none for this week though curiously a few data mined weapons like the AJM9 and 6B9 or what it was called were never provided from the existing challenges so I wonder if these are coming at all or if they're canning them and running repeats of the existing content.
(EDIT: Or doing repeats first and then doing the rest of the content for the end of the year?)
Only missed the hunter outfit myself and that's mainly from the community not hitting the goal of whatever it was again, some ridiculous high total amount for when the game had a low play count total leading to the next challenge being so scaled back the community hit most of the unlocks almost the first day ha ha.
Also not too sure what the earlier patches of the game has in terms of complete content compared to the latest official patch, of course the added map content and DLC aren't available but most of the weapons were part of the game since launch though not fully implemented and the outfits particularly the masks came via patches.
Last edited by jonasbeckman on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.