Magicka 2

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Magicka 2

Post by Sigan »

TL;DR: I've got a slight grasp on how to use AOB injections, and how to move values into addresses, but I'm having a hard time understanding everything completely. Please help. Thank you.
It's been out for a while now. I can't find any trainers or ce tables on it, and I'm having a hard time getting my AOB injections to work.

I barely know what I'm doing, but I can find the value (double) that affects health easy. The mage has 1000 max health, a few quick searches and I have 5 addresses that are doubles and they all reflect health. One of those is always the one that I can directly change the value of, and see the difference in the game. I can even lock the value, and be invincible. What I can't seem to do is move a value into the appropriate register.

I can find the 4-byte value right away, which can help me find the double value easier, but the 4-byte address doesn't control the value.

So then I find the address (double) that controls health, and I clicked "Find what writes to this address," because I want to write 1000 to the address every time my health would normally be changed.

I played the game for a bit, walked into some fire and was hit once, and stopped the debugger. I had four addresses that wrote to the health address over 100 times in half a second. Two addresses only wrote to that address 4 times each. So, I headed over to the disassembler.

Upon right clicking the addresses, I noticed that the addresses that wrote to the Health address only 4 times were being accessed by SOO many other codes. In fact, putting an AOB script into either one of them, and moving a value into an address at that point always caused a crash - as expected. The values that write the Health address over 100 times per second are ONLY accessing that address while I play. So, I thought I was getting closer.

This is the original code for ONE of those addresses (One of the four codes that SOLELY writes to the Health address - all four look similar to me):

Code: Select all

Original Code:

""+FFE682D4: 0F 28 DE                       -  movaps xmm3,xmm6
""+FFE682D7: F2 0F 5C DB                    -  subsd xmm3,xmm3
""+FFE682DB: 66 0F 2E DC                    -  ucomisd xmm3,xmm4
""+FFE682DF: 0F 87 33 7D 03 00              -  ja FFEA0018
""+FFE682E5: 66 0F 2E FE                    -  ucomisd xmm7,xmm6
""+FFE682E9: 0F 83 2D 7D 03 00              -  jae FFEA001C
""+FFE682EF: 83 7A 6C FB                    -  cmp dword ptr [edx+6C],-05
""+FFE682F3: 75 07                          -  jne FFE682FC
""+FFE682F5: 81 7A 68 00 A7 A7 1A           -  cmp [edx+68],1AA7A700
""+FFE682FC: 0F 85 1E 7D 03 00              -  jne FFEA0020
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
""+FFE68302: F2 0F 11 72 60                 -  movsd [edx+60],xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
""+FFE68307: F6 46 04 04                    -  test byte ptr [esi+04],04
""+FFE6830B: 74 13                          -  je FFE68320
""+FFE6830D: 80 66 04 FB                    -  and byte ptr [esi+04],-05
""+FFE68311: 8B 0D 28 A2 A7 04              -  mov ecx,[04A7A228]
""+FFE68317: 89 35 28 A2 A7 04              -  mov [04A7A228],esi
""+FFE6831D: 89 4E 0C                       -  mov [esi+0C],ecx
""+FFE68320: 83 7A 0C FB                    -  cmp dword ptr [edx+0C],-05
""+FFE68324: 75 07                          -  jne FFE6832D
""+FFE68326: 81 7A 08 B0 0C 05 1C           -  cmp [edx+08],1C050CB0
""+FFE6832D: 0F 85 F1 7C 03 00              -  jne FFEA0024
And this is the code I'm trying to inject:

Code: Select all


aobscan(INJECT,7D 03 00 F2 0F 11 72 60) // should be unique




  mov [_RedMageHealth],edx
  mov [edx+60],(Int)1000
//  movsd [edx+60],xmm6
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F2 0F 11 72 60

The other 3 codes that write to the Health Address are either moving xmm6 into [edx+60], or xmm7 into [ebp+60].

Either way, when I run this code in the game, it doesn't cause a crash, but the value is still calculated correctly and displayed correctly, and my code seems all but ignored by the game. I'm assuming there's a cmp somewhere that is making a correction to the value.

How do I figure this out?

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Re: Magicka 2

Post by Sigan »

This game isn't really interesting to anyone but me, is it...?

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Re: Magicka 2

Post by Bloodybone »

Well first problem you have is that moving doubles isn't possible without the xmm registers so a possible code would be

Code: Select all

aobscan(INJECT,7D 03 00 F2 0F 11 72 60) // should be unique



  mov [_RedMageHealth],edx
  movsd xmm6,[_RedMageHealthvalue] // Write the Double Value of 1000 into xmm6
  movsd [edx+60],xmm6 // Write xmm6 into the health value
  jmp return

_RedMageHealthvalue: // The Max Health Value
dq (double)1000

dd 0

  jmp newmem


  db F2 0F 11 72 60


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Re: Magicka 2

Post by Sigan »

Thank you. I'll try that when I next have time to. I appreciate your input. I don't understand xmm registers and, from what I understand about them, moving values involving them is somehow different than moving values involving simple integers in such a way that it can crash my game if I do it completely wrong. I think I'm doing it completely wrong... LoLz :)

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Re: Magicka 2

Post by Sigan »

At first, it appeared I had found a value for health that would work. I actually found that another injection location featuring xmm7 was working, for a while. Then I died eventually... then I died again... then I restarted the level, looked at the pointers I created from the script, and they were no longer valid. So, I think I'll just have to keep trying.

The good news is that your approach at moving doubles worked, which... in the grand scheme of things probably doesn't surprise you much. LoLz. Either way, thank you for showing me how to do that. Now I just have to find a good injection point.

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