Metal Gear Solid V

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V

Post by digitalgear »

Awesome! Thanks guys, I will check it out this weekend! Will let you know if I have any further questions!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V

Post by ESheppard »

The one thing I'd really love to see made to work again is allowing one to customize guns with any part, like we could do using the lmb glitch shortly after launch. I don't want to do anything ridiculous like give rocket launchers 100rd mags, I just want to make my non-lethal assault rifles not have bright blue parts, be able to equip a variety of foregrips and barrels, and I want to be able to equip stronger suppressors of the sort I've already unlocked.

Is that still possible, using either CheatEngine or a mod? Because I've searched high and low and have found nothing :(

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V

Post by glecas »

ESheppard wrote:
Wed Mar 14, 2018 1:18 pm
The one thing I'd really love to see made to work again is allowing one to customize guns with any part, like we could do using the lmb glitch shortly after launch. I don't want to do anything ridiculous like give rocket launchers 100rd mags, I just want to make my non-lethal assault rifles not have bright blue parts, be able to equip a variety of foregrips and barrels, and I want to be able to equip stronger suppressors of the sort I've already unlocked.

Is that still possible, using either CheatEngine or a mod? Because I've searched high and low and have found nothing :(
I am currently working on a weapons mod. I have added a few more guns, and a little more customization options. I keep updating it regularly, and expanding the customization options to the fullest is one of the target goals.

The MAIN purpose of the mod is to bring in new alternative guns, but I have already opened up a few more customization options - and as I said - there will be more. I can't give you an "ETA" on your request, since I am currently working on other "side-projects" for this mod as we speak.

But take a look, and keep track - perhaps someday I have unlocked it all:
MY MOD: Guns By Glecas over at fearlessrevolution

(I can't insert a link.... it keeps getting replaced by ""

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V

Post by DDTK »

Hello. Does anyone know, with the help of which table or by what values can the excess of the mother base cells be restored to normal?

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V

Post by DahWhang »

I've just recently started playing this game, even though I've owned it for ages. I finished the campaign and started a new one to go do all the side quests and work more on the base itself. (I kinda just stopped researching once I got my suppressed AR and suppressed SR with a rocket launcher) and I've been having issues with the table.

For one, the Infinite Health cheat doesn't want to work. Secondly, it's missing a few key cheats I wanted to play with. So I launched up the Infinity cheat thingy and I was using them both together. I've started having issues where I'll collect a vehicle or a person and suddenly all of my balloons just disappear. Call in a resupply and I can do one more, but then they just disappear again. It may work perfectly fine for hours, or stop working on the first mission I do.

My theory is that it has to do with conflicting scripts from the two different engines, so I'd like to just get this one corrected. As it is right now the table has working scripts for Infinite Ammo, Infinite Suppressor, Infinite Timer, No Recoil/Spread, and Teleport?(Haven't tested the Teleport)

I'd like to get the Health cheat working and also add in a cheat to 'Faint All Enemies' as well as Infinite Gadgets and something to change the value for Heroism.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V

Post by TimFun13 »

DahWhang wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:57 am
Try this table, it's been kept up to date. And I think you will find it has what you're looking for and then some. The "Infinite health" works and there is a no-clip (no hits/knockdowns) as well, pulse lots of options for combatants.

Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.8 CT

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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by Lzkiee »

Long time since I played this game. I know theres an emblem unlocker for the FOB exclusive emblems but can someone work on a Nameplate unlocker? I wonder if it can be done but I have no knowledge on cheatengine stuff so I ask instead.

Ferris Bueller
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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by Ferris Bueller »

How do I activate the cheats? For some are not marked with an X

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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by Ferris Bueller »

[QUOTE="hamed91211173, post: 32086, member: 7910"]Just updated the version of table with script and some tables in this forum

most tanks to - ShyTwig16 - for his scripts iff i'm not wrong i added all of his gun scripts in this table

to zufield

this table has a working staff editor

just rename the table to - mgsvtpp - for easier use[/QUOTE]

The best patch, but stopped running the "Resources", please how do I do an update?

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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by DrWolfman »

[QUOTE="ShyTwig16, post: 30982, member: 91"]Kinda hard to say with just "crash", but if you mean game version "" then may be some thing in the AA is different in CE 6.7. Or the AOBscan is finding a different spot, either that or a name collision, but a name collision is unlikely. And with the assert it really should fail to inject if the code is different. But it works on game version "" in CE "6.7" and CE "6.6" for me.[/QUOTE]

ShyTwig16, It looks like they updated MGS V today. I'm seeing most of the table still working with the exception of the Invisibility (to cameras, UAVs), any chance you'd have time to see if the code shifted again?

Ferris Bueller
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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by Ferris Bueller »

snakebite also does not work with this new update

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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by TimFun13 »


Here is the updated "HealthWrtHook".

Code: Select all


    Process            : mgsvtpp.exe  -  (x64)

    Module            : mgsvtpp.exe

    Game Title        : Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain

    Game Version    :

    CE Version        : 6.7

    Script Version    : 0.0.1

    Date            : 01/19/18

    Author            : ShyTwig16

    Name            : HealthWrtHook

    Health Wrt Hook






define(address, mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3A)

// define(bytes, F3 0F 10 0E F3 0F 10 5E 04)

define(bytes, F3 0F 10 0F F3 0F 10 5F 04)


//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------


aobScanModule(aobHealthWrtHook, mgsvtpp.exe, 3xxx0F47xx8xxx35xxxxxxxx81xxxxxxxxxx41xxxxxx41xxxxxxB8xxxxxxxx66xxxxxx0F2FxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxxxx0F93xxF3xxxxxxxx0F2Fxx)

// i2AobScan(aobHealthWrtHook, 3xxx0F47xx8xxx35xxxxxxxx81xxxxxxxxxx41xxxxxx41xxxxxxB8xxxxxxxx66xxxxxx0F2FxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxxxx0F93xxF3xxxxxxxx0F2Fxx)

define(injHealthWrtHook, aobHealthWrtHook+26)

assert(injHealthWrtHook, bytes)

// i2Assert(injHealthWrtHook, bytes)


alloc(memHealthWrtHook, 0x400, injHealthWrtHook)








    dd (float)0

    align 10


        dq 0

    align 10 CC


        mov [ptrHealthWrtHook],rdi

        movss xmm1,[rdi+04]

        movss xmm3,[rdi+04]

        movss xmm8,[memHealthWrtHook]


        // movss xmm1,[rdi] // movss xmm1,[rsi]

        // movss xmm1,[rdi+04] // movss xmm3,[rsi+04]


        jmp return


//// ---------- Injection Point ----------


    jmp n_code







//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------



//// ---------- Injection Point ----------


    db bytes





//// Injection Point: mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3A  -  000000014411FD3A

//// AOB address: 000000014411FD14  -  mgsvtpp.exe+411FD14

//// Process: mgsvtpp.exe  -  0000000140000000

//// Module: mgsvtpp.exe  -  0000000140000000

//// Module Size: 0000000008434000

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCE9:  0F47 C8                     -  cmova ecx,eax                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCEC:  89 C8                       -  mov eax,ecx                       

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCEE:  81 F1 ACD5FB94              -  xor ecx,94FBD5AC

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCF4:  35 2FEA9DB4                 -  xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCF9:  41 89 4E 3C                 -  mov [r14+3C],ecx                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCFD:  41 8B 4E 04                 -  mov ecx,[r14+04]                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD01:  41 89 46 08                 -  mov [r14+08],eax                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD05:  41 8B 46 0C                 -  mov eax,[r14+0C]                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD09:  81 F1 2FEA9DB4              -  xor ecx,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD0F:  35 2FEA9DB4                 -  xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD14:  39 C8                       -  cmp eax,ecx                        <<<--- AOB Starts Here

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD16:  0F47 C8                     -  cmova ecx,eax                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD19:  89 C8                       -  mov eax,ecx                       

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD1B:  35 2FEA9DB4                 -  xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD20:  81 F1 ACD5FB94              -  xor ecx,94FBD5AC

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD26:  41 89 4E 40                 -  mov [r14+40],ecx                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD2A:  41 89 46 0C                 -  mov [r14+0C],eax                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD2E:  B8 00100000                 -  mov eax,00001000                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD33:  66 09 43 22                 -  or [rbx+22],ax                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD37:  0F2F 36                     -  comiss xmm6,[rsi]                 

////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3A:  F3 0F10 0E                  -  movss xmm1,[rsi]                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3E:  F3 0F10 5E 04               -  movss xmm3,[rsi+04]               

////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD43:  0F93 D0                     -  setae al                           

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD46:  F3 41 0F5C C8               -  subss xmm1,xmm8                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD4B:  0F2F CE                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm6                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD4E:  73 03                       -  jae 14411FD53                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD50:  0F28 CE                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm6                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD53:  0F28 C3                     -  movaps xmm0,xmm3                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD56:  F3 0F5C C1                  -  subss xmm0,xmm1                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD5A:  0F2F C6                     -  comiss xmm0,xmm6                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD5D:  73 03                       -  jae 14411FD62                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD5F:  0F28 CB                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm3                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD62:  0F2F CE                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm6                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD65:  F3 0F11 0E                  -  movss [rsi],xmm1                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD69:  F3 45 0F58 D8               -  addss xmm11,xmm8                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD6E:  77 14                       -  ja 14411FD84                       

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD70:  B9 00200000                 -  mov ecx,00002000                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD75:  66 85 4B 22                 -  test [rbx+22],cx                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD79:  74 09                       -  je 14411FD84                       

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD7B:  41 83 8C 24 B4000000 04     -  or dword ptr [r12+000000B4],04     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD84:  45 30 F6                    -  xor r14l,r14l                     

//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection

//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator

//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.



mgsvtpp.exe+11F2259 - 3B C1                 - cmp eax,ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+11F225B - 0F47 C8               - cmova ecx,eax

mgsvtpp.exe+11F225E - 8B C1                 - mov eax,ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2260 - 35 2FEA9DB4           - xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2265 - 81 F1 ACD5FB94        - xor ecx,94FBD5AC

mgsvtpp.exe+11F226B - 41 89 4F 40           - mov [r15+40],ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+11F226F - 41 89 47 0C           - mov [r15+0C],eax

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2273 - B8 00100000           - mov eax,00001000

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2278 - 66 09 43 22           - or [rbx+22],ax

mgsvtpp.exe+11F227C - 0F2F 37               - comiss xmm6,[rdi]

mgsvtpp.exe+11F227F - F3 0F10 0F            - movss xmm1,[rdi]

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2283 - F3 0F10 5F 04         - movss xmm3,[rdi+04]

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2288 - 0F93 C0               - setae al

mgsvtpp.exe+11F228B - F3 41 0F5C C8         - subss xmm1,xmm8

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2290 - 0F2F CE               - comiss xmm1,xmm6

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2293 - 73 03                 - jae mgsvtpp.exe+11F2298

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2295 - 0F28 CE               - movaps xmm1,xmm6

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2298 - 0F28 C3               - movaps xmm0,xmm3

mgsvtpp.exe+11F229B - F3 0F5C C1            - subss xmm0,xmm1

mgsvtpp.exe+11F229F - 0F2F C6               - comiss xmm0,xmm6

mgsvtpp.exe+11F22A2 - 73 03                 - jae mgsvtpp.exe+11F22A7


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Metal Gear Solid V

Post by DrWolfman »

ShyTwig16, post: 52892, member: 91 wrote:7721

Here is the updated "HealthWrtHook".

Code: Select all


    Process            : mgsvtpp.exe  -  (x64)

    Module            : mgsvtpp.exe

    Game Title        : Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain

    Game Version    :

    CE Version        : 6.7

    Script Version    : 0.0.1

    Date            : 01/19/18

    Author            : ShyTwig16

    Name            : HealthWrtHook

    Health Wrt Hook






define(address, mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3A)

// define(bytes, F3 0F 10 0E F3 0F 10 5E 04)

define(bytes, F3 0F 10 0F F3 0F 10 5F 04)


//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------


aobScanModule(aobHealthWrtHook, mgsvtpp.exe, 3xxx0F47xx8xxx35xxxxxxxx81xxxxxxxxxx41xxxxxx41xxxxxxB8xxxxxxxx66xxxxxx0F2FxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxxxx0F93xxF3xxxxxxxx0F2Fxx)

// i2AobScan(aobHealthWrtHook, 3xxx0F47xx8xxx35xxxxxxxx81xxxxxxxxxx41xxxxxx41xxxxxxB8xxxxxxxx66xxxxxx0F2FxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxxxx0F93xxF3xxxxxxxx0F2Fxx)

define(injHealthWrtHook, aobHealthWrtHook+26)

assert(injHealthWrtHook, bytes)

// i2Assert(injHealthWrtHook, bytes)


alloc(memHealthWrtHook, 0x400, injHealthWrtHook)








    dd (float)0

    align 10


        dq 0

    align 10 CC


        mov [ptrHealthWrtHook],rdi

        movss xmm1,[rdi+04]

        movss xmm3,[rdi+04]

        movss xmm8,[memHealthWrtHook]


        // movss xmm1,[rdi] // movss xmm1,[rsi]

        // movss xmm1,[rdi+04] // movss xmm3,[rsi+04]


        jmp return


//// ---------- Injection Point ----------


    jmp n_code







//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------



//// ---------- Injection Point ----------


    db bytes





//// Injection Point: mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3A  -  000000014411FD3A

//// AOB address: 000000014411FD14  -  mgsvtpp.exe+411FD14

//// Process: mgsvtpp.exe  -  0000000140000000

//// Module: mgsvtpp.exe  -  0000000140000000

//// Module Size: 0000000008434000

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCE9:  0F47 C8                     -  cmova ecx,eax                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCEC:  89 C8                       -  mov eax,ecx                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCEE:  81 F1 ACD5FB94              -  xor ecx,94FBD5AC

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCF4:  35 2FEA9DB4                 -  xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCF9:  41 89 4E 3C                 -  mov [r14+3C],ecx                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FCFD:  41 8B 4E 04                 -  mov ecx,[r14+04]                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD01:  41 89 46 08                 -  mov [r14+08],eax                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD05:  41 8B 46 0C                 -  mov eax,[r14+0C]                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD09:  81 F1 2FEA9DB4              -  xor ecx,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD0F:  35 2FEA9DB4                 -  xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD14:  39 C8                       -  cmp eax,ecx                        <<<--- AOB Starts Here

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD16:  0F47 C8                     -  cmova ecx,eax                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD19:  89 C8                       -  mov eax,ecx                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD1B:  35 2FEA9DB4                 -  xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD20:  81 F1 ACD5FB94              -  xor ecx,94FBD5AC

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD26:  41 89 4E 40                 -  mov [r14+40],ecx                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD2A:  41 89 46 0C                 -  mov [r14+0C],eax                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD2E:  B8 00100000                 -  mov eax,00001000                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD33:  66 09 43 22                 -  or [rbx+22],ax                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD37:  0F2F 36                     -  comiss xmm6,[rsi]               

////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3A:  F3 0F10 0E                  -  movss xmm1,[rsi]                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD3E:  F3 0F10 5E 04               -  movss xmm3,[rsi+04]             

////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD43:  0F93 D0                     -  setae al                         

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD46:  F3 41 0F5C C8               -  subss xmm1,xmm8                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD4B:  0F2F CE                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm6                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD4E:  73 03                       -  jae 14411FD53                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD50:  0F28 CE                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm6                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD53:  0F28 C3                     -  movaps xmm0,xmm3                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD56:  F3 0F5C C1                  -  subss xmm0,xmm1                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD5A:  0F2F C6                     -  comiss xmm0,xmm6                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD5D:  73 03                       -  jae 14411FD62                   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD5F:  0F28 CB                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm3                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD62:  0F2F CE                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm6                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD65:  F3 0F11 0E                  -  movss [rsi],xmm1                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD69:  F3 45 0F58 D8               -  addss xmm11,xmm8                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD6E:  77 14                       -  ja 14411FD84                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD70:  B9 00200000                 -  mov ecx,00002000                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD75:  66 85 4B 22                 -  test [rbx+22],cx                 

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD79:  74 09                       -  je 14411FD84                     

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD7B:  41 83 8C 24 B4000000 04     -  or dword ptr [r12+000000B4],04   

mgsvtpp.exe+411FD84:  45 30 F6                    -  xor r14l,r14l                   

//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection

//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator

//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.



mgsvtpp.exe+11F2259 - 3B C1                 - cmp eax,ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+11F225B - 0F47 C8               - cmova ecx,eax

mgsvtpp.exe+11F225E - 8B C1                 - mov eax,ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2260 - 35 2FEA9DB4           - xor eax,B49DEA2F

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2265 - 81 F1 ACD5FB94        - xor ecx,94FBD5AC

mgsvtpp.exe+11F226B - 41 89 4F 40           - mov [r15+40],ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+11F226F - 41 89 47 0C           - mov [r15+0C],eax

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2273 - B8 00100000           - mov eax,00001000

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2278 - 66 09 43 22           - or [rbx+22],ax

mgsvtpp.exe+11F227C - 0F2F 37               - comiss xmm6,[rdi]

mgsvtpp.exe+11F227F - F3 0F10 0F            - movss xmm1,[rdi]

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2283 - F3 0F10 5F 04         - movss xmm3,[rdi+04]

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2288 - 0F93 C0               - setae al

mgsvtpp.exe+11F228B - F3 41 0F5C C8         - subss xmm1,xmm8

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2290 - 0F2F CE               - comiss xmm1,xmm6

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2293 - 73 03                 - jae mgsvtpp.exe+11F2298

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2295 - 0F28 CE               - movaps xmm1,xmm6

mgsvtpp.exe+11F2298 - 0F28 C3               - movaps xmm0,xmm3

mgsvtpp.exe+11F229B - F3 0F5C C1            - subss xmm0,xmm1

mgsvtpp.exe+11F229F - 0F2F C6               - comiss xmm0,xmm6

mgsvtpp.exe+11F22A2 - 73 03                 - jae mgsvtpp.exe+11F22A7


Thanks so much for the quick reply! Is it a similar shift/update for the "VisiblityHook" ? That's the one currently having issues for me.

Here s your coding update for the last update if that's helpful as a point of reference! (I realize I should have included that with the first post?)

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

Code: Select all


    Process            : mgsvtpp.exe  -  (x64)

    Module            : vstdlib_s64.dll  -  000000000006B000

    Game Title        : Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain

    Game Version    :

    CE Version        : 6.7

    Script Version    : 0.0.1

    Date            : 01/10/18

    Author            : ShyTwig16

    Name            : VisiblityHook

    Visiblity Hook


define(address, mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2DB)

define(bytes, 89 8F 98 00 00 00)


//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------


aobScanModule(aobVisiblityHook, mgsvtpp.exe, 89xxxxxxxxxx89xxxxxx44xxxxxxxx48xxxxxxxx3Bxxxxxx0F82xxxxxxxx31xx44xxxxxx83xxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx41xxxx48xxxx44xxxxC6xxxxxxxx0F29xxxx89xxxxxx0F86xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

define(injVisiblityHook, aobVisiblityHook)

assert(injVisiblityHook, bytes)


alloc(memVisiblityHook, 0x400, injVisiblityHook)









        dq 0


        mov [ptrVisiblityHook],rdi

        mov ecx,(float)10000


        mov [rdi+00000098],ecx


        jmp return


//// ---------- Injection Point ----------


    jmp n_code




//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------



//// ---------- Injection Point ----------


    db bytes





//// Injection Point: mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2DB  -  00000001441FC2DB

//// Process: mgsvtpp.exe  -  0000000140000000

//// Module: vstdlib_s64.dll  -  0000000073690000

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC27D:  66 89 8F 8C000000           -  mov [rdi+0000008C],cx

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC284:  49 8B 85 90000000           -  mov rax,[r13+00000090]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC28B:  8B 14 B0                    -  mov edx,[rax+rsi*4]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC28E:  49 8B 85 88000000           -  mov rax,[r13+00000088]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC295:  8B 0C B0                    -  mov ecx,[rax+rsi*4]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC298:  89 97 94000000              -  mov [rdi+00000094],edx

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC29E:  89 DA                       -  mov edx,ebx

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2A0:  89 8F 90000000              -  mov [rdi+00000090],ecx

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2A6:  49 8B 46 50                 -  mov rax,[r14+50]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2AA:  48 8B 88 30010000           -  mov rcx,[rax+00000130]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2B1:  49 8B 85 C8000000           -  mov rax,[r13+000000C8]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2B8:  4C 8B 01                    -  mov r8,[rcx]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2BB:  F3 0F10 14 B0               -  movss xmm2,[rax+rsi*4]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2C0:  41 FF 50 08                 -  call qword ptr [r8+08]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2C4:  49 8B 85 D0000000           -  mov rax,[r13+000000D0]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2CB:  44 8B 7C 24 40              -  mov r15d,[rsp+40]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2D0:  8B 0C B0                    -  mov ecx,[rax+rsi*4]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2D3:  FF C3                       -  inc ebx

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2D5:  41 D1 C7                    -  rol r15d,1

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2D8:  48 FF C6                    -  inc rsi

////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2DB:  89 8F 98000000              -  mov [rdi+00000098],ecx

////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2E1:  89 5C 24 2C                 -  mov [rsp+2C],ebx

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2E5:  44 89 7C 24 40              -  mov [rsp+40],r15d

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2EA:  48 89 74 24 50              -  mov [rsp+50],rsi

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2EF:  3B 5C 24 60                 -  cmp ebx,[rsp+60]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2F3:  0F82 3BE9FFFF               -  jb 1441FAC34

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2F9:  31 C0                       -  xor eax,eax

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2FB:  44 8D 40 01                 -  lea r8d,[rax+01]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC2FF:  83 7C 24 60 00              -  cmp dword ptr [rsp+60],00

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC304:  0F28 05 55BEE9FD            -  movaps xmm0,[142098160]            [(float)1.0000]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC30B:  41 89 C7                    -  mov r15d,eax

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC30E:  48 89 C7                    -  mov rdi,rax

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC311:  44 89 C0                    -  mov eax,r8d

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC314:  C6 44 24 20 01              -  mov byte ptr [rsp+20],01

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC319:  0F29 45 80                  -  movaps [rbp-80],xmm0

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC31D:  89 44 24 3C                 -  mov [rsp+3C],eax

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC321:  0F86 D1090000               -  jbe 1441FCCF8

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC327:  F3 44 0F10 6D 88            -  movss xmm13,[rbp-78]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC32D:  F3 44 0F10 75 84            -  movss xmm14,[rbp-7C]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC333:  F3 44 0F10 7D 80            -  movss xmm15,[rbp-80]

mgsvtpp.exe+41FC339:  F3 44 0F10 25 865EF1FD      -  movss xmm12,[1421121C8]            [(float)-0.1000]

//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjectionWithValues

//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator

//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.


{// 31xx44xxxxxx83xxxxxxxx0Fxxxxxxxxxxxx

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6408

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63DD: 48 8B 86 C8 00 00 00        -  mov rax,[rsi+000000C8]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63E4: 4C 8B 01                    -  mov r8,[rcx]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63E7: F3 0F 10 14 98              -  movss xmm2,[rax+rbx*4]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63EC: 41 FF 50 08                 -  call qword ptr [r8+08]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63F0: 48 8B 86 D0 00 00 00        -  mov rax,[rsi+000000D0]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63F7: 44 8B 7C 24 40              -  mov r15d,[rsp+40]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63FC: 8B 0C 98                    -  mov ecx,[rax+rbx*4]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E63FF: 41 FF C5                    -  inc r13d

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6402: 41 D1 C7                    -  rol r15d,1

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6405: 48 FF C3                    -  inc rbx

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6408: 89 8F 98 00 00 00           -  mov [rdi+00000098],ecx

// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E640E: 44 89 6C 24 28              -  mov [rsp+28],r13d

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6413: 44 89 7C 24 40              -  mov [rsp+40],r15d

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6418: 48 89 5C 24 50              -  mov [rsp+50],rbx

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E641D: 44 3B 6C 24 60              -  cmp r13d,[rsp+60]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6422: 0F 82 3C E9 FF FF           -  jb mgsvtpp.exe+40E4D64

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6428: 31 C0                       -  xor eax,eax

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E642A: 44 8D 40 01                 -  lea r8d,[rax+01]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E642E: 83 7C 24 60 00              -  cmp dword ptr [rsp+60],00

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E6433: 0F 28 05 C6 07 F3 FD        -  movaps xmm0,[mgsvtpp.exe+2016C00]

"mgsvtpp.exe"+40E643A: 89 C7                       -  mov edi,eax


Last edited by DrWolfman on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Ferris Bueller
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat May 05, 2018 3:24 am
Reputation: 0

Metal Gear Solid V

Post by Ferris Bueller »

I need the updated for:

Never consume GMP

Never consume Resources

Materials (processed) (ALL)

Materials (unprocessed) (ALL)

Medicinal Plants (ALL)


Walker Gears


Placed Weapon

No Sleep (All Forms)



I can not update these items, please I need help

Thanks :)

Ferris Bueller
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat May 05, 2018 3:24 am
Reputation: 0

Metal Gear Solid V

Post by Ferris Bueller »

hamed91211173, post: 32086, member: 7910 wrote:Just updated the version of table with script and some tables in this forum

most tanks to - ShyTwig16 - for his scripts iff i'm not wrong i added all of his gun scripts in this table

to zufield

this table has a working staff editor

just rename the table to - mgsvtpp - for easier use

Is it possible to upgrade this file to a new version of the game?

Post Reply

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