Dying Light - table v: 4.0.2 CT

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

bluepanda wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:47 pm
Wowfe wrote:
Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:45 pm
Doesn't work, when I launch 3.0.11 this is what I get when I try to enable main hooks

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "F30F10xxxxxx488BxxF30F5883BC000000F30F58xxxxxxxxxxF30F11xxF30F10"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"
Also facing this issue. It is mainly occuring when starting CE before the game executable.
The Lua-Script section from this CT should not trigger automatically, which it sadly does and causes this issue ever often with this conditions.

Try to start CE after the game has been launched and your savegame being fully loaded.

On the other hand, @CT_creator: Can you please separate the Lua-part which causes this issue on automatic trigger to a regular main script header instead? Would spare lots of us the pain to remanage windows and Co. as this game still has a very bad fullscreen/borderless-alt-tab support, which is blocking the entire IO-peripherals unless you somehow unbug it with random button combinations.
Thank you.

Btw. some scripts related to like stamina, UV light and such ain't working correctly.
Trying to change them as "consume less, regenerate faster" are like "don't use XYZ at all", which kinda makes the gameplay too OP imho.
Other than that, I think I am missing the script "Being able to use Weapons/Equipment in safe zone".

Oh and yeah, v1.39.0.
You need to check your CE settings if you don't want the lua to run when the table is opened, you have it set up to do that. But you'll have to execute the table lua script manually. You can also just run the script manually after opening the game, plus the timer for attaching to the process will run for a couple of minutes so you should be able to open the table first and then the game with no problems (just tested it and still works either way). Just to note; the whole reason I make tables is because I like them set up a certain way, you're welcome to modify the table however you want.

The alt-tab issue seems like it's with your system or OS, I don't have any problems with this game in borderless window mode. But you could try and set the game to windowed and start using [Link], it saves me a lot of headaches with other games.

The "Stamina Dec. Hook" and "Flash/UV Light Battery Dec. Hook" are working and you can change the multiplier to whatever works for you, and you can set them to even make the game harder if you want. You can even set the defaults in the script directly. And "Weapons in Safe Zones" is in the table and still working, not sure how your "missing" it.

And table version 3.0.11 is for game file version, not sure if you were just stating which version you're using or what.

EDIT: Just tested it by opening the table then the game and before the game loaded used the test table state which enables all scripts, and didn't have any problems. Follow the "Errors and Bugs" instructions, make sure to verify the steam game files, and remove any mods. And the newest table was tested with CE 7.2.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by Siggymas »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:59 am
Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.11: Fixed "Player Health Dec. Hook" to work with electricity.
thank you, bless your soul.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by Shaidon »

I'm doing that Parkour Fever right SW of slums main safe zone, and I want to freeze the timer when I'm about to loose (bellow 2:15:00). Seems that the option for that is on the Time/Timer Scale Hook, but the Timer option is always on ??. Not updating for a option like "freeze".
Am I doing something wrong, or it is what it is?

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by ShyTwig16 »

Shaidon wrote:
Mon May 17, 2021 2:06 pm
I'm doing that Parkour Fever right SW of slums main safe zone, and I want to freeze the timer when I'm about to loose (bellow 2:15:00). Seems that the option for that is on the Time/Timer Scale Hook, but the Timer option is always on ??. Not updating for a option like "freeze".
Am I doing something wrong, or it is what it is?
If it's enabling and not getting the timer's base then it either needs to be updated or that timer runs in different code. Hard to say I really don't remember what that timer was found with, I think races but I'm not 100% sure.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by ZeroCool933 »

Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:55 am
Note: Sometimes when u press "Update" the error message comes out or nothing happened, just try this:
1. Re-enable Backpack Script (Included the children inside it) and try to press the "Update" again
2. If no 1 didnt do anything good, dont disable the script yet just let it stay enabled and then use the medkit (Press H in the game) and press "Update" now

Item List is based on v1.39, it just helping tool for me to find the right position of the item i want since we cant do search in the swapper

Credit to ShyTwig16 (Base Table) and also ray2160 (Backpack Editor, i just got it from 1.16 version from his table)

is there any possibility to add inventory editor? like the durability and damage of weapons? There is a cheat table posted further back but it gives an error when trying to update to edit the weapons


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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by -Z- »

Is it safe to use CE? I hate Valve Anti-Cheat, I got banned on ark for using CE >.>

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by THORtik »

-Z- wrote:
Mon May 31, 2021 9:55 pm

Is it safe to use CE? I hate Valve Anti-Cheat, I got banned on ark for using CE >.>
Safe for single player play. But in online mode (PvP), no.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by RageMonkey »

First Hi there I hope all is well with you. Secondly the table 3.0.11 is not longer working after recent update sadly.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by smokybadger »

Same as above. Errors activating Main Hooks.

Code: Select all

Process Module: DyingLightGame.exe (x64)
Path to File: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dying Light\DyingLightGame.exe
Module Address: 00007FF799870000
File Version:
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "_Main.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "_Main.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "_Main.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "_Main.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  autoAssembleFile:
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  autoAssembleFile:
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  aobScan:
AOB scan pattern found at: 00007FF8776F0DAA; "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: string "--[==========================================..."]:606:
Reading from: 00007FF8776F0DB3; "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  string "--[==========================================..."]:606:
Bytes read: 08; "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  string "--[==========================================..."]:606:
Bytes matched for: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
File assembled: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: clearGlobals:
clearGlobals: All I2CETableCEA globals cleared
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Done: Auto Assemble File: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  autoAssembleFile:
ENABLING; "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  aobScan:
AOB scan pattern found at: 00007FF87A0A40D3; "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: string "--[==========================================..."]:606:
Reading from: 00007FF87A0A40F0; "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO:  string "--[==========================================..."]:606:
Bytes read: 08; "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: string "--[==========================================..."]:606:
Error with "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA", bytes don't match injection point.
  At: 00007FF87A0A40F0
 Got: F30F108064110000
Read: F30F108074110000
-------------------- CODE --------------------
7FF87A0A40CD - F3 44 0F59 5E 7C  - mulss xmm11,[rsi+7C]
7FF87A0A40D3 - F3 44 0F59 5D 6F  - mulss xmm11,[rbp+6F]
7FF87A0A40D9 - 48 8B 06  - mov rax,[rsi]
7FF87A0A40DC - 48 8B CE  - mov rcx,rsi
7FF87A0A40DF - FF 50 20  - call qword ptr [rax+20]
7FF87A0A40E2 - 48 8B 1D DF3B0101  - mov rbx,[7FF87B0B7CC8]
7FF87A0A40E9 - 48 81 C3 300F0000 - add rbx,00000F30
7FF87A0A40F0 - F3 0F10 80 74110000  - movss xmm0,[rax+00001174]   <<<---- Injection point
7FF87A0A40F8 - F3 0F10 88 78110000  - movss xmm1,[rax+00001178]
7FF87A0A4100 - F3 0F11 45 67  - movss [rbp+67],xmm0
7FF87A0A4105 - F3 0F11 4D 6B  - movss [rbp+6B],xmm1
7FF87A0A410A - 48 8B 45 67  - mov rax,[rbp+67]
7FF87A0A410E - 48 89 46 64  - mov [rsi+64],rax
7FF87A0A4112 - E8 99F16FFF - call 7FF8797A32B0
7FF87A0A4117 - 84 C0  - test al,al
7FF87A0A4119 - 74 0C - je 7FF87A0A4127
------------------ CODE END ------------------
I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: clearGlobals:
clearGlobals: All I2CETableCEA globals cleared
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CameraRotationAngleHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by Shaidon »

Hmm... Time to wait for updated cheat tables.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by TheMenda »

Will there be a working table for version 1.43.0 on Steam?
Version 3.0.11 only throw errors when activating the "Main Hooks" script, as other users already noted.

Thanks for the hard work :)

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by Devildog2901 »

I know this thread has been quiet for a while but recently an update for dying light launched and it seems to have broken the cheat table. If it's a simple fix on my end great if it's something you would need to update on your end then it would be very much appreciated. Hoping to get back to enjoying your amazing cheat table soon. Thanks in advance for any input you have, This is what I get when I attempt to launch the main hooks script

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "F30F10xxxxxx488BxxF30F5883BC000000F30F58xxxxxxxxxxF30F11xxF30F10"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

Edit... at the time of making this post the most recent comment I could find was from 2019 after I posted it, messages pertaining to the same issue loaded in above this one, sorry for the repeated complaint.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by THORtik »

Hi ShyTwig16, can I ask you to fix the table? Do you have a "Hellraid" DLC?
This update is big and a major addition to the "Hellraid" DLC. The previous table worked in "Hellraid".

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by WhiteOwl »

I'm really looking forward to updating the table for the latest version of the game (at the moment I tried to change the table through the cheat engine to disable the loaded files in _Main.CEA, the error still remains. I suppose that the memory addresses have changed (I can be mistaken as I am not an expert in this area). Sorry for my English - it's google translate.

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Re: Dying Light - table v: 3.0.11 CT

Post by 942826468 »

Yeah many hooks throw errors now, hopefully this gets an update! Thanks.

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