OleMagne wrote: ↑Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:07 am
Squall8 wrote: ↑Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:55 pm
Got access to the debug menu in the title screen! Empty though. I found the same address in the dev exe and that one loads fine when I force it. :'(
very late to the debug menu scene, got my hand of the dev exe yesterday and make a very simple script to call the debug menu based on what you guys found.
it brings up the debug menu as you guys said, but the ui navigation is off.
was going to dig some more today and saw you already make it to steam.
so... why bother~ I'm gonna wait for the results then~
now, though it seems you has all this covered already, just in case, here's the "debug menu ui" testing script I made last night for the dev exe.
the first one is the call to this debug menu function, yet to locate where the rdx is formed. it brings up the debug menu but you can't navigate.
Code: Select all
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
sub rsp,28
mov rdx,B962F0E8 //call the debug menu once to get the rdx, then update this manually for now
mov rbx,[rdx+38]
//mov rbx,B962EDF0
mov rsi,[rbx+38]
mov rcx,rbx
mov rdi,rdx
mov r8,rdx
mov rbp,1 //2
xor r9,r9
mov r12,5
xor r13,r13
mov r14,2 //0
call "ffxv_s.exe"+18D23E0
add rsp,28
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
the second one can be activated without obtaining the rdx first, but it has the same problem, you can't navigate the menu.
Code: Select all
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
sub rsp,28
call ffxv_s.exe+847520
mov byte ptr [rax+08],01 //1 pause,0 unpause
xor r8d,r8d
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,13a
call ffxv_s.exe+F92970 //not traced yet
mov dl,1 //1 open, 2 close
mov rcx,[ffxv_s.exe+53D63B8]
call ffxv_s.exe+5A5420 //debug menu ui
mov edx,5 //# of options you can navigate in the current page
mov rcx,[ffxv_s.exe+53D63B8]
call ffxv_s.exe+5A5440 //not traced yet
mov edx,3
mov rcx,[ffxv_s.exe+53D1280]
call ffxv_s.exe+CD030 //not traced yet
add rsp,28
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
and that's it. hope that helps for the process~
going back to actually playing the game. finally got to chapter 10 yesterday, hopefully I can finish the game this weekend....
another regular update:
- added max armiger and ignore medals.
- added a separate enable script for the developer version, in case the steam build would eventually migrate to the developer build in the future...
-- while some of the scripts has to be customized for the developer version. most of the scripts can be activated for the steam version as well. e.g., the enable script for the developer version can be used on steam version.
-- for the developer version, ignore medals isn't added, as I've made this script after I revert back to the steam version (may go back to the developer version after I finished the game once... don't know, maybe mod tools is out by then).
-- for the developer version, custom guest member mod isn't updated, as you can use the debug menu to add/remove guest in real-time already.
note that NOT all the scripts for the developer version are thoroughly tested.