Anyone knows how to get a freeze on the timer for episode Promptos time trial? or at least a way to accelerate his speed without accelerating the timer :/
how to use shop override id? nothing change in shop
Because it doesn't supposed to. You change the script for whatever you want, buy any item, and the amount of that item will not increase, but you will get what you chose.
New update just dropped. EXE is changed. Need new tables! =P
I don't have an update? O.o
Wait, really?
Yeah. If you could go ahead and test my table with the new exe and tell me if it needs to be updated or not, that would be swell. Currently doing modelswaps and need to know if I should wait. :p
Yeah. If you could go ahead and test my table with the new exe and tell me if it needs to be updated or not, that would be swell. Currently doing modelswaps and need to know if I should wait. :p
EDIT: [Link] says last updated 8 days ago.
Squall8's Table is dead, but yours and Celios tables are just fine.
No update on my end either. Maybe cause we were still using the dev exe? I also saw you work with the dev menu. Sweet stuff. I have barely had the time over the last couple days to keep looking into this. Anyways, is the menu still fully functional for you? There are certain sub-menus that have lost complete functionality.. I started noticing this a few days back. Not sure if its just on my end.
What you said makes complete sense of hooking into the first line of the call itself. I never thought of doing it that way. As for the example call I used in the script, if I remember correctly, there were no arguments to pass along, before the call or at the start of the calls function. But I know what to do there. As you suspected, the last call I saved affected all menus, so I'm kind of back to the drawing board in that aspect. However, looking through the steam files, there are assets for the debug menu, so I know its possible. I'm just not overly optimistic about making this work..