Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Vyn »

Hello Squall8,

I'm requesting a bit of a info dump I suppose. I've been tinkering with the equipment listing of Comrades (OFFLINE), and i've managed to finish every single thing to do in the Expansion, but there's a few items that no matter the time and effort I put in, I cannot obtain. I've already poured over 127+ Hours into the Comrades expansion.

So, finally reaching my breaking point after hammering Behemoth King's face with rockets until he was gracious enough to hand over Befouled Blades, I've reached my limitt. I just want the item IDs for the CT for the remaining Besmirched/Tainted weapons.

I noticed your catalog is missing quite a few of those weapons. I'm not sure if this was intentional? Or if your motives were set entirely on removing any trace of assisting people against the weapon-drop grind. If that's the case, I suppose you'll just ignore this message and say something like "Deal with it." Otherwise, if you wouldn't mind helping me with the ID's of those weapons? I'd grately appreciate it.

On a sidenote I have the ID for Lohengrins which isn't in your .ct either. It's 17152954, the weapons i'm mostly after are the Deathclaw Mutant Besmirched 1/50, and the Crimson Flashes / Befouled Blade 1/20 off the Mutant Bandersnatch

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by Vyn on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by TFFMystics »

[QUOTE="Vyn, post: 45631, member: 17220"]Hello Squall8,

I'm requesting a bit of a info dump I suppose. I've been tinkering with the equipment listing of Comrades (OFFLINE), and i've managed to finish every single thing to do in the Expansion, but there's a few items that no matter the time and effort I put in, I cannot obtain. I've already poured over 127+ Hours into the Comrades expansion.

So, finally reaching my breaking point after hammering Behemoth King's face with rockets until he was gracious enough to hand over Befouled Blades, I've reached my limitt. I just want the item IDs for the CT for the remaining Besmirched/Tainted weapons.

I noticed your catalog is missing quite a few of those weapons. I'm not sure if this was intentional? Or if your motives were set entirely on removing any trace of assisting people against the weapon-drop grind. If that's the case, I suppose you'll just ignore this message and say something like "Deal with it." Otherwise, if you wouldn't mind helping me with the ID's of those weapons? I'd grately appreciate it.

On a sidenote I have the ID for Lohengrins which isn't in your .ct either. It's 17152954, the weapons i'm mostly after are the Deathclaw Mutant Besmirched 1/50, and the Crimson Flashes / Befouled Blade 1/20 off the Mutant Bandersnatch

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.[/QUOTE]

i've been looking for Lohengrins's ID for sometime now, thank you. i think the creators haven't update it yet. i mean they updated it but not for FFXV Comrades 1.2.0. so, i think that's probably why the new items from Comrades 1.2.0 are not in the table yet. oh, and i have the ID for Besmirched 1/50 which it will turn into Amenohabakiri. it's 17169683 and this is it display name 184660953 i don't know if this is what you looking for but i dropped this weapon from Deathclaw Mutant Besmirched in mission called Dave-ja Vu, Level 85. i don't know about Crimson Flashes and Befouled Blade 1/20 though :(

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Vyn »

[QUOTE="TFFMystics, post: 45686, member: 16051"]i've been looking for Lohengrins's ID for sometime now, thank you. i think the creators haven't update it yet. i mean they updated it but not for FFXV Comrades 1.2.0. so, i think that's probably why the new items from Comrades 1.2.0 are not in the table yet. oh, and i have the ID for Besmirched 1/50 which it will turn into Amenohabakiri. it's 17169683 and this is it display name 184660953 i don't know if this is what you looking for but i dropped this weapon from Deathclaw Mutant Besmirched in mission called Dave-ja Vu, Level 85. i don't know about Crimson Flashes and Befouled Blade 1/20 though :([/QUOTE]

Not a problem. I could get all the IDs if I could just find a save file of Comrades somewhere, it seems no one uploads those however. I appreciate the ID for Amenohabakiri (Lion's Roar: Cor's limit), that is definitely the second hardest one to get.

Pre-1.20 it was only possible to get the Firaga spell through the Crimson Flashes ( The Baleful Bandersnatch), they're daggers that you can get breaking the Bandersnatches face. I must've shoved my spear, hammer and a number of other instruments into them already, nothing. That would be the Befouled Blades 1/20 (Most of the Cursed weapons can be determined by it's maximum base level, 1/20, 1/30, 1/50 etc. etc...) I figured if Squall8 did add them, he could use that as a naming schematic? Such as 17######:Besmirched Blade 1/20

Still, you're welcome about Lohengrins. I know how hard that one was to get. I tried for I think ... a week? Finally I just buckled down one weekend and said "farm mode." However, after running the Departed mission somewhere up to 57 times. I am spent. I just wanted the last few "Cursed" weapon IDs, so I could just reverse forge them.

Oh, bit of a tip if you weren't aware. You only need the Weapon ID itself, just Highlight a weapon like a base level Katana, change it's ID - then go to Cid's machine and "Dismantle" it. It'll dismantle into the appropriate lower tier weapon, with the correct stats. You don't need the Display Name.

I've done it for a number of weapons already; trying to find the ID for the Befouled Blades and Besmirched. It wouldn't be so bad trying to locate it myself, but truthfully every time you put in an invalid ID, you corrupt a weapon. It becomes bugged, no name, level 0/0 and no stats. The only way to correct the bug is to sell every single item with the same name.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by juliojakers »

Need maskless Aranea Outfit.. is that possible ??

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Squall8 »



I know I'm still missing quite a bit of weapon IDs, I just haven't had much time over the past month to finish this up. Nor do I even play Comrades that often, so I'm pretty far behind when it comes to progress.

I have added some more to the DDL, with major thanks to [USER=16893]@Ohpz[/USER] for providing them. You can check to see if the ones you are looking for are in there.

If I'm still missing some, feel free to post their IDs.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Bellasgnuk »

Could anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong? I download the executable, cheat engine opens, i select the game but in the menu i cannot activete nothing, the engine seems to load for a second, then it shows (not responding) and nothing

The Main script is still not activated, no matter what i do

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Dark_wizzie »

[QUOTE="NumberXer0, post: 45446, member: 1084"]Use the developer exe, open the debug menu, choose world and then choose get item. Then pick attire for all outfits.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Now I have to hope DLC to buy the tshirt comes before a game update that updates the EXE. The item code for the Sims 4 outfit is noted in OleMange's outfit Cheatengine table if you're interested. Same str% bonus, but it looks like garbage.

Any way to teleport to Cartanica to finish a quest that I now can't finish?

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Koshiko »

The only way back to Cartanica is to either use chapter select or New Game+, both of which reset your quest progression. I've tried everything to get back to Cartanica with out of bounds trickery, and the consensus is, if you leave, you're screwed.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Sauce »

Strangest thing, I'm now having the same issue as Bellasgnuk [URL=''](Post Link)[/URL]. Where as before I had the occasional issue with certain codes due to jumps, things for the most part worked. Now with the updated tables, I can attach CE, but when it comes time to activate the main script at the main menu, CE does the "brief" pause while it attempts to activate the script, and then the checkbox doesn't get checked. So then I can't do anything else.

I'm able to use CE in other games fine. I own FF15 on Steam and I'm using the up to date files from Steam (not dev build files). I'm using CE 6.7 on Win 7 x64. The only slightly different thing I have enabled is the kernal debugging options in CE, as they have proven very stable on my end (hasn't crashed me in the months its been enabled), and it is generally easier to leave enabled unless I need to disable it for some reason.

Edit: And it is probably the debugger clashing with the game, script, or drm, or some combination of the 3. Don't know why this wasn't a problem before. Will just have to remember I turned it off before I switch back to certain other games.
Last edited by Sauce on Thu May 17, 2018 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Vyn »

[QUOTE="Squall8, post: 45821, member: 240"][USER=17220]@Vyn[/USER]


I know I'm still missing quite a bit of weapon IDs, I just haven't had much time over the past month to finish this up. Nor do I even play Comrades that often, so I'm pretty far behind when it comes to progress.

I have added some more to the DDL, with major thanks to [USER=16893]@Ohpz[/USER] for providing them. You can check to see if the ones you are looking for are in there.

If I'm still missing some, feel free to post their IDs.[/QUOTE]

Thank you [USER=240]@Squall8[/USER] & [USER=16893]@Ohpz[/USER]

That update (Number 37 DDL) completed all the missing weapon IDs, so I very much appreciate it. The ones that aren't there, can be reforged with Cid's machine by taking the upper tier and reducing it. So there should be no complaints from others about it, there is at least 1 weapon of every branching tier of 1.2.0 now, which means it is possible to have every weapon with this cheat table.

Thank you again for taking your time, Squall8 and Ohpz.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by fatboyslim1907 »

Hi OP, sorry to ask but can you teach me how to use item finder in step by step? right now I have no clue how to use it because I want to have Adamantite without fighting the beast Adamantoise... Thanks for reading...

Btw, I have the Steam version not the pirated one with latest update...
Last edited by fatboyslim1907 on Thu May 17, 2018 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Dark_wizzie »

IIRC the table used to contain a function to enable hidden outfits and was later removed. Was there no way to get it to work reliably or something? If not, why was it removed?

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Denezhou »

I can share a save with all weapons in comrades if someone wants to get get ids from them. pm me

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by hal »

Thank you for great CT?


I can't use Meal Editor & Status Effect Editor.Are there any conditions of use?


I tried to custom guest Noctis/Gladiolus/Prompto/Ignis at the DLC.It was almost successful.

But,Prompto and Ignis were reversed.

Can you fix it?


I can't use alt Aranea model.

Then,I noticed that Aranea will disappear when "Noctis & Co" is enabled at the Episode Prompto.

Is something related?

Finally, can someone create cheat to call a Chocobo anywhere?

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Final Fantasy XV (Steam)

Post by Squall8 »


1. Sort your Treasures inventory.

2. Under Item Finder where is says "Choose One", select the item that appears in the last slot of your Treasures inventory.

3. After you made your selection, sort your inventory again.

You'll notice the first set of pointers have populated with values for the item you specified. The second set of pointers will have values of 0, allowing you to add any item in the category, such as Adamantite.


Both are working fine for me. In what ways are they not working?

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