MFDOOM wrote: ↑Sun Dec 23, 2018 2:53 am
Hello - thank you for the great trainer it has helped me a lot. However there are some issues i am having and some questions if you do not mind.
I make sure mono is activated:
- Fast animal v1 and v2 do not work. I've tried each option, including enabling both.
- Fast house build does not work. I tried the way you did it in the tutorial. Enable it, then place building. But it does not work.
Could you explain to me the quest thing? For example sometimes quest wills how up 0/10 required and then 0/10 progress. But for some quests they do not show up at all. Is there a way to choose which quests the table tracks?
I notice when you enable FastBuild it actually pauses the building process...
About Fast animal v1 and v2, I also have a random working; I mean both of them work fine here but for some unknown reason(s), v1 works fine on a version, then it is no longer working on a new update. Then I use v2 which works fine on a new version but does not work on that previous one. Then I retry with v1, it works with previous game version + new update and I try v2 and it works fine like v1.
About Fast build, I guess I made the script based on the fact that I had enough material, so the current script is only bypassing the time you have to wait before a new build step. Besides it has always worked like that. I recently saw that devs made some changes in the game on that side (some builds need specific material, such like the hay, I think), so I just need to add them in NoBuyItemRequirement script.
This in an example in Update 12
Code: Select all
//Level Requirement
db 94
//41 8B 8F 94 00 00 00
//mov ecx,[r15+00000094]
db CA
//48 8B CA
//mov rcx,rdx
db 90 90 90 90
db 90 90 90 90
db 90 90 90 90
db 1C
//48 8B 40 1C
//mov rax,[rax+1C]
db 94
//8B 8E 94 00 00 00
//mov ecx,[rsi+00000094]
//Price per Stage (Money) //screen value only - no needed
db 49 8B C9
//mov rcx,r9
Logic.Farm.Buildings:HouseBuilding:Work+12a+2: //this one is needed
db CA
//48 8B CA
//mov rcx,rdx
//Price per Stage (Medals) //screen value only - no needed
db 90 90 90 90
Logic.Farm.Buildings:HouseBuilding:Work+13f: //this one is needed
db 90 90 90 90
//Price per Stage (Diamonds) //screen value only - no needed
db 90 90 90 90
Logic.Farm.Buildings:HouseBuilding:Work+134: //this one is needed
db 90 90 90 90
//Price per Stage (BuyXp) aka ConstructionStepBaseXp //screen value only - no needed
db FC
//8B 8E FC 00 00 00
//mov ecx,[rsi+000000FC]
db 9C
//41 8B 8F 9C 00 00 00
//mov ecx,[r15+0000009C]
db 08
//48 8B 08
//mov rcx,[rax]
db 48 8B 48 10
//mov rcx,[rax+10]
db 48 8B 48 10
//mov rcx,[rax+10]
db 48 8B 48 08
//mov rcx,[rax+08]
db 18
//48 8B 40 18
//mov rax,[rax+18]
db 98
//8B 8E 98 00 00 00
//mov ecx,[rsi+00000098]
db 48 8B 08
//mov rcx,[rax]
db 08
//48 8B 08
//mov rcx,[rax]
db 48 8B 48 10
//mov rcx,[rax+10]
db 48 8B 48 10
//mov rcx,[rax+10]
db 48 8B 48 08
//mov rcx,[rax+08]
db 48 8B 48 08
//mov rcx,[rax+08]
db F0
//8B 8E F0 00 00 00
//mov ecx,[rsi+000000F0]
But I didn't be able to finish it yet because I got sick. But despite that, I can confirm that it works well. Now in your case, the only thing that I see is that running the game under steam might have some kind of memory protection.
I'm always playing the steam game version with SSE (SmartSteamEmu).
Ash wrote: ↑Mon Dec 24, 2018 6:37 pm
Hello o/
I'm not sure how others are getting the scripts to work, the only script that works with me is the inf money gain.
Fast crops puts my crops to 400000 days, fast building stops the timer on them.
The CT has been made with CE v6.8.1, be sure you have that version or higher. Also use always the latest CT version.