FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

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FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by Shinkansen »

Simple table for FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster, may or may not work.

Fixes / new options request that also provide savegames will have a higher chance of being looked at.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address.
E. Do action ZZZ.

Important information.
1. Attach to "FFX-2.exe".

1. Player Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Blitzball Minigame. Command Points, Max Command Points, some Player Stats.
- Experiment Minigame. Assembly Quantities.
- Publicity Campaign Minigame. Values.
- Sphere Break Minigame. Coin Quantities, Enabled.
- Marriage Minigame. Marriage Points.
- Garment Grid. Added remaining Garment Grids.

2. Creature Abilities Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Main Commands, Auto-Abilities

3. Blitzball Stats.
"Score Set to Massive?" sets Scores to massive.
"Stats Set to Massive?" sets Players Stats to massive.

4. Minigame Stats.
Allows minigames values to be modified.

How to use.
A. Activate (put an X) "Minigame Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
B. Activate (put an X) "Minigame Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Minigame)".
C. Enable (put a 1) "Minigame Stats Update Base Address?".

Sphere Break Stats.
D. Activate (put an X) "Sphere Break Stats".
E. Start the minigame.
F. Wait for the timer to start counting down, then pause the game with ESC.
G. Modify "Quota" value to just under the Quota (Winning Quota - 1).
H. Unpause the game, then complete 1 move. This will cause a Corebreak.

1. Player Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Current Location. Posting Minigame locations might allow them to be looked at.
- Bestiary Fiend Tales.
- Al Bhed Primer Translator Flags
- Garment Grids.
- Dresspheres.
- Accessories.

For convenience, added All Accessories script.

2. Character Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Size.

3. Abilities Stats.
"Abilities All Set to Master?" sets all Abilities to Master. Some Abilities also need the appropriate Key Items to be added to be enabled / completed.

4. Battle Stats.
"Status Set to Max?" sets Status to max.
"Attributes Set to Massive?" sets Attributes to massive.

5. Speed Stats.
"Speed Set to Multiplied by Speed Value?" sets Speed to multiplied by Speed Value for most actions.

1. Player Stats.
"Play Time Set to 0?" sets Play Time to 0.
"Gil Set to Max?" sets Gil to max.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Items & Key Items.

For convenience, added All Items script.

How to use.
A. Start FFX-2.
B. Load a savegame and wait until can move around in the level.
C. Load the CT, attach it to the game.
D. Activate (put an X) "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
E. Activate (put an X) "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)".
F. Enable (put a 1) "Player Stats Update Base Address?".
G. Activate (put an X) "Player Stats". If the code was detected correctly, there should be values that makes sense.

Now, the other script can be activated. This works once, to get it to work again, (remove and put an X) again.
H. Activate (put an X) "Set All Item and Quantities to 99 (To Activate: Activate Player Stats Base Address Scan, One Time Only)".

2. Character Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- HP.
- MP.
- Attributes.
- EXP.
- Dressphere.

3. Battle Stats.
"HP Set to Max?" sets HP to max (effectively Godmode).
"MP Set to Max?" sets MP to max.
"Action Gauge Set to Max?" sets Action Gauge to max. Does not change casting times.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Shinkansen FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster V1002.CT
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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by fergediento »

Hello my friend, how I can slow down with your trainer the part that I have to calibrate the towers in the Lightning road

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by Jordancyre »

Nice work man! Any way you could add freeze timer codes to certain sections of the game like the digging minigame? Another useful one would be AP multipliers. I'm pretty sure you might be able to find it with the AP Egg and Key to Success accessories.

I swear this game is really just "MINIGAME: The RPG!"

Again, nice work on the table :)

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by fmalust »

I realize this might be necroing in a way, but I just want to make a request if it's possible...

Is there a way to increase enemies' stats by a %, or at least reduce Yuna's, Rikku's and Paine's? I want to enjoy the game, but I can't with how ridiculously easy it is, and the current options in the provided table don't help that case one bit. I loved this game as a kid, when I was too dumb to know better and it was a challenge then. That's not the case now, and I want to enjoy this game again, but with a challenge. ;-;

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by fearlessfan1 »

After looking at a dozen threads, despite the hard dated title, this seems the closest to a FFX-2 thread as some of the cheats still work with later builds. The other thread was in requests. So I'll post here stuff I find as I go along through the game.

I am pretty much done with this game now, think I got most of the stuff, so it should be pretty good either to endgame or almost to endgame. Anybody here is free to improve the table and hopefully the pointers will be useful. The main ones are "FFX-2.exe"+00D9FB88 & "FFX-2.exe"+018CF0D0 which point areas of memory that are created during most of the games and events.

This is for FINAL FANTASY XX-2 HD Remaster (359870) [Build 753362] - 27 March 2019
v0.5 - Some fixes, Calm Skys Credits
v.04 - Chapter 3 codes
- Some more fixes and additions to previous codes
- Digging Eastern & Northern expanse
- Duty Call's - Leblancs Massage
- Cactaur Hunting - Everything coming up cactaur
v0.3 - Chapter 2 codes
- Some fixes
- Digging - Southern Expanse Timer
- Calm Land Tokens, Reputation, Marriage Points
- Ronso Trust Points (points you get for answering their questions correct/incorrect on the mountain)
- Gunner's Gauntlet
v0.2 - Chapter 1
- Excavation Digging
- Dig Stats(wins,losses,total)
- Assemblies dug up
- Dig Timers
- Sphere Break Timer Pointer
- Chapter 1 Mountain Climb Timer Pointer

These codes change the actual value, not what is displayed on the screen. Also some events have multiple invisible timers that countdown to triggers such as those that can keep you from moving. So ignore displayed timer, which may get close to zero but will often just keep looping if you freeze all the timers that are listed to freeze. Also be sure to unfreeze codes, especially timers, before traveling to other regions or going back to the airship or you may get a crash.
v0.5 final
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Last edited by fearlessfan1 on Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:41 am, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by Denezhou »

Thanks for the share!

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by a2yorha »

would it be possible for you to add some basic character ones to your table too? i can't find any that work beyond yours and i'm looking for a more exp cheat.

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by fearlessfan1 »

a2yorha wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:23 pm
would it be possible for you to add some basic character ones to your table too? i can't find any that work beyond yours and i'm looking for a more exp cheat.
I probably won't be doing an exp multiplier as I am mostly focused on the mini games and events as I come across them. If you really want a character editor type cheats, I strongly suggest the [Link] , For memory based, there is [Link] but if you want it to work well you'll need to compile it yourself as most of the FFX-2 stuff is not in the outdated released executable, but in the newer source code.

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by parmesan »

Thanks for this, it's really good work. Just wanted to contribute, this instruction writes new hp values during battle after damage calculations:

Code: Select all

"FFX-2.exe"+21B83D: mov [esi+000003B4],eax
It can be replaced to set hp to 0 for 1 hit kill. However, this would also kill the characters instantly, to fix that you can check value at address [esi+5B], which seems to be always 0 for player characters and always 1 for enemies. If it is 0, then run the original instruction, otherwise replace it with:

Code: Select all

mov [esi+000003B4],00
If you can add this to your cheats list, I think it will be very useful.

I'm not very good with assembly, so this is messy but here's what I made with CE template and it works:

Code: Select all


cmp [esi+5B],0
je originalcode
mov [esi+000003B4],0
jmp returnhere

mov [esi+000003B4],eax

jmp returnhere

jmp newmem

mov [esi+000003B4],eax
//Alt: db 89 86 B4 03 00 00

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by MasterVegito »

Chocobo pointers are useless, game still changes values despite freezing, better to use flings trainer for this

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Re: FINAL FANTASY X-2 HD Remaster (2016-05-29)

Post by herooverlord »

can we edit accessory abilities?

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