Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by cdtrico »

pox911 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am
Its possible to edit the number of memory chips on something but its very crash happy between load zones when you first do the edit. I might just throw what i have so far up. The position of some values change depending on if you are looking at a weapon, clothing, etc.

edit: Here is my code i have so far for the edit selected item

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Selected Item"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(CurSelectedItem,SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 41 14 83 E0 01) // should be unique



  mov [CurrentItemData],rax
  mov eax,[rcx+14]
  and eax,01
  jmp return


  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 8B 41 14 83 E0 01



"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F00: 49 8B 82 C4 98 D4 34     -  mov rax,[r10+34D498C4]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F07: 4D 89 E2                 -  mov r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0A: 49 F7 DC                 -  neg r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0D: 49 81 EC BC E0 31 83     -  sub r12,8331E0BC
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F14: 4D 01 E2                 -  add r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F17: 0F BA E9 05              -  bts ecx,05
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1B: 4D 01 C2                 -  add r10,r8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1E: E9 78 2F AA 06           -  jmp SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+C785E9B
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F23: A9 66 66 66 2E           -  test eax,2E666666
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F28: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F30: 8B 41 14                 -  mov eax,[rcx+14]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F33: 83 E0 01                 -  and eax,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F36: C3                       -  ret 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F37: 81 E2 D8 E6 61 61        -  and edx,6161E6D8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F3D: 41 F7 D7                 -  not r15d
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F40: 41 01 D7                 -  add r15d,edx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F43: 89 D9                    -  mov ecx,ebx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F45: 31 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F47: 9D                       -  popfq 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F48: 48 8D 15 F1 AF 32 FE     -  lea rdx,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+400DF40]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F4F: 4C 8D 25 AF 55 D7 04     -  lea r12,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+AA58505]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F56: 4C 89 E9                 -  mov rcx,r13
          <Description>"Item Index (Dont Change)"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Item String ID"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Weapon Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Damage Modifier"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Unlocked Memory Chips"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
          <Description>"Accessory Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
That's great so far, personally I wouldn't change the amount of chips myself, since it still keeps it slightly worthwhile to farm until I get a weapon with the amount of slots I want, but wouldn't it be tied to the rarity of the weapon?

With this it would be easy enough to just change around the chips, I've also noticed myself not really using more than 6 slots, but I might as well omit the "Damage vs. [enemy type]" ones since I usually put all 3 of em in there, where maybe bullet circle accuracy/stabilization speed would be better.

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by Memiomy »

pox911 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am
Its possible to edit the number of memory chips on something but its very crash happy between load zones when you first do the edit. I might just throw what i have so far up. The position of some values change depending on if you are looking at a weapon, clothing, etc.

edit: Here is my code i have so far for the edit selected item

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Selected Item"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(CurSelectedItem,SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 41 14 83 E0 01) // should be unique



  mov [CurrentItemData],rax
  mov eax,[rcx+14]
  and eax,01
  jmp return


  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 8B 41 14 83 E0 01



"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F00: 49 8B 82 C4 98 D4 34     -  mov rax,[r10+34D498C4]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F07: 4D 89 E2                 -  mov r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0A: 49 F7 DC                 -  neg r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0D: 49 81 EC BC E0 31 83     -  sub r12,8331E0BC
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F14: 4D 01 E2                 -  add r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F17: 0F BA E9 05              -  bts ecx,05
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1B: 4D 01 C2                 -  add r10,r8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1E: E9 78 2F AA 06           -  jmp SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+C785E9B
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F23: A9 66 66 66 2E           -  test eax,2E666666
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F28: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F30: 8B 41 14                 -  mov eax,[rcx+14]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F33: 83 E0 01                 -  and eax,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F36: C3                       -  ret 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F37: 81 E2 D8 E6 61 61        -  and edx,6161E6D8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F3D: 41 F7 D7                 -  not r15d
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F40: 41 01 D7                 -  add r15d,edx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F43: 89 D9                    -  mov ecx,ebx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F45: 31 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F47: 9D                       -  popfq 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F48: 48 8D 15 F1 AF 32 FE     -  lea rdx,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+400DF40]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F4F: 4C 8D 25 AF 55 D7 04     -  lea r12,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+AA58505]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F56: 4C 89 E9                 -  mov rcx,r13
          <Description>"Item Index (Dont Change)"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Item String ID"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Weapon Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Damage Modifier"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Unlocked Memory Chips"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
          <Description>"Accessory Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
how to use this code? (newbie here)

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by cdtrico »

Memiomy wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:39 pm
pox911 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am
Its possible to edit the number of memory chips on something but its very crash happy between load zones when you first do the edit. I might just throw what i have so far up. The position of some values change depending on if you are looking at a weapon, clothing, etc.

edit: Here is my code i have so far for the edit selected item

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Selected Item"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(CurSelectedItem,SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 41 14 83 E0 01) // should be unique



  mov [CurrentItemData],rax
  mov eax,[rcx+14]
  and eax,01
  jmp return


  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 8B 41 14 83 E0 01



"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F00: 49 8B 82 C4 98 D4 34     -  mov rax,[r10+34D498C4]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F07: 4D 89 E2                 -  mov r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0A: 49 F7 DC                 -  neg r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0D: 49 81 EC BC E0 31 83     -  sub r12,8331E0BC
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F14: 4D 01 E2                 -  add r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F17: 0F BA E9 05              -  bts ecx,05
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1B: 4D 01 C2                 -  add r10,r8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1E: E9 78 2F AA 06           -  jmp SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+C785E9B
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F23: A9 66 66 66 2E           -  test eax,2E666666
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F28: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F30: 8B 41 14                 -  mov eax,[rcx+14]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F33: 83 E0 01                 -  and eax,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F36: C3                       -  ret 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F37: 81 E2 D8 E6 61 61        -  and edx,6161E6D8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F3D: 41 F7 D7                 -  not r15d
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F40: 41 01 D7                 -  add r15d,edx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F43: 89 D9                    -  mov ecx,ebx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F45: 31 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F47: 9D                       -  popfq 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F48: 48 8D 15 F1 AF 32 FE     -  lea rdx,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+400DF40]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F4F: 4C 8D 25 AF 55 D7 04     -  lea r12,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+AA58505]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F56: 4C 89 E9                 -  mov rcx,r13
          <Description>"Item Index (Dont Change)"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Item String ID"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Weapon Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Damage Modifier"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Unlocked Memory Chips"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
          <Description>"Accessory Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
how to use this code? (newbie here)
Select/copy all, control+v with cheat engine opened to paste it into the table, activate it and hover/select a weapon/accessory to populate the the options, you can then edit the dmg/memory chips freely, although only the first memory chip is currently available (I take it pox911 still wants to tincker with it a bit).
Last edited by cdtrico on Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by tyran285 »

pox911 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am
Its possible to edit the number of memory chips on something but its very crash happy between load zones when you first do the edit. I might just throw what i have so far up. The position of some values change depending on if you are looking at a weapon, clothing, etc.

edit: Here is my code i have so far for the edit selected item

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Selected Item"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(CurSelectedItem,SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 41 14 83 E0 01) // should be unique



  mov [CurrentItemData],rax
  mov eax,[rcx+14]
  and eax,01
  jmp return


  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 8B 41 14 83 E0 01



"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F00: 49 8B 82 C4 98 D4 34     -  mov rax,[r10+34D498C4]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F07: 4D 89 E2                 -  mov r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0A: 49 F7 DC                 -  neg r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0D: 49 81 EC BC E0 31 83     -  sub r12,8331E0BC
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F14: 4D 01 E2                 -  add r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F17: 0F BA E9 05              -  bts ecx,05
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1B: 4D 01 C2                 -  add r10,r8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1E: E9 78 2F AA 06           -  jmp SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+C785E9B
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F23: A9 66 66 66 2E           -  test eax,2E666666
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F28: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F30: 8B 41 14                 -  mov eax,[rcx+14]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F33: 83 E0 01                 -  and eax,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F36: C3                       -  ret 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F37: 81 E2 D8 E6 61 61        -  and edx,6161E6D8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F3D: 41 F7 D7                 -  not r15d
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F40: 41 01 D7                 -  add r15d,edx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F43: 89 D9                    -  mov ecx,ebx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F45: 31 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F47: 9D                       -  popfq 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F48: 48 8D 15 F1 AF 32 FE     -  lea rdx,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+400DF40]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F4F: 4C 8D 25 AF 55 D7 04     -  lea r12,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+AA58505]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F56: 4C 89 E9                 -  mov rcx,r13
          <Description>"Item Index (Dont Change)"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Item String ID"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Weapon Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Damage Modifier"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Unlocked Memory Chips"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
          <Description>"Accessory Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
Thanks a bunch for this, smoothens the process by a lot :D
took a little bit of time to add the remaining slots, and changing the dropdown list to limit by what can naturally appear on weapons/accessories.

possible legit weapon chips

Code: Select all

7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
46:Auto Reload Rate
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt?
56:Medal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points

possible legit accessory chips

Code: Select all

11:Gadget Attack
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blaze Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
51:Treasure Hunt?
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points

The 'Treasure Hunt' is in both of them, because i have no idea where that belongs...

Also, weight is mistranslated ingame, it increases the players maximum carry weight, it doesn't decrease anything even though it shows a negative value ingame.
Memiomy wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:39 pm
pox911 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am
Its possible to edit the number of memory chips on something but its very crash happy between load zones when you first do the edit. I might just throw what i have so far up. The position of some values change depending on if you are looking at a weapon, clothing, etc.

edit: Here is my code i have so far for the edit selected item

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Selected Item"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(CurSelectedItem,SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 41 14 83 E0 01) // should be unique



  mov [CurrentItemData],rax
  mov eax,[rcx+14]
  and eax,01
  jmp return


  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 8B 41 14 83 E0 01



"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F00: 49 8B 82 C4 98 D4 34     -  mov rax,[r10+34D498C4]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F07: 4D 89 E2                 -  mov r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0A: 49 F7 DC                 -  neg r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0D: 49 81 EC BC E0 31 83     -  sub r12,8331E0BC
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F14: 4D 01 E2                 -  add r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F17: 0F BA E9 05              -  bts ecx,05
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1B: 4D 01 C2                 -  add r10,r8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1E: E9 78 2F AA 06           -  jmp SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+C785E9B
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F23: A9 66 66 66 2E           -  test eax,2E666666
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F28: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F30: 8B 41 14                 -  mov eax,[rcx+14]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F33: 83 E0 01                 -  and eax,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F36: C3                       -  ret 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F37: 81 E2 D8 E6 61 61        -  and edx,6161E6D8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F3D: 41 F7 D7                 -  not r15d
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F40: 41 01 D7                 -  add r15d,edx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F43: 89 D9                    -  mov ecx,ebx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F45: 31 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F47: 9D                       -  popfq 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F48: 48 8D 15 F1 AF 32 FE     -  lea rdx,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+400DF40]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F4F: 4C 8D 25 AF 55 D7 04     -  lea r12,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+AA58505]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F56: 4C 89 E9                 -  mov rcx,r13
          <Description>"Item Index (Dont Change)"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Item String ID"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Weapon Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Damage Modifier"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Unlocked Memory Chips"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
          <Description>"Accessory Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
how to use this code? (newbie here)
Click select all, then ctrl + c, following that open up CE and just press ctrl + v to paste it.

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by tyran285 »

cdtrico wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:32 pm
Memiomy wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:39 pm
pox911 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am
Its possible to edit the number of memory chips on something but its very crash happy between load zones when you first do the edit. I might just throw what i have so far up. The position of some values change depending on if you are looking at a weapon, clothing, etc.

edit: Here is my code i have so far for the edit selected item

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Current Selected Item"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(CurSelectedItem,SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 41 14 83 E0 01) // should be unique



  mov [CurrentItemData],rax
  mov eax,[rcx+14]
  and eax,01
  jmp return


  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 8B 41 14 83 E0 01



"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F00: 49 8B 82 C4 98 D4 34     -  mov rax,[r10+34D498C4]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F07: 4D 89 E2                 -  mov r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0A: 49 F7 DC                 -  neg r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F0D: 49 81 EC BC E0 31 83     -  sub r12,8331E0BC
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F14: 4D 01 E2                 -  add r10,r12
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F17: 0F BA E9 05              -  bts ecx,05
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1B: 4D 01 C2                 -  add r10,r8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F1E: E9 78 2F AA 06           -  jmp SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+C785E9B
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F23: A9 66 66 66 2E           -  test eax,2E666666
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F28: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F30: 8B 41 14                 -  mov eax,[rcx+14]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F33: 83 E0 01                 -  and eax,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F36: C3                       -  ret 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F37: 81 E2 D8 E6 61 61        -  and edx,6161E6D8
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F3D: 41 F7 D7                 -  not r15d
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F40: 41 01 D7                 -  add r15d,edx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F43: 89 D9                    -  mov ecx,ebx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F45: 31 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F47: 9D                       -  popfq 
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F48: 48 8D 15 F1 AF 32 FE     -  lea rdx,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+400DF40]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F4F: 4C 8D 25 AF 55 D7 04     -  lea r12,[SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe+AA58505]
"SAOFB-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5CE2F56: 4C 89 E9                 -  mov rcx,r13
          <Description>"Item Index (Dont Change)"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Item String ID"</Description>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Weapon Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Damage Modifier"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Unlocked Memory Chips"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
          <Description>"Accessory Data"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Count (Change with caution)"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Memory Chip Info"</Description>
              <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
              <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
                  <Description>"Slot 1 ID"</Description>
                  <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">1:STR
7:Weapon Attack
8:Physical Attack
9:Optical Attack
10:Explosive Attack
11:Gadget Attack
12:Damage Vs Humanoids
13:Damage Vs Lifeforms
14:Damage Vs Mechs
15:Damage When Off-Guard
16:Damage From Behind
17:Damage At Max HP
18:Damage When Near Death
19:Weak Spot Damage
20:Critical Damage
21:Critical Rate
22:Debuff Stacking
23:Physical Defense
24:Optical Defense
25:Explosive Defense
26:Melee Defense
27:Defense vs Humanoid
28:Defense vs Lifeforms
29:Defense vs Mechs
30:Blase Damage
31:Poison Damage
32:Debuff Resistance
33:Debuff Duration
34:Blaze Resistance
35:Poison Resistance
36:Suppression Resistance
37:Electromagnetic Stun Resistance
38:% Max HP Recovered Over 1 Minute
39:Max HP
40:HP Recovery
41:Decrease Detectability When Crouching
42:Bullet Circle Stabilization Speed
43:Bullet Circle Accuracy
44:Movement Speed
45:Reload Speed
46:Auto Reload Speed
47:Avoid Instant Death When HP is % Or More
48:Recharge Time
49:Ammo Aquired
50:Ammo Capacity
51:Treasure Hunt
52:Item Drop Rate
53:Rare Item Drop Rate
55:Medals Aquired
56:Metal Gauge Increase
57:Trade Value
58:Experience Points
                  <Description>"Slot 1 Amount"</Description>
how to use this code? (newbie here)
Select all, control+v with cheat engine opened to paste it into the table, activate it and hover/select a weapon/accessory to populate the the options, you can then edit the dmg/memory chips freely, although only the first memory chip is currently available (I take it pox911 still wants to tincker with it a bit).
You can just add the following chips yourself: add address manually > check pointer > set to byte or float depending on wether you're adding an id or value > increment the 3rd offset by 4 every time (chip 1 id is 0, chip 1 value is 4, chip 2 id is 8, chip 2 value is c, and so on and so forth)

take a look here:

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by cdtrico »

tyran285 wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:00 pm
cdtrico wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:32 pm
Memiomy wrote:
Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:39 pm

how to use this code? (newbie here)
Select all, control+v with cheat engine opened to paste it into the table, activate it and hover/select a weapon/accessory to populate the the options, you can then edit the dmg/memory chips freely, although only the first memory chip is currently available (I take it pox911 still wants to tincker with it a bit).
You can just add the following chips yourself: add address manually > check pointer > set to byte or float depending on wether you're adding an id or value > increment the 3rd offset by 4 every time (chip 1 id is 0, chip 1 value is 4, chip 2 id is 8, chip 2 value is c, and so on and so forth)

take a look here:
Hadn't actually thought of that, thanks!

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by pox911 »

yeah, i was being lazy when i created that code :P. I found information on clothing and weapon color but its not really useful since color is done via ids and not raw values. Since the items are using a string id index, i need to test at some point if they are consistent between game loads and what not.

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by dickie17 »

Seeking to help me integrate a ct file

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by handoi986 »

CT file with edit chip table of pox911.
(41.57 KiB) Downloaded 281 times

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by dickie17 »

thx boss

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by Memiomy »

Auto Reload Speed >> change to >> Auto Reload Rate :D

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by Harucho »

Has anyone found the address for affinity? Grinding that up past level 4 is so bad u.u

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by NumberXer0 »

Harucho wrote:
Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:10 pm
Has anyone found the address for affinity? Grinding that up past level 4 is so bad u.u
Haven't seen one on a table, but fearlessrevolution's trainer has affinity on it. Maxed all of mine in a minute.

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by fortunehunter37 »

I was trying to use the chip editor in the table a couple posts up, but the "last selected item" script won't populate the chip slots. I activated the table and went back in game, then highlighted the weapon I was trying to edit but the slot info never comes up, it just stays as two question marks. Is there something i'm doing wrong?

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Re: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet(Steam)DIY

Post by pox911 »

The game received an update. There is a small chance that the item info got shifted around slightly. I haven't launched the game yet since the update so i still need to poke it again.

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