Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Shinkansen »

Simple table for Final Fantasy XIII-2, may or may not work.

Fixes / new options request that also provide savegames will have a higher chance of being looked at.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX? (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

Inventory Names here:
Shinkansen Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lists V1000.csv

which can be downloaded from here

1. Bestiary.
"Bestiary All Set to Unlocked?" when used with script "Bestiary All Base Address Scan (To Update: Exit Bestiary)" will unlock all Bestiary.

2. Fragments.
"Fragments All Set to Unlocked?" will unlock all Fragments.

1. Monster Member.
"Monster Member Stats Set to Massive?" will set massive HP, ATB, Strength, Magic and Resistances.

2. Battle Stats.
Now also affects Monster Members.

3. Feral Link.
"Feral Link Set to Massive?" will set massive Feral Link.

4. After Battle Results.
How to get any Key Items, Items, Specialty Items, Weapons, Components, Monster Crystals, Adornment.
A. Activate "After Battle Results Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
B. Activate "After Battle Results Base Address Scan (To Update: Complete Battle)".
C. Enable "After Battle Results Update Base Address?".
D. Fight and win a battle.
E. Put Inventory Name into "Spoils X Name". Example, "it_phenxbl" for Phoenix Blood.
F. Put quantity into "Spoils X Quantity". Example, "50" for 50. For Weapons and Monster Crystals, this will give you 50 separate Weapons / Monsters.
G. Put number of Spoils into "Number of Spoils". Example, if getting Phoenix Blood and Phoenix Down, this would be "2".
H. Freeze "Spoils X Name", "Spoils X Quantity", "Number of Spoils".
I. Fight and win another battle. This will give the Spoils.

1. Mog Clock Timer.
"Mog Clock Start Time Set to Massive?" will effectively set the Mog Clock to 0.

2. In Battle Results.
"In Battle Duration Set to 0?" will set the in battle duration to 0 to achieve 5 Star rating.

1. Party Stats.
"Party Stats Set to Massive?" will set Gil to 9999999, Play Time to 0.

2. Party Member.
"Party Member Stats Set to Massive?" will set massive HP, ATB, CP, Capacity, Strength, Magic and Resistances.

3. Inventory.
Separated setting Weapons, Accessories, Key Items and everything else.
"Inventory Weapons, Accessories, Key Item Quantity Set to 1?" will set Weapons, Accessories, Key Items quantity to 1.
"Inventory Non Weapons, Accessories, Key Item Quantity Set to Quantity Value?" will set other Inventory quantity to "Quantity Value" (default 99).

4. Battle Stats.
"Party Leader Only Battle ATB Set to Max, Party Others Set to 1?", for a party, effectively let only the Party Leader take actions.

1. Battle Stats.
"Party Battle HP Set to Max?" will set party members HP to max.
"Party Battle ATB Set to Max?" will set party member ATB to max.
"Enemy Battle Stats Set to Min?" will set enemy HP and ATB to 1.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Shinkansen Final Fantasy XIII-2 V1004.CT
(289.1 KiB) Downloaded 2645 times

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Ruhl21 »

Hi Shinkansen,

Thanks for the great table as always. I was just wondering if you had a list of inventory names like Phoenix blood that you referenced. If not, maybe you know where to look and can let us know?

Edit: Nevermind I'm just an idiot who can't read. Thanks for all your hard work Shinkansen

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Omnomimous »

I'm working on a list of ability names (and also monster passives) like I made for FFXIII
Should have it within the week. After that, you should be able to freely switch out monster passives, including locked ones, and give all of the chaser and feeder abilities along with Bloodthirsty and Stagger: Wound to your Commando of choice.
Might even be able to give them to Serah and Noel, haven't tried that yet but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
Here's what I've got so far, although not sorted completely.
FFXIII-2 Ability Name Codes
rk000: Feral Link

aat530_00: Ravage
aat540_00: Blindside
aat550_00: Powerchain
aat560_00: Smite
aat630_00: Armor Breaker
aat640_00: Mind Piercer
aat650_00: Bloodthirsty
aat660_00: Stagger: Wound
aat670_00: Stagger Drain

aat720_00: Slow Chaser
aat730_00: Deprotect Chaser
aat740_00: Deshell Chaser
aat750_00: Imperil Chaser
aat760_00: Curse Chaser
aat770_00: Fog Chaser
aat780_00: Pain Chaser
aat790_00: Poison Chaser

aat800_00: Bravery Feeder
aat810_00: Faith Feeder
aat820_00: Haste Feeder
aat830_00: Protect Feeder
aat860_00: Vigilance Feeder

ade560_00: Lifesiphon
ade730_00: Faultsiphon
ade740_00: Adrenaline

at010_00: Attack
at520_00: Blitz
at600_00: Drain Attack
at620_00: Area Sweep
ma000_00: Ruin
ma020_00: Ruinga

mb000_00: Fire
mb100_00: Blizzard
mb200_00: Thunder
mb300_00: Aero
at010_10: Flamestrike
at010_30: Sparkstrike
at010_20: Froststrike
at010_40: Galestrike
at620_10: Heat Blitz
ade620_10: Overwhelm
mb010_00: Fira
mb110_00: Blizzara
mb210_00: Thundara
mb310_00: Aerora
mb220_00: Thundaga
mb120_00: Blizzaga
mb320_00: Aeroga
mb020_00: Firaga
at620_30: Electric Blitz
at620_020: Frost Blitz
at620_040: Wind Blitz

awp_c001_150: Critical Power Surge II
awp_c000_050: Attack ATB Charge II
auto_att_7: Strength +25%
auto_adefp_6: Resist Wind +45%
auto_triplets: Pack Mentality
auto_syncup: Feral Speed II
auto_sdefp_de3: Resist Dispel 44%
auto_sdefp_pn3: Resist Pain 44%
auto_brav: Auto Bravery
auto_sdefp_sl4: Resist Slow 66%
auto_p_brav: Critical Bravery
auto_p_hast: Critical Haste
auto_hast: Auto Haste
auto_gilup: Gilfinder II
auto_hpp_8: HP +25%
auto_sdefp_de4: Resist Dispel 66%
awp_coo3_150: Siphon Boost II
auto_b_libra: Kill Libra
auto_drop_1: Item Collector
auto_cp: CP Up
auto_poison: Perpetual Poison
awp_c000_200: Quick Stagger
auto_idefp_6: Resist Ice 45%
auto_sdefp_wk3: Resist Imperil 44%
auto_rol: Role Resonance
auto_crack: Pressure II
auto_prot: Auto Protect
auto_defp_6: Resist Physical +26%
awp_c003_050: Critical Shield II
auto_sdefp_dp1: Resist Deprotect +10%
auto_p_myte: Critical Tetradefense
awp_c002_200: Stagger Maintainance
auto_matt_7: Magic +25%
auto_sdefp_bi4: Resist Poison +66%
auto_myte: Auto Tetradefense
The passives are in the last grouping, and start on the ability list at 33 I believe.
Unless someone finds the "Number of passive abilities" location or something like that, you're restricted to replacing existing abilities, which only works when replacing an ability with an equal or higher number of characters in its code, just keep that in mind.
You can also use this to give locked passives not normally possible to infuse to another creature, or remove locked ones like a certain monster's locked Leadenstrike.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Jordancyre »

I am unable to activate the party member or the party stats groups address scans.

Edit: It's working now but for some reason the spoils codes are not. I followed the directions for a monster crystal and it's not working.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by zTensa »

Omnomimous wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:31 pm
I'm working on a list of ability names (and also monster passives) like I made for FFXIII
Should have it within the week. After that, you should be able to freely switch out monster passives, including locked ones, and give all of the chaser and feeder abilities along with Bloodthirsty and Stagger: Wound to your Commando of choice.
Might even be able to give them to Serah and Noel, haven't tried that yet but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
Here's what I've got so far, although not sorted completely.
FFXIII-2 Ability Name Codes
rk000: Feral Link

aat530_00: Ravage
aat540_00: Blindside
aat550_00: Powerchain
aat560_00: Smite
aat630_00: Armor Breaker
aat640_00: Mind Piercer
aat650_00: Bloodthirsty
aat660_00: Stagger: Wound
aat670_00: Stagger Drain

aat720_00: Slow Chaser
aat730_00: Deprotect Chaser
aat740_00: Deshell Chaser
aat750_00: Imperil Chaser
aat760_00: Curse Chaser
aat770_00: Fog Chaser
aat780_00: Pain Chaser
aat790_00: Poison Chaser

aat800_00: Bravery Feeder
aat810_00: Faith Feeder
aat820_00: Haste Feeder
aat830_00: Protect Feeder
aat860_00: Vigilance Feeder

ade560_00: Lifesiphon
ade730_00: Faultsiphon
ade740_00: Adrenaline

at010_00: Attack
at520_00: Blitz
at600_00: Drain Attack
at620_00: Area Sweep
ma000_00: Ruin
ma020_00: Ruinga

mb000_00: Fire
mb100_00: Blizzard
mb200_00: Thunder
mb300_00: Aero
at010_10: Flamestrike
at010_30: Sparkstrike
at010_20: Froststrike
at010_40: Galestrike
at620_10: Heat Blitz
ade620_10: Overwhelm
mb010_00: Fira
mb110_00: Blizzara
mb210_00: Thundara
mb310_00: Aerora
mb220_00: Thundaga
mb120_00: Blizzaga
mb320_00: Aeroga
mb020_00: Firaga
at620_30: Electric Blitz
at620_020: Frost Blitz
at620_040: Wind Blitz

awp_c001_150: Critical Power Surge II
awp_c000_050: Attack ATB Charge II
auto_att_7: Strength +25%
auto_adefp_6: Resist Wind +45%
auto_triplets: Pack Mentality
auto_syncup: Feral Speed II
auto_sdefp_de3: Resist Dispel 44%
auto_sdefp_pn3: Resist Pain 44%
auto_brav: Auto Bravery
auto_sdefp_sl4: Resist Slow 66%
auto_p_brav: Critical Bravery
auto_p_hast: Critical Haste
auto_hast: Auto Haste
auto_gilup: Gilfinder II
auto_hpp_8: HP +25%
auto_sdefp_de4: Resist Dispel 66%
awp_coo3_150: Siphon Boost II
auto_b_libra: Kill Libra
auto_drop_1: Item Collector
auto_cp: CP Up
auto_poison: Perpetual Poison
awp_c000_200: Quick Stagger
auto_idefp_6: Resist Ice 45%
auto_sdefp_wk3: Resist Imperil 44%
auto_rol: Role Resonance
auto_crack: Pressure II
auto_prot: Auto Protect
auto_defp_6: Resist Physical +26%
awp_c003_050: Critical Shield II
auto_sdefp_dp1: Resist Deprotect +10%
auto_p_myte: Critical Tetradefense
awp_c002_200: Stagger Maintainance
auto_matt_7: Magic +25%
auto_sdefp_bi4: Resist Poison +66%
auto_myte: Auto Tetradefense
The passives are in the last grouping, and start on the ability list at 33 I believe.
Unless someone finds the "Number of passive abilities" location or something like that, you're restricted to replacing existing abilities, which only works when replacing an ability with an equal or higher number of characters in its code, just keep that in mind.
You can also use this to give locked passives not normally possible to infuse to another creature, or remove locked ones like a certain monster's locked Leadenstrike.
could someone specify how to go about changing the monster abilities please? I've tried switching out current abilities but it wont work because the code doesnt change correctly. say im changing "auto_matt_7" (magic +25%) for "auto_rol" (role ressonance), the previous code never deletes completely so when i put in the new code the last part of the previous code sticks onto the new one looking like "auto_rolt_7" with no way to remove the "t_7", leading to a blank ability slot. on top of that it is impossible to add new abilities in blank slots this way too because they will remane blank after inputting an ability code. is there a fix to these or some other way to add abilities? the only ones i can get to work is changing say "auto_matt_7" (magic +25%) to "auto_matt_8" (magic+35%) which is only an increase to the same ability.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Omnomimous »

If you look in my post, I mention that you can't replace an ability with one that has less characters in its code, for that exact reason.
You could, for example, change auto_rol into auto_matt_8, but attempting to change back will cause the issue you observed.
I have encountered this issue in all three of the FFXIII games and know of no real workaround except... working around it by only changing skills to ones with the same or longer codes

For monsters, however, in FFXIII-2, you can change their skills using monster infusion to ones that have short names and then modify those with Shinkansen's table and my code list. It's just an extra couple of steps, especially since you can yellow lock any group of skills you want by just giving the same ones to another monster and infusing that.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by batsydanger »

Sorry, If I used the fragments unlocked option, will it affect the quest that Im doing?

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Koshiko »

Game crashes out (even crashes Steam) after the intro's battle with Chaos Bahamut if the table is enabled. Did a complete wipe and reinstall just in case it had something to do with the mods installed, but it still happens at the exact same spot. Game+Steam crash right after battle results screen.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Gattsu »


Please help, i cannot, for the life of me, get the "after battle results to work" in this table :

Steps :
0. load process, load shinkansen's table (duh)
A. Activate "After Battle Results Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)". CHECKED
B. Activate "After Battle Results Base Address Scan (To Update: Complete Battle)". CHECKED
C. Enable "After Battle Results Update Base Address?". CHECKED
D. Fight and win a battle. CHECKED - fought battle, won, alt-tabbed back here

INTERMEDIARY : Opened the V1000.csv list by Shinkansen for FFXIII-2
CHECKED "After Battle Results"
CHECKED "Spoils"

E. Put Inventory Name into "Spoils X Name". Example, "it_phenxbl" for Phoenix Blood. CHECKED : Used "material_o004" for uraninite i.s.o. Spoils 1 Name.

F. Put quantity into "Spoils X Quantity". Example, "50" for 50. For Weapons and Monster Crystals, this will give you 50 separate Weapons / Monsters. CHECKED : used "50" i.s.o. Spoils 1 Quantity (as description, right?)

G. Put number of Spoils into "Number of Spoils". Example, if getting Phoenix Blood and Phoenix Down, this would be "2". CHECKED : used "1" i.s.o. Number of Spoils

H. Freeze "Spoils X Name", "Spoils X Quantity", "Number of Spoils". PROBLEM : Can check "material_o004" (ex Spoils 1 Name) but not "Spoils X Quantity", "Number of Spoils". I CANNOT PASS THIS ONE, please help!

I. Fight and win another battle. This will give the Spoils.

Looking forward to reading you,
Thank you for the support,

Have a great Easter!
Kind regards,

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by motar2k »

Hello can someone help me, I can get all the monster crystals except the DLC ones early in the game. I would really like to get the lightning RAV and COM crystal early on if someone can help me, I would gladly give them a big donation.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by worddruid »

Can we use the fragment script to unlock specific fragments instead of all of them? Still want to enjoy the game somewhat as unlocking all fragments essentially voids all the quests. Be great if someone can help on that end

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by DarkestPrayer69 »

too bad this is outdated, I really need some key items

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by ebilkatkiller »

EDIT: Finally figured it out and it does still work with the current Steam version.

You have to be on the battle results page so you can tick the number of spoils and spoils quantity.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by Leaferian »

ebilkatkiller wrote:
Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:18 pm
EDIT: Finally figured it out and it does still work with the current Steam version.

You have to be on the battle results page so you can tick the number of spoils and spoils quantity.
Oh? I can't seem to get the cheat table to work at all on this game, Cheat Engine just keeps freezing and crashing.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (2015-01-29)

Post by krustytoe »

Leaferian wrote:
Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:45 pm
ebilkatkiller wrote:
Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:18 pm
EDIT: Finally figured it out and it does still work with the current Steam version.

You have to be on the battle results page so you can tick the number of spoils and spoils quantity.
Oh? I can't seem to get the cheat table to work at all on this game, Cheat Engine just keeps freezing and crashing.
try this table.
Final Fantasy XIII-2.CT
(1.21 MiB) Downloaded 815 times

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