had everything else, was just waiting for a One Hit code
Good job
Side note
Can you add a disable/enable shortcut key for the One Hit?
Because it affects Friendlies as well as enemies which can cause a game over if they get attacked by someone, this is an issue if you have a mission where your game over is if an ally dies.
I am very grateful for your hard work!!!!
I wish I knew more about modifying games but alas, im still learning. I had a list of things I was curious if you could make them possible
1. Modify gem buffs
2. Modify attack speed
3. Modify Charge time for trigger attacks (the time needed to hold R1 and square, triangle , circle or x ti guard break shortened to instant)
4. Always hitstun enemies even those with an aura
5. ability to spam R1 and circle triggers quicker like back to back and also use them in the air.
6. Make enemies float time longer when doing air combos.
This is just a wishlist, I know you're a busy person and if you decide to work on these thank you so much but if not i completely understand....
There is one thing that would be be nice though; Reactive Attacks always available. You know, those icons that always appear over enemy heads sometimes.
Alternatively, a damage modifier would be nice, too.