This is a manual way to freeze Health, Stamina, Energy and Nourishment. Works with the latest version as of now, 1.9.4 in Windows Store.
1. Start Cheat Engine, attach to the game process
2. In the game, press "I" to look at the Player Stats and take note of the 4 values for Health, Stamina, Energy and Nourishment.
Let's assume the values are Health = 95, Stamina = 96, Energy = 97 and Nourishment = 98.
Keep the Player Stats tab open in the game, so the game is paused and these values won't change while you move on to the instructions below.
3. In Cheat Engine, start a new scan with these settings:
- Writable ON, Executable OFF, Fast Scan OFF
- Value Type = Grouped
- Value = f:95 f:96 f:97 f:98
(fill in the exact values for your Health, Stamina, Energy and Nourishment, in this order, from point #2 above)
4. Search, you should find 2 results. Freeze the values from the first result.
Ok, this was just the code where the pointer is called. Thought someone might update Freds table. But you can use my modified table. All credits to the orignal authors.
( CHANGES: no Lua scripts, teleport locations are in Char Position\Copy & Paste value list, durability script sets food & equipment to 100% )
This table is working perfectly for 1.9.5
IDK why people asking for it to be updated
Ok, this was just the code where the pointer is called. Thought someone might update Freds table. But you can use my modified table. All credits to the orignal authors.
( CHANGES: no Lua scripts, teleport locations are in Char Position\Copy & Paste value list, durability script sets food & equipment to 100% )
This table is working perfectly for 1.9.5
IDK why people asking for it to be updated
Two simple scripts which I hope they work for you as well. They increase your stats and skills to 20 when you get some XP (i.e. pick up a herb, your skill raises from 0 to 20). If the mentioned script from page 36 doesn't work for you, I doubt these scripts will.
Known Bugs:
- Combat skill is raised to 20 immediately after you raise one skill (i.e. raise Unarmed to 20 -> Combat is raised to 20 too)
- Your main level raises to 20 if you aren't careful
Both stats are meant to raise as you progress your skills. Combat should be at 20 after you raised nearly ALL your combat skills and not a single one. Your main level should be still at lvl19 even after all attributes are raised to 20. You earn additional XP when you progress through the game (i.e. complete quests).
I doubt this has any negative consequences (and the last one is easily avoidable), but thought I mention it here.
As an example: Start a game, after talking to your father, activate the attribute script -> talk to him again -> Speech is now 20. Move over to the horses, have a look that no guard is around -> hit one horse with your bare hands -> Strength & Agility are at 20 -> jump once for joy -> Vitality is at 20 (if you activated the skills script as well Unarmed & Combat raised to 20 too). Now you can deactivate the attribute script and Bug number 2 won't be of any concern any more.
Is it possible to get an "always clean" cheat going? The always perfect condition is nice, so stuff doesn't break. But you still seem to get covered in mud after walking 5 feet. :p
Faction reputation is stored in database tables, not structs, so it is tricky to make cheat table for reputation.
I think it will be easier to make script mod for that.
Looks like cheat mod's author already tried to make reputation changer but AddReputation method of faction object is not doing anything for some reason. But you can already change angriness of npcs like that:
ID 39 - Sasau Monks.
All factions IDs can be retrieved from Data/tables.pak/Libs/Tables/rpg/faction.xml.
Or if you have wide enough monitor with cheat_eval cheat:print_db_table("faction") command
cheat_eval cheat:find_faction(39) - current values for faction
cheat_eval cheat:faction_add_rep(39, 0.5) - add 50 points to reputation, doesn't work
cheat_eval cheat:faction_add_angriness(39, -1) - remove angriness of faction
Currently to change reputation you can abuse wh_rpg_resetFactions command. It will reset reputations to default values.
You can also change default values in faction.xml to desired ones (and remove faction.tbl in tables.pak or make empty one with that name in zzz_*.pak). Also there are fraction visibility can be changed as there are many hidden fractions.
I'd like to save all the stuff that's displayed on the console so I can filter it and make a list of commands.
It automatically saves all console output to kcd.log in the main game directory.
Also previous log will be moved to logbackups directory when you run the game.
I'd like to save all the stuff that's displayed on the console so I can filter it and make a list of commands.
I would like to lower reputation of Pribyslavitz as trainer caused a main storyline bug. I had suceeded in lowering it from 96 to 50 by wh_rpg_resetFactions command. But I cannot further lower it. Could you please explain how to change the default value in faction.xml? I had tried 1,-1,-0.5 and 0. It won't work.