v 2.0.10:
Updated "ITCETeleporter" (v1.0.5).
Removed "Teleport To: Called Heli LZ", needs more work. Y coordinate isn't always right and you end up under the map. Just use waypoints for now.
Fixed the multiplier default in "Weapon Fire Rate Hook", I changed it while working on other stuff and forgot to change it back for the last table. Added Features:
Teleport: Back (Added to Teleporter)
Demon Stat Multiplier
Heroism Stat Multiplier
No Clip (Not for objects, just no hits or knock downs)
v 2.0.12:
Changed "PlayerRotationAngleHook"; the values act better just still not as desired.
Removed "PlayerRotationAngleHook" from main hooks, found with "PlayerBaseHook" (connected with "ptrPlayerBaseHook").
Removed "CamRotationAngleHook" from main hooks, found with "PlayerBaseHook" (connected with "ptrPlayerBaseHook"). Added Features:
I finally found one that I have been looking for since I got this game, and have had countless crashes while doing so; but finally I have a Weapon Fire Selector script. I'm so happy right now, I Got Burst Fire Ya'll! And the dart gun can now go full auto, which is also pretty sweet. Still haven't tested all weapons.
Table Updated:
v 2.0.13:
Changed "PlayerBaseHook" to "PlayerHook"; changed injection point and pointer level.
Removed "HealthHook" from main hooks, found with "PlayerHook" (connected with "ptrPlayerHook").
Removed "BatteryHook" from main hooks, found with "WeaponHook" (connected with "ptrWeaponHook"); Added "BatteryMaxHook", parts from "BatteryHook" that are needed to get the maximum values address. Added Features:
D-Walker code added to: Infinite Suppressors
D-Walker code added to: No Reload
D-Walker code added to: Infinite Ammo
D-Walker code added to: No Turret Heat
Weapon Fire Selector (Single shot, Burst fire, and Full auto)
Fill Health (General Helper Scripts)
Fill Consciousness (General Helper Scripts)
The "Brennan" is insane with full auto, but it requires "Weapon Fire Rate Hook". I think it my be the trigger state.
Even with "Weapon Accuracy Hook" there is some movement when firing in single shot with the "AM MRS-4" (assault rifles most likely), didn't find it the first try but we'll see if I find this one. But it's still working with burst fire.
Here's a key reader for the "Weapon Fire Selector", it'll be added to the next table. Just use "Left D-Pad" or "Num 1" while aimed (Left trigger > 50 or Right mouse).
Process : mgsvtpp.exe - (x64)
Module : mgsvtpp.exe
Game Title : Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain
Game Version :
CE Version : 6.7
Script Version : 0.0.1
Date : 03/14/18
Author : ShyTwig16
Name : WeaponFireBurstHook
Weapon Fire Burst Hook
if syntaxcheck then return end
I2CETableCEA.autoAssembleFile('WeaponFireBurstHook.CEA', memrec)
------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
RunFireSelectKeyReader = true
FireSelectKeyReaderState = readBytes('intWeaponFireBurstHook', 1)
local function keyReader(thread)
while RunFireSelectKeyReader do
local xcs = getXBox360ControllerState()
if (xcs.LeftTrigger > 50 and xcs.GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT)
or (isKeyPressed(VK_RBUTTON) and isKeyPressed(VK_NUMPAD1)) then
if FireSelectKeyReaderState == 0x0 then
FireSelectKeyReaderState = 0x8
elseif FireSelectKeyReaderState == 0x8 then
FireSelectKeyReaderState = 0xC
elseif FireSelectKeyReaderState == 0xC then
FireSelectKeyReaderState = 0x0
writeBytes('intWeaponFireBurstHook', FireSelectKeyReaderState)
if syntaxcheck then return end
------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
RunFireSelectKeyReader = false
Here's a key reader for the "Weapon Fire Selector", it'll be added to the next table. Just use "Left D-Pad" or "Num 1" while aimed (Left trigger > 50 or Right mouse).....
I've been thinking about some kind of Lua module for this, but I've only ever done 1 before. And I'm not sure how it would work with injections (yet), which I think is the best/only way to go for am Aimbot.
I've been thinking about some kind of Lua module for this, but I've only ever done 1 before. And I'm not sure how it would work with injections (yet), which I think is the best/only way to go for am Aimbot.
I was talking about your "circle" of missiles... hehe...
Don't know about an aimbot though... kills the fun imo...