As of today, February 20th, 2021 (and I had to make an account because it seems others were having the same issue),
table Mgsvtpp v 5.0.3 no longer works on the current version of MGSVTPP due to a recent update.
I have tried all accounts of fixing and troubleshooting the issue, one can conceive of in all possible manners.
I've restarted my PC more than I should have, I've restarted, rebooted, reinstalled, and reverified the game (as I have mods) and had no luck.
The version of Cheat Engine you have does not matter, I have tested that as well.
I've checked the lua scripts and they execute just fine for me, however, the problem is that they stutter, and then boom...
this error (as you all know pops up):
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: string "--[==========================================..."]:600:
Error with "TimeHook.CEA", bytes don't match injection point.
At: 00000001480276ED
Got: 8B4C243889484C
Read: 8B4C243889485C
-------------------- CODE --------------------
1480276CE - 48 8D 3D 47E71901 - lea rdi,[1491C5E1C]
1480276D5 - 48 87 3C 24 - xchg [rsp],rdi
1480276D9 - C3 - ret
1480276DA - 66 0F1F 44 00 00 - nop word ptr [rax+rax+00]
1480276E0 - 89 54 24 10 - mov [rsp+10],edx
1480276E4 - 48 83 EC 28 - sub rsp,28
1480276E8 - E8 B32598F8 - call 1409A9CA0
1480276ED - 8B 4C 24 38 - mov ecx,[rsp+38] <<<---- Injection point
1480276F1 - 89 48 5C - mov [rax+5C],ecx
1480276F4 - 48 83 C4 28 - add rsp,28
1480276F8 - C3 - ret
1480276F9 - CC - int 3
1480276FA - B9 9A742178 - mov ecx,7821749A
1480276FF - F7 D1 - not ecx
148027701 - 4D 89 C6 - mov r14,r8
148027704 - 48 8D 64 24 08 - lea rsp,[rsp+08]
------------------ CODE END ------------------
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "TimeHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"
I originally thought that it was the name of the process, since I checked the bugs and reports the author has, and it seems the attachment name has changed (at least for me) to some weird code I can't describe (mind my ability to not understand it).
As of now, I'd suggest using the version others provided that seems to have worked or use a very early version in hopes it will work.
Otherwise, pray that the author gets back on or somebody who can understand what they coded and is willing to alter the frontline code does so.