Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 6.0.3 CT

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.1 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.1:
    Added new logger module to other modules and table. "I2CETLogger" (v1.0.1)
    Added table helpers as module. "I2CETableHelpers" (v1.0.1)
    Updated "I2CETableCEA" (v2.1.1).
    • Logger change.
    • AOB scans and asserts are now split so logger can know more about failed scripts.
      AOB not found error messages example:

      Code: Select all

      I2CETLogger::CETLog - ERROR: aobScan:
      Error with "AnimalLargeConsciousnessIncHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "90909090909090909090F3xxxxxxxxxxxxxx66xxxxxx66xxxxxx0F28xx0F5BxxF3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxx66xxxxxx66xxxx66xxxxxx66xxxxxx0F5BxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxxF3xxxxxx66xxxxxx0FB7xxxx66xxxxxx66xxxxxx"
      Assert failed error messages example:

      Code: Select all

      I2CETLogger::CETLog - ERROR: runChecks:
      Error with "AnimalLargeConsciousnessIncHook.CEA", bytes don't match injection point.
        At: 000000014427B75A
       Got: 9090909090
      Read: 6689430E0F
      -------------------- CODE --------------------
      14427B73E - 6E - outsb 
      14427B742 - C1 66 0F 42 - shl [rsi+0F],42
      14427B746 - C1 66 44 01 - shl [rsi+44],01
      14427B74A - C8 0F5B C0 - enter 5B0F,-40
      14427B74E - F3 0F59 C8  - mulss xmm1,xmm0
      14427B752 - F3 0F5C D9  - subss xmm3,xmm1
      14427B756 - F3 0F11 1B  - movss [rbx],xmm3
      14427B75A - 66 89 43 0E  - mov [rbx+0E],ax   <<<---- $INJaddr
      14427B75E - 0FB7 4B 12  - movzx ecx,word ptr [rbx+12]
      14427B762 - 66 89 53 12  - mov [rbx+12],dx
      14427B766 - 66 39 4B 0E  - cmp [rbx+0E],cx
      14427B76A - 66 0F42 4B 0E  - cmovb cx,[rbx+0E]
      14427B76F - 66 29 4B 0E  - sub [rbx+0E],cx
      14427B773 - 0FB7 43 0E  - movzx eax,word ptr [rbx+0E]
      14427B777 - 66 41 39 C1  - cmp r9w,ax
      14427B77B - 74 6C - je 14427B7E9
      ------------------ CODE END ------------------
    Updated "I2CETeleporter" (v1.0.10). Logger change.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.2 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.2:
    Fixed output of "I2CETableCEA" assert error message, code output.

    Code: Select all

    I2CETLogger::CETLog - ERROR: runChecks:
    Error with "AnimalLargeConsciousnessIncHook.CEA", bytes don't match injection point.
      At: 000000014427B75A
     Got: 9090909090909090
    Read: 6689430E0FB74B12
    -------------------- CODE --------------------
    14427B740 - 66 39 C1  - cmp cx,ax
    14427B743 - 66 0F42 C1  - cmovb ax,cx
    14427B747 - 66 44 01 C8  - add ax,r9w
    14427B74B - 0F5B C0  - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
    14427B74E - F3 0F59 C8  - mulss xmm1,xmm0
    14427B752 - F3 0F5C D9  - subss xmm3,xmm1
    14427B756 - F3 0F11 1B  - movss [rbx],xmm3
    14427B75A - 66 89 43 0E  - mov [rbx+0E],ax   <<<---- $INJaddr
    14427B75E - 0FB7 4B 12  - movzx ecx,word ptr [rbx+12]
    14427B762 - 66 89 53 12  - mov [rbx+12],dx
    14427B766 - 66 39 4B 0E  - cmp [rbx+0E],cx
    14427B76A - 66 0F42 4B 0E  - cmovb cx,[rbx+0E]
    14427B76F - 66 29 4B 0E  - sub [rbx+0E],cx
    14427B773 - 0FB7 43 0E  - movzx eax,word ptr [rbx+0E]
    14427B777 - 66 41 39 C1  - cmp r9w,ax
    14427B77B - 74 6C - je 14427B7E9
    ------------------ CODE END ------------------

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.3 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.3:
    Mostly minor changes, to the logger, teleporter, and table CEA modules. DRYed the modules a little.
    "I2CETableCEA" assert error message code output now marks "$AOBaddr" too.
    Debug section reworked, "Helpers" section added.
    (Debug) Helpers:
    • Print Game Module Info
    • Print Game Module Version
    • Enable Compact Mode
    • Disable Compact Mode
    • Set Logger Level : WARN (Default)
    • Set Logger Level : INFO
    • Set Logger Level : DEBUG
    • Set Logger Level : TRACE
I have a question for any/every one using/downloading the table; what do you think about the file size? About half to two thirds of the table is debug stuff and commented out original code; I do this for updating, and even learning. But just wanted to know what your thoughts on it were.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 2.0.17 CT

Post by defjunx »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:26 am
Table Updated:
  • v 2.0.17:
    Added Features:
    • Sync with Real Time (Added to "Time" section)
    • Staff Creator (Added to "Staff Hook")
    • Staff Copier (Added to "Staff Hook")
Wow! I can't wait to check it out :)

So how does the staff creator work?

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 2.0.17 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

defjunx wrote:
Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:37 am
ShyTwig16 wrote:
Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:26 am
Table Updated:
  • v 2.0.17:
    Added Features:
    • Sync with Real Time (Added to "Time" section)
    • Staff Creator (Added to "Staff Hook")
    • Staff Copier (Added to "Staff Hook")
Wow! I can't wait to check it out :)

So how does the staff creator work?
Mostly just click/select the amount you want (1, 10, 50, ...). But it just sets the array index, and sets the values in the arrays. You can use the creator or the copier, I think the copier will be the one most people use. That one you just scroll to the staff member you want to copy then like the creator select the script with the right amount. Basically the creator uses hardcoded stats and the copier uses the selected staff members stats to set the arrays.

Couldn't figure out the rewards, but I thought you might like this one.

It has a cap. coded in, the scripts (now) will tell you when you hit it, but in testing I went over 1000; this just looped and reset to 0. And I just created a whole new staff, but now all my staff are the same person; it's like some thing from the Twilight Zone.

But here are the actual functions in the table:

Code: Select all

function CreateStaffMembers(count, stats1, stats2, stats3, stats4)
	if count == nil then
		count = 1
	if stats1 == nil then
		stats1 = defaultStats1
	if stats2 == nil then
		stats2 = defaultStats2
	if stats3 == nil then
		stats3 = defaultStats3
	if stats4 == nil then
		stats4 = defaultStats4
	if count < 1 then
		Logger.errorf('Count was less than 1: %d', count)
	for i = 1, count do
		local size = readSmallInteger(sizeAddr)
		if size > max then
			print(string.format('Staff Array Max is: %d; Current: %d', max, size))
		local addr1 = getAddressSafe(array1Addr)
		local addr2 = getAddressSafe(array2Addr)
		local addr3 = getAddressSafe(array3Addr)
		local addr4 = getAddressSafe(array4Addr)
		if addr1 ~= 0 and addr2 ~= 0 and addr3 ~= 0 and addr4 ~= 0 then
			local na1 = addr1 + size * 4
			local na2 = addr2 + size * 4
			local na3 = addr3 + size * 4
			local na4 = addr4 + size * 2
			writeInteger(na1, stats1)
			writeInteger(na2, stats2)
			writeInteger(na3, stats3)
			writeSmallInteger(na4, stats4)
			writeSmallInteger(sizeAddr, size + 1)

Code: Select all

function CopyStaffMember(count)
	local stats1 = readInteger(stats1Addr)
	local stats2 = readInteger(stats2Addr)
	local stats3 = readInteger(stats3Addr)
	local stats4 = readSmallInteger(stats4Addr)
	CreateStaffMembers(count, stats1, stats2, stats3, stats4)

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.4 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.4:
    Added Features:
    • I2CETState
      Saves and loads table state (i.e.: what memory records are enabled). A table state must be saved before loading.
      Uses named states (i.e.: 'default', 'testState', or 'SuperCheated'), if no name is given then 'default' is used.
      • Save Table State : default
      • Load Table State : default
I'm curious what people will think of this little module, I like it so far.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.4 CT

Post by glecas »

ShyTwig16 wrote:
Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:44 am
Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.4:
    Added Features:
    • I2CETState
      Saves and loads table state (i.e.: what memory records are enabled). A table state must be saved before loading.
      Uses named states (i.e.: 'default', 'testState', or 'SuperCheated'), if no name is given then 'default' is used.
      • Save Table State : default
      • Load Table State : default
I'm curious what people will think of this little module, I like it so far.
Nice feature. A good time saver, and could also allow for multiple setups depending on the current use of the table.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.4 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

It definitely makes testing all this before each update a lot easier. Plus like you said you can have a 'casual' one or 'superHacked'.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.5 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.5:
    Fixed "I2CETState" to work with "Async"ed memory records and multithreading, it also updates the UI better. It just works way better now.
    "I2CETableCEA" AOB scans and asserts are now ONLY setup as Auto Assembler commands, it also just works better now.
    "I2CETState" now inclued some states stored as table file, new local files will override these.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.6 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.6:
    Changing all memory records to "Async" messed up some stuff, like the teleporter; their fixed with this update.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.6 CT

Post by xICEMANx117 »

this is a awesome table, thank you for it.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.6 CT

Post by glecas »

I remember a table from another game (FIFA), that allowed real-time editing of the .ini files... I don't know how he did it, but if we could have a CE table being able to edit some of the .lua's - it could be a breakthrough.

This is not a direct request, just a suggestion. It may not even be possible with MGSV idk.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.6 CT

Post by CipherDidThis »

I would really like to be able to use the rewards editor without units being set to 0, so I'm hoping the following info will help you out

I was able to make this buggy reward editor work once last week, and today I tried to recreate what I did to make it work and I finally got it...somewhat.

First you have to have enough rewards that the page has the scroll bar, then you set up everything you want as slot 1 or 2 (i had better luck with 2) and make sure you already have staff unit rewards in the list as I could only turn staff bonuses into other staff bonuses without them being 0. Have the staff bonus be one slot under the slot you're messing with using CE and accept a reward above it so the staff bonus slides into your slot, and if done right you will see something like this

However, this is where things get weird. No matter what I do, when I try to accept one of these rewards I don't get any units, I would have just assumed they found a way to patch out being able to mess with rewards if it weren't for the fact that earlier this week when I was messing around with it, the units I added to my base were accepted both times the number didn't turn up as 0.

So yeah, I was able to make it work, but any future attempts haven't worked, but that should mean somehow there's a way to make it work more reliably.

Thanks for making me interested in Phantom Pain again.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.6 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

CipherDidThis wrote:
Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:06 pm
I would really like to be able to use the rewards editor without units being set to 0...
Yeah, I didn't make that one. And the only counts (quantities) that worked was the stuff with green text. I found some instruction that accesses the GMP counts but I've only gotten crashes when I've looked for the staff values. But I added a "Staff Copier" and "Staff Creator" to the "Staff Hook", these allow you to create any number of staff members. There can only be the Smoking Whale, be the Smoking Whale.

Basically my thinking was, way do 10 times the work to add staff members when we can just fill the staff arrays with what ever we want. I think any thing you can get as a reward you can get with a few clicks on my table, and you can always edit the function calls to add what ever amounts you want.

I have been thinking about adding a "Save all staff to file" and "Load all staff from file", to allow snap shoots of the staff to be made and if you come back after some time to find missing staff then "Load all staff from file" and you have the same staff as before; plus this would allow users to share staff files and thus staff setups, and new games would be easier (to lose your current staff) if you like you current setup. (EDIT: I'm doing it now.)
CipherDidThis wrote:
Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:06 pm
...Thanks for making me interested in Phantom Pain again.
Thank Dark Byte, I would have lost interest in this and many games long ago if not for CE, a few games I would have never even bought.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain - table v: 3.0.7 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 3.0.7:
    Added Features:
    • Staff Writer (Saves/Reads all staff members (arrays) to/from file) (Added to "Staff Hook")


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