Game Name: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Game Vendor: Steam
Game Version: 1.15
Game Process: mgsvtpp.exe
Game File Version:
So this is really a communal table at this point, I think about a third of this is from other tables; An older table I got from CEF or this one, and some from the table posted in the topic linked below. I mostly posted this in a different topic as I think this qualifies as more of a fork at this point. If you think you should be credited, just let me know. I really hadn't originally planned on sharing this table so proper steps where not taken for documenting authors (and not everyone puts their name in the scripts or tables).
Original Topic:
Metal Gear Solid V
Made by
My Mom
- Sync with Real Time
- Time Scale Hook
- Time Scale : Not Running, Real Time, Half Speed, Default Speed, Double Speed, Phantom Cigar, I am a stone
- Ops Timer Scale Hook
- Scale Multiplier
- Ops Timer
- Mission Timer Scale Hook
- Scale Multiplier
- Mission Timer (seconds)
- Alert Timer Scale Hook
- Flag : Disabled, Instant End Alerts, Scale Multiplier
- Scale Multiplier
- Clear Alert Status
- Flag : Disabled, Instant End Alerts, Scale Multiplier
- Time Setters
- +30 minutes
- +1 hour
- +3 hour
- +6 hour
- +12 hour
-------------------------------------------------- - Set to: 12 a.m. (0000)
- Set to: 3 a.m. (0300)
- Set to: 6 a.m. (0600)
- Set to: 9 a.m. (0900)
- Set to: 12 p.m. (1200)
- Set to: 3 p.m. (1500)
- Set to: 6 p.m. (1800)
- Set to: 9 p.m. (2100)
- Time Of Day (seconds) : 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21
- Time Of Day - Military Hours : 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100
- Time Scale : Not Running, Real Time, Half Speed, Default Speed, Double Speed, Phantom Cigar, I am a stone
- Time of Day (Display Only) : 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21
- Military Time of Day (Display Only) : 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100
- Hard Effect Weather Type : Clear, Cloudy, Rain, Sand Storm, Mist
- Transition to Hard Effect Timer
- Transition Effect Weather Type : Clear, Cloudy, Rain, Sand Storm, Mist
- Intensity
- Set to: Clear
- Set to: Cloudy
- Set to: Rain
- Set to: Sand Storm
- Set to: Mist
- Full Intensity
[*]Super Speed
- 6 Million Dollar Man
- Multiplier
- Multiplier (D-Horse)
- Multiplier (D-Walker)
[*]Health Dec. Hook
- Flag : Disabled, Infinite Health, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
[*]Super Camo : ?
[*]Baby Chick Hat Hook : ?
[*]Demon Stat Multiplier
- Multiplier
- Multiplier
[*]Head Shots & Takedowns Multiplier
- Tactical Takedowns Multiplier
- Head Shots Multiplier
[*]Ammo Cap. Hook
- Multiplier
- No Reload
[*]Better Suppressors
- Multiplier
[*]Drug/Parasite Duration Hook
- Flag : Disabled, Infinite Duration, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Night Vision Flag : Disabled, Infinite Battery, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Stealth Camo Flag : Disabled, Infinite Battery, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Stun Arm Flag : Disabled, Instant Charge, Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
- Night Vision Flag : Disabled, Instant Charge, Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
- Stealth Camo Flag : Disabled, Instant Charge, Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, Instant Charge, Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, Infinite Cigar, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Primary (Hip) Flag : Single Shot, Burst Fire, Full Auto, Disabled
- Primary (Back) Flag : Single Shot, Burst Fire, Full Auto, Disabled
- Secondary Flag : Single Shot, Burst Fire, Full Auto, Disabled
[*]Weapon Fire Rate Multiplier : ?
- Multiplier
- Primary (Hip) Flag : Over The Shoulder, Iron Sights/Scoped, Force Disabled
- Primary (Back) Flag : Over The Shoulder, Iron Sights/Scoped, Force Disabled
- Secondary Flag : Over The Shoulder, Iron Sights/Scoped, Force Disabled
- Primary (Hip) Underbarrel Flag : Over The Shoulder, Iron Sights/Scoped, Force Disabled
- Primary (Back) Underbarrel Flag : Over The Shoulder, Iron Sights/Scoped, Force Disabled
- Weapon Step 1 Multiplier
- Weapon Step 2 Multiplier
- Weapon Step 3 Multiplier
- Int-Scope Step 1 Multiplier
- Int-Scope Step 2 Multiplier
- Int-Scope Step 3 Multiplier
[*]GMP Multiplier
- Multiplier
[*]Infinite Resources
[*]Resources Multiplier
- Multiplier
[*]Combatant Instant Stuns/Kills
- Flag : Disabled, Stun All Combatants, Kill All Combatants, Wake All Combatants
- Flag : Disabled, One hit Stun, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, Never Wakes Up, Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, One Hit Kills, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, Instant Kill, Instant Stun
[*]Skulls Health/Consciousness Dec. Hook
- Flag : Disabled, One Hit Kills, One Hit Stun, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, One Hit Kill, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
[*]Large Animal Consciousness Dec. Hook
- Flag
- Decrease Multiplier : Disabled, One Hit Stun, Decrease Multiplier
- Flag : Disabled, Never Wake Up, Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
[*]D-Horse: Infinite Health
[*]D-Horse: Infinite Consciousness
[*]D-Dog: Infinite Health
[*]D-Dog: Infinite Consciousness
[*]D-Walker: Health Dec Hook
- Flag : Disabled, Infinite Health, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- D-Walker: No Reload
[*]D-Walker: Stun Gun Charge Hook
- Flag : Disabled, Instant Charge, Charge Multiplier
- Charge Multiplier
- Multiplier
[*]D-Walker: No Turret Heat
[*]Vehicle: Health Dec. Hook
- Diamond Dog Vehicle Flag : Disabled, Infinite Health, Decrease Multiplier
- Decrease Multiplier
- All Other Vehicles Flag : Disabled, Infinite Health, Decrease Multiplier, One Hit Kill
- Decrease Multiplier
- Multiplier
- Multiplier
[*]Tank: No MG Heat
[*]Tank: Fast Turret (Effects All Tanks)
- Multiplier
- Multiplier
[*]Instant Choke-Outs
[*]Instant Lockpicking
[*]Instant Int-Scope Scans
[*]Instant Action Hold
- Flag : Disabled, All Actions, Some Actions
- Delay For Reloading (0 to 1)
[*]Instant Deployments
[*]Instant Developments
[*]Instant Mother Base Development : ?
[*]Staff Hook : ?
- addresses don't populate. ***
- Info (enable or open for read me text)
-------------------------------------------------- - Bust Staff Out Of The Brig
- Staff Tweaker Hook
- No Editing Special Characters : Disabled, Enabled
- No Troublemakers : Disabled, Enabled
- Set Troublemakers To
- No Empty Skills : Disabled, Enabled
- Set Empty To
- No Suppressed Non-Primary Stats : Disabled, Enabled
- Set Non-Primary Stat Bonus : Disabled, Enabled
- Set Non-Primary Stat Bonus To : No Boost, Moderate Boost, Major Boost, Massive Boost
- Set Peak Rank : Disabled, Enabled
- Set Peak Rank To : E, D, C, B, A, A+, A++, S, S+, S++
- All Staff Happy & Healthy : Disabled, Enabled
- Auto Quarantine : Disabled, Enabled
- Auto Quarantine Language : Afrikaans, Kikongo, Pashto, Russian, English
- Setup Specialists (For Unlocking Developments) : Disabled, Enabled
- Staff Stats Setter
- Flag : Disabled, Custom, Combat, R&D, Base Dev., Support, Intel, Medical
- Custom
- Headers
- Header (Stats)
- Suppress Non-Primary Stats
- Non-Primary Stat Bonus
- Peak Rank
- Stat Distribution
- Skill
- Face/Gender
- Extracted from Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
- Extracted from Angola-Zaire Border Region, South Africa
- Header (Stats)
- Status Sync
- Status
- Deployment Overhead
- Combat Deployment Team
- Deployed
- Player Selected/Controlled
- Direct Contract
- Proficiency
- Distinguished Service Medal
- Distinguished Service Cross
- Medal of Honor
- Symptomatic
- Health Level
- Health State
- Morale
- Enemy (Hostility)
- Designation
- Unselectable
- Status
- Headers
- Staff Array Size *Don't Edit*
- Max. Staff
- Seed
- Header
- Status Sync
- Status No Sync
- Staff Creator
- +1 Staff Member (Smoking Whale)
- +10 Staff Members (Smoking Whale)
- +50 Staff Members (Smoking Whale)
- +100 Staff Members (Smoking Whale)
-------------------------------------------------- - +1 Staff Member (Stats Set In Script)
- Staff Copier
- +1 Staff Member
- +10 Staff Members
- +50 Staff Members
- +100 Staff Members
- Staff Writer
- Save Staff Members to File
- Save Staff Members to File : 'StaffArry-MGSV-Save1'
- Save Staff Members to File : 'StaffArry-MGSV-Save2'
-------------------------------------------------- - Load Staff Members from File
- Load Staff Members from File : 'StaffArry-MGSV-Save1'
- Load Staff Members from File : 'StaffArry-MGSV-Save2'
- Selected Staff Member Stats
- Seed
- Face
- Reroll Name
- Name if Special
- Header (Stats)
- Suppress Non-Primary Stats
- Non-Primary Stat Bonus
- Peak Rank
- Stat Distribution
- Skill
- Face/Gender
- Extracted from Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
- Extracted from Angola-Zaire Border Region, South Africa
- Status
- Deployment Overhead
- Combat Deployment Team
- Deployed
- Player Selected/Controlled
- Direct Contract
- Proficiency
- Distinguished Service Medal
- Distinguished Service Cross
- Medal of Honor
- Symptomatic
- Health Level
- Health State
- Morale
- Enemy
- Designation
- Unselectable
- Status No Sync
- Unmovable
- Selected
- New
- Afrikaans
- Kikongo
- Pashto
- Russian
- English
- Recently Moved
- Seed
- Flag : Only Available Divisions, All Divisions
- Set if below : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Combat Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- R&D Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Base Dev. Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Support Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Intel Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Medical Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Security Unit XP : Level 100 (+/-), Level 162 (Cap.)
- Staff Cap. Multiplier
- Unit Cap. Multiplier
- Staff Cap. (Dispaly Only)
- Flag : Disabled, Instant Max., Increase Multiplier
- Increase Multiplier
[*]Main Unlocker (All blue prints & cassette tapes) : ?
General Helper Scripts:
- Fill Health
- Fill Consciousness
- Fill Main Weapons Ammo
- Fill Fulton Devices
- Fill Batteries
-------------------------------------------------- - +25,000 GMP
- +500,000 GMP
- +25,000,000 GMP
- +50,000 Processed Materials
- +100,000 Processed Materials
- +500,000 Processed Materials
- +5,000 Plant Materials
- +50,000 Plant Materials
- +5 Parasites
- +50 Parasites
-------------------------------------------------- - +10 Placed Weapons
- +100 Placed Weapons
- +500 Placed Weapons
- +10 Vehicles
- +100 Vehicles
- +500 Vehicles
- +5 Walker Gears
- +20 Walker Gears
- +100 Walker Gears
- Auto Table Updater
- Auto Attach to process
- Simple Logger (with levels)
- Debug Section:
- Helpers:
- Print Game Module Info
- Print Game Module Version
- Enable Compact Mode
- Disable Compact Mode
- All hooks have their own section, check scripts for real hook names.
- Helpers:
Table Versions Info
- v 2.0.2:
I added a flag to "Armor Skulls - Insta Kills" for testing and didn't have it set by default to enable it. - v 2.0.3:
I actually set the flag in the right script this time. - v 2.0.4:
Fixed bug with "Stats1WrtHook" corrupting game/stats settings file. Thanks Dreaming Turtle for getting me pointed in the right direction.
Also removed injection of "Stats1WrtHook" and "Stats1Hook" as I thought I did in the first place, because these need a bit more work. - v 2.0.5:
Added Features:- Cassette Tape Unlocker Hook
- Large Animal - one Hit Stuns
- Skulls - Insta Stuns/Kills
- Skulls - One Hit Kills
- Skulls - One Hit Stuns
- v 2.0.6:
Fixed conflict with "Large Animal - one Hit Stuns" and "No Large Animals Wake Up" AOBs.
Added Features:- All Named Locations Added to Teleporter Saves
- Insta End Alerts
- Multipliers added to "Super Speed" for D-Horse and D-Walker.
- "Staff Stats Setter" now uses a flag to use hard-coded values or custom values.
- v 2.0.7:
Fixed "Staff Hook", I didn't realize I broke it. Thank you bipoxxl, for letting me know.
Added Features:- Infinite Consciousness
- v 2.0.8:
Fixed "Buddy Bond Hook", (Includes all buddies). - v 2.0.9:
"Weapon Fire Rate Hook" now uses multiplier.
Reworked "Weather" section.
Reworked "Time" section.
Added Features:- Teleport To: Called Heli LZ (Added to Teleporter)
- Teleport To: Called Supply Drop Point (Added to Teleporter)
- Teleport To: Player Vehicle (Added to Teleporter)
- "Weapon Fire Rate Hook" now includes semi-automatic weapons (But are still semi-automatic)
Try: "Weapon Fire Rate Hook" + "No reload" + any rocket luncher. - Renew Suppressors (General Helper Scripts)
- Fill Main Weapons Ammo (General Helper Scripts)
- v 2.0.10:
Updated "I2CETeleporter" (v1.0.5).
Removed "Teleport To: Called Heli LZ", needs more work. Y coordinate isn't always right and you end up under the map. Just use waypoints for now.
Fixed the multiplier default in "Weapon Fire Rate Hook", I changed it while working on other stuff and forgot to change it back for the last table.
Added Features:- Teleport: Back (Added to Teleporter)
- Demon Stat Multiplier
- Heroism Stat Multiplier
- No Clip (Not for objects, just no hits or knock downs)
- v 2.0.11:
Added Features:- Vehicle Acceleration Multiplier
- Vehicle Speed Multiplier
- Tank Infinite Ammo
- Tank Fire Rate Hook
- Tank Faster Aiming
- Tank MG No Over Heat
- v 2.0.12:
Changed "PlayerRotationAngleHook"; the values act better just still not as desired.
Removed "PlayerRotationAngleHook" from main hooks, found with "PlayerBaseHook" (connected with "ptrPlayerBaseHook").
Removed "CamRotationAngleHook" from main hooks, found with "PlayerBaseHook" (connected with "ptrPlayerBaseHook").
Added Features:- Insta Action Hold
- v 2.0.13:
Changed "PlayerBaseHook" to "PlayerHook"; changed injection point and pointer level.
Removed "HealthHook" from main hooks, found with "PlayerHook" (connected with "ptrPlayerHook").
Removed "BatteryHook" from main hooks, found with "WeaponHook" (connected with "ptrWeaponHook"); Added "BatteryMaxHook", parts from "BatteryHook" that are needed to get the maximum values address.
Added Features:- D-Walker code added to: Infinite Suppressors
- D-Walker code added to: No Reload
- D-Walker code added to: Infinite Ammo
- D-Walker code added to: No Turret Heat
- Weapon Fire Selector (Single shot, Burst fire, and Full auto)
- Fill Health (General Helper Scripts)
- Fill Consciousness (General Helper Scripts)
- v 2.0.14:
Changed "Weapon Fire Selector" to use 3 flags based on the current weapon, i.e.: Stores a different fire type for each weapon (main, back, or side).
Added key reader to "Weapon Fire Selector"; Use "Left D-Pad" or "Num 1" while aimed, to select fire type.
Added Features:- Baby Chick Hat Hook (I only updated this)
- Staff Divisions Hook (I only updated this)
- Rewards Hook (I only updated this)
- v 2.0.15:
Added Features:- Vehicle Health Dec. Hook
- Teleport To: Called Vehicle Supply Drop Point (Added to Teleporter)
- Teleport To: Last Map Icon Selected (Added to Teleporter)
- v 2.0.16:
Updated "I2CETeleporter" (v1.0.9). Fixed some errors. - v 2.0.17:
Added Features:- Sync with Real Time (Added to "Time" section)
- Staff Creator (Added to "Staff Hook")
- Staff Copier (Added to "Staff Hook")
- I2CETState
Saves and loads table state (i.e.: what memory records are enabled).
Uses named states (i.e.: 'default', 'testState', or 'SuperCheated'), if no name is given then 'default' is used.- Save Table State : default
- Load Table State : default
- v 3.0.5:
Fixed "I2CETState" to work with "Async"ed memory records and multithreading, it also updates the UI better. It just works way better now.
"I2CETableCEA" AOB scans and asserts are now ONLY setup as Auto Assembler commands, it also just works better now.
"I2CETState" now included some states stored as table file, new local files will override these. - v 3.0.6:
Changing all memory records to "Async" messed up some stuff, like the teleporter; their fixed with this update. - v 3.0.7:
Added Features:- Staff Writer (Saves/Reads all staff members (arrays) to/from file) (Added to "Staff Hook")
- v 3.0.8:
"Cassette Tape Unlocker" modified and changed to "Unlocker", now unlocks all developments, emblems, and cassette tapes. Developments will still require staff division level and special staff members to meet requirements.
Added Features:- Unlocker (Unlocks all developments, emblems, and cassette tapes. Developments will still require staff division level and special staff members to meet requirements.)
- v 3.0.9:
Fixed table custom types, I failed to add the files for the custom types on the last table. - v 4.0.3:
Fixed some AOBs after game update. - v 4.0.4:
Fixed "PlayerHook" AOB (Game file version - v 4.0.5:
Fixed "PlayerHook" AOB to also work with Japanese language (Game file version - v 5.0.1:
Added Features:- Time Scale Hook
- Stop Recording Mission Penalties
- Head Shots & Takedowns Multiplier
- Ammo Cap. Hook
- Better Suppressors (Cap. Multiplier)
- Batteries Charge Hook (with instant charge and charge multiplier options)
- Stun Arm Charge Hook (with instant charge and charge multiplier options)
- GMP Multiplier
- Resources Multiplier
- Armor Skulls No Buffed Health Refill
- Sahelanthropus Health Dec. Hook (with one hit kill and decrease multiplier options)
- D-Horse: Infinite Health
- D-Horse: Infinite Consciousness
- D-Dog: Infinite Health
- D-Dog: Infinite Consciousness
- D-Walker: Health Dec Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
- D-Walker: Infinite Ammo
- D-Walker: No Reload
- D-Walker: Infinite Suppressors
- D-Walker: Stun Gun Charge Hook (with instant charge and charge multiplier options)
- D-Walker: Fire Rate Hook
- D-Walker: Ballista Instant Draw
- D-Walker: No Turret Heat
- Instant Choke-Outs
- Instant Lockpicking
- Bust Staff Out Of The Brig
- Staff Tweaker Hook
- No Troublemakers
- No Empty Skills
- No Suppressed Non-Primary Stats
- Set Non-Primary Stat Bonus
- Set Peak Rank
- All Staff Happy & Healthy
- Auto Quarantine
- Setup Specialists (For Unlocking Developments)
- Staff Cap. Hook
- Infinite Health -> Health Dec. Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
- No Clip -> No Hit Box
- Invisibility -> Super Camo
- Infinite Battery -> Batteries Dec. Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
- Stop Drug Duration Timer -> Drug/Parasite Duration Hook
- Zoom Set Hook -> Weapon/Int-Scope Zoom Multiplier (with multipliers for each step in zoom level)
- No Turret Heat -> No Turret & Anti-Air Gun Heat
- Stop Mission Timer -> Mission Timer Scale Hook
- Stop Ops Timer -> Ops Timer Scale Hook
- Combatant - one Hit/Punch Stuns/Kills -> Combatant Consciousness Dec. Hook (with one hit stun and decrease multiplier options)
- Combatant - One Hit Kills -> Combatant Health Dec. Hook (with one hit kill and decrease multiplier options)
- No Combatants Wake Up -> Combatant Consciousness Inc. Hook
- Skulls - One Hit Kills -> Skulls Health/Consciousness Dec. Hook (with one hit kill/stun and decrease multiplier options)
- Insta End Alerts -> Alert Timer Scale Hook
- No Large Animals Wake Up -> Large Animal Consciousness Inc. Hook (with no wake up and increase multiplier options)
- Large Animal - one Hit Stuns -> Large Animal Consciousness Dec. Hook (with one hit stun and decrease multiplier options)
- v 5.0.2: Fixed "Infinite Ammo", Added "Infinite Fulton Devices", and added the needed custom type files.
- v 5.0.3: Fixed "Infinite Ammo", Added "Phantom Cigar Dec. Hook".
- v 5.0.4: Updated for game file version "".
- v 6.0.1: Updated Lua modules and table to work with them.
- v 6.0.2: Added missing type files.
- v 6.0.3: Updated Lua modules.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1