1. You need to use a HACKED save game. And by hacked, I mean it literally says that in the main menu. Or create one yourself.
2. The ACP.ini file is in
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Assassin's Creed Origins.
3. Maybe you need to add at the bottom
presetID = Custom.
Then make a folder in location indicated at point 2 called
Animus Control Panel. Extract the attachment below in that folder, so it looks like this:
You can then open ACP.ini and edit settings while game is running (while you're in game world). If you don't see "Animus Control Panel settings have been applied" message it's maybe because you've not enabled some crap in the overlay to show notifications. Do you even see Ubisoft Connect in-game?
P.S.: "Benutzerdefiniert" means "Custom". You can probably rename it as
Custom.preset. And no, I don't live in Germany, found the stuff in a post on Ubi forums:
And as proof, I just tried
PlayerMovementSpeedMultiplier = 425 and I'm moving 4 times faster.
The update is done on the fly here:
Code: Select all
uplay_r164.dll+44C10 - 48 8B 4B 28 - mov rcx,[rbx+28]
uplay_r164.dll+44C14 - E8 57BAFFFF - call uplay_r164.dll+40670
uplay_r164.dll+44C19 - 84 C0 - test al,al
uplay_r164.dll+44C1B - 0F84 88020000 - je uplay_r164.dll+44EA9
uplay_r164.dll+44C21 - 48 8B 4B 28 - mov rcx,[rbx+28]
uplay_r164.dll+44C25 - E8 56BBFFFF - call uplay_r164.dll+40780
The first CALL checks if the file timestamp has been modified. The check runs constantly, hence why it's detecting these changes done on the fly. Once you edit something in ACP.ini and SAVE, you change the timestamp. That CALL kicks in, result is 1 (instead of 0), meaning "ACP.ini has changed") and the next CALL will read the file and re-apply the settings.
Code: Select all
ACOrigins.exe+196F170 - 40 53 - push rbx
ACOrigins.exe+196F172 - 57 - push rdi
ACOrigins.exe+196F173 - 48 83 EC 28 - sub rsp,28 { 40 }
ACOrigins.exe+196F177 - 48 8B 05 0AEA2903 - mov rax,[ACOrigins.exe+4C0DB88] { (608A9850) }
ACOrigins.exe+196F17E - 48 8B FA - mov rdi,rdx
ACOrigins.exe+196F181 - 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
ACOrigins.exe+196F184 - 80 B8 B10D0000 00 - cmp byte ptr [rax+00000DB1],00 { 0 }
ACOrigins.exe+196F18B - 75 09 - jne ACOrigins.exe+196F196
ACOrigins.exe+196F18D - 32 C0 - xor al,al
ACOrigins.exe+196F18F - 48 83 C4 28 - add rsp,28 { 40 }
ACOrigins.exe+196F193 - 5F - pop rdi
ACOrigins.exe+196F194 - 5B - pop rbx
ACOrigins.exe+196F195 - C3 - ret
ACOrigins.exe+196F196 - 48 8B 42 18 - mov rax,[rdx+18]
Add it like this in your table:
Change the byte value to 0 and you have unlimited civilian/cat killing
Why did I say the above? Cuz I have a feeling you want to make some "killing 239180931809 civilians in ACO" youtube video, that's why. In the context of the game, Medjay are protectors of the people. Killing innocent civilians is not how the game is intended to be played.
Lastly, I'm able to find all ACP settings/functions in the game and will list them out a tad later. Not sure it can be replicated in Valhalla, as ACP is a code module that's been added in AC:Origins later in development. To work in other ACs, I'd need to find all of the required functions (if they exist) and compute each setting's function. And I'm not in the mood to rebuild/invent Anvil code out of thin air. It's like coding the game...
Code: Select all
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2A5 - 84 C0 - test al,al
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2A7 - 74 11 - je ACOrigins.exe+28AA2BA
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2A9 - E8 825C6BFF - call ACOrigins.exe+1F5FF30 // this gets the ptr to the table with ACP settings
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2AE - 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2B1 - E8 EA686BFF - call ACOrigins.exe+1F60BA0 // this reads 'PlayerMovementSpeedMultiplier'
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2B6 - 44 0F28 D0 - movaps xmm10,xmm0
ACOrigins.exe+28AA2BA - 49 8B 4E 58 - mov rcx,[r14+58]
The JE in the snippet above is a check to see if ACP is active (if you're on a hacked save game). Since other ACs don't have ACP, the code between the JE and last MOV will not exist in those ACs. Hope it's clear.