Mass Effect Andromeda

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by angelicsol »

Csimbi wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:23 am
Copy-paste this into the address list and see if you can enable this:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>// Game   : MassEffectAndromeda.exe
// Version:
// Date   :
// Author : Cs
aobscanmodule(aobPlayerBaseReader,MassEffectAndromeda.exe,4C 8B 81 ?? ?? 00 00 4D 85 C0 0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D 8B 40 ?? 44)






//Alt: mov r8,[rcx+000014B8]
//db 4C 8B 81 B8 14 00 00
test r8,r8
jz short lblPlayerBaseReaderSkip
// Player base address
mov [pPlayerBase],r8
// Player team ID value
mov r9d,[r8+16c]
mov [iPlayerTeamIdentifier],r9d
// Player
mov r9,[r8+228]
mov [pPlayer],r9
jmp lblPlayerBaseReaderRet

dq 0
dd 0
dq 0

jmp lblPlayerBaseReader

//Alt: mov r8,[rcx+000014B8]
//db 4C 8B 81 B8 14 00 00




// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8EF

"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8CE: 0F 84 DD 00 00 00              -  je MassEffectAndromeda.exe+77F9B1
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8D4: 48 8B 08                       -  mov rcx,[rax]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8D7: 80 B9 C8 13 00 00 00           -  cmp byte ptr [rcx+000013C8],00
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8DE: 74 0F                          -  je MassEffectAndromeda.exe+77F8EF
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8E0: 48 83 C0 08                    -  add rax,08
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8E4: 48 3B C2                       -  cmp rax,rdx
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8E7: 75 EB                          -  jne MassEffectAndromeda.exe+77F8D4
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8E9: 48 83 C4 20                    -  add rsp,20
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8ED: 5B                             -  pop rbx
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8EE: C3                             -  ret 
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8EF: 4C 8B 81 B8 14 00 00           -  mov r8,[rcx+000014B8]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8F6: 4D 85 C0                       -  test r8,r8
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8F9: 0F 84 B2 00 00 00              -  je MassEffectAndromeda.exe+77F9B1
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F8FF: 4D 8B 40 38                    -  mov r8,[r8+38]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F903: 44 8B 8B 84 03 00 00           -  mov r9d,[rbx+00000384]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F90A: 41 0F B6 48 0A                 -  movzx ecx,byte ptr [r8+0A]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F90F: 41 0F B6 40 09                 -  movzx eax,byte ptr [r8+09]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F914: 48 8D 14 48                    -  lea rdx,[rax+rcx*2]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F918: 48 C1 E2 05                    -  shl rdx,05
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F91C: 42 0F 28 44 02 40              -  movaps xmm0,[rdx+r8+40]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+77F922: 0F 5C 83 C0 03 00 00           -  subps xmm0,[rbx+000003C0]

          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
If it works, replace the "enable (patch 1.10)" script with this one (just that script, nothing else) and the rest should work then.
i don't know much about CE, just how to use cheat tables. where's the address list and how do i add it? sorry for having to ask.

EDIT: i managed to get it to open without changing anything by doing it while in the game menu, vs a loaded up save.
i'm just having a hard time popularing andromeda viability. i have nexus level 6, i've reopened the menus several times, different menus, decontructed some stuff to see it that'll repopulate anything.i just have a bunch of ?? along with a.v.p (which i can edit) and nexus level (reference?).

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by LorgrenBenirus »

Csimbi wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:56 pm
Ah, I did not realize it'd be moddable - thanks, very handy!
Try out the Ironman mod for fun and giggles, makes traveling pretty fun :)

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Csimbi »

angelicsol wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:10 pm
i don't know much about CE, just how to use cheat tables. where's the address list and how do i add it? sorry for having to ask.

EDIT: i managed to get it to open without changing anything by doing it while in the game menu, vs a loaded up save.
i'm just having a hard time popularing andromeda viability. i have nexus level 6, i've reopened the menus several times, different menus, decontructed some stuff to see it that'll repopulate anything.i just have a bunch of ?? along with a.v.p (which i can edit) and nexus level (reference?).
It seems you don't even know how to use cheat tables.
Can't help you there, mate - you need to check tutorials or something...
LorgrenBenirus wrote:
Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:13 am
Csimbi wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:56 pm
Ah, I did not realize it'd be moddable - thanks, very handy!
Try out the Ironman mod for fun and giggles, makes traveling pretty fun :)
Nice find! That's how it should have been in the first place - making portable versions of the mass effect drives! :P
I could not figure out why so far in the future we would still be running around on out feet when we have jetpacks already today...
Last edited by Csimbi on Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Squall8 »

So I made this during the 1.04 update and it turns out it still works on 1.10!

Here is my Blink script. Currently assigned hotkey - Caps Lock

This script is really fun to use. Works with or without a weapon drawn and can be done midair as well. Have Fun!!
(4.79 KiB) Downloaded 405 times

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by cyberbrain666666 »

How to spawn item remnant data core and Fusion Mod of Biotic Mastery with script table (A long time ago I missed a remnant of an architect)
Sorry for my english i from Slovak :D

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by taglag »

1, Would there be anyway to add the ability to lock you leveling. at any place where you felt your character was solid, and there by Hopefully stop the Mob leveling, and allow for NG+ to be reasonably fair.

I mean after level 80, the mob's keep leveling, and your attacks get weaker, and weaker...

If this was possible it would sure help Out I think.

2. Or if you could find away to reduce the players level, so we could avoid the Bullet sponge mob's..

3. I know the Damage multiplier will allow you to off set the problems with the Higher level mob's, and that Might be the best, but Being able to limit one's leveling could also add some control, and for some put a dis advantage, or game play condition that many might like.

Giving a sort of New game plus condition (say Locked at level 25 or 30 ), that might give and extra fun factor to the game.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by taglag »

I wonder if in the Pointers you could lock the XP, and keep the character at the same level?

Would this work ?

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Kiloden »

Hey, kinda new to cheat tables and what not. I cant get this to work for my game. I cant get any of it to activate except for the moon jump script. Everything else just loads for a second then highlights the script I clicked on, but doesn't activate.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by taglag »

This was working last time I played MEA, I have legit copy of the game version 1.10 ( Lower Left main screen ) But for some reason, I start the game, activate Cheat engine with the table, table seems to load fine, click the 1,10 patch, scripts open up, they let me mark the box with a "X", but soon as I return to the game and try to move or anything it is Instant Crash!

I have Debugger set to Use VEH Debugger, but I have tried the other two, and still same thing.

Any help would be appreciated.

I would just like to have the health, and damage multipliers, Of course all the rest would be nice LOL. But it just does not seem to want to work, I even tried dropping back to Cheat Engine 6.6 just for the heck of it.

Is anyone maybe able to help ?

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Marshal Banana
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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Marshal Banana »

taglag wrote:
Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:35 pm
This was working last time I played MEA, I have legit copy of the game version 1.10 ( Lower Left main screen ) But for some reason, I start the game, activate Cheat engine with the table, table seems to load fine, click the 1,10 patch, scripts open up, they let me mark the box with a "X", but soon as I return to the game and try to move or anything it is Instant Crash!

I have Debugger set to Use VEH Debugger, but I have tried the other two, and still same thing.

Any help would be appreciated.

I would just like to have the health, and damage multipliers, Of course all the rest would be nice LOL. But it just does not seem to want to work, I even tried dropping back to Cheat Engine 6.6 just for the heck of it.

Is anyone maybe able to help ?
Sorry for necro'ing this thread, but I'd like to know how to make it work too. I just want infinite credits, haha.
I'm not getting any crashes, but it simply does not work.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by LorgrenBenirus »

I'm hoping also for a working table, despite MEA being what it is, I still occasionally play it, just for the.. well I don't, a light buzz or some such? :)

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by chrisreddot3 »

it is possible to edit the companions to make them stronger?
Also "ignore level requirements" are broken

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by VirgilSouth »

chrisreddot3 wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:47 pm
it is possible to edit the companions to make them stronger?
Also "ignore level requirements" are broken
Companions can be edit only by mods. Years ago i made mod for it. You can search it on fearlessrevolution, maybe it still works

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by chrisreddot3 »

VirgilSouth wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:42 pm
chrisreddot3 wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:06 pm
VirgilSouth wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 3:06 pm

Companions can be edit only by mods. Years ago i made mod for it. You can search it on fearlessrevolution, maybe it still works
This one? this one.

But i reccomend use "Better Squad" cos my mod very rough
Lol ,your mod is OP as fu*k hahaha

Is there any way to hack online currency or they are server sided?

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by VirgilSouth »

chrisreddot3 wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 5:43 pm
VirgilSouth wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:42 pm this one.

But i reccomend use "Better Squad" cos my mod very rough
Lol ,your mod is OP as fu*k hahaha

Is there any way to hack online currency or they are server sided?
Not OP if u playing at max level with max difficulty. With these conditions my mod makes companions damage 50-70% of player damage, as i remember. Still they dumb as fuck so it wont help much

Server sided. Search mpgh com for tables, may be some old stuff still works

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