Mass Effect Andromeda

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by xyz01 »

Thanks for very fast update!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by STN »

Kalas wrote:
Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:05 pm
Infinite Life Support
Beware the point your using for life support bugs out quests as it affects a lot of other functions in game. I noticed this after it was too late and had to start the mission from scratch and find a fix :lol:

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Ambal »

STN wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:20 pm
Kalas wrote:
Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:05 pm
Infinite Life Support
Beware the point your using for life support bugs out quests as it affects a lot of other functions in game. I noticed this after it was too late and had to start the mission from scratch and find a fix :lol:
Registered to write about this problem and did not have time. :)

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Jessen »

can we get an update to the 'infinite item' script? or tell me how to update it myself? Heres what it is now.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Infinite items"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : MassEffectAndromeda.exe
  Date   : 2017-03-21
  Author : 1096b

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(DUPE,MassEffectAndromeda.exe,29 C1 39 D1 74 1A) // should be unique

  add ecx,eax

  db eb 3c


  db 29 C1 39 D1 74 1A


  db 75 3c

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F337

"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F312: 48 8B 18                    -  mov rbx,[rax]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F315: 48 89 5C 24 70              -  mov [rsp+70],rbx
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F31A: 48 C7 00 00 00 00 00        -  mov [rax],00000000
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F321: 48 8B 07                    -  mov rax,[rdi]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F324: 48 89 F9                    -  mov rcx,rdi
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F327: FF 50 10                    -  call qword ptr [rax+10]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F32A: 90                          -  nop 
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F32B: EB 58                       -  jmp MassEffectAndromeda.exe+510F385
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F32D: A1 89 D0 39 D5 0F 42 C5 89  -  mov eax,[89C5420FD539D089]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F336: D1                          - db D1  // SHORTENED TO HIT INJECTION FROM:  shr [rcx],1
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F337: 29 C1                       -  sub ecx,eax
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F339: 39 D1                       -  cmp ecx,edx
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F33B: 74 1A                       -  je MassEffectAndromeda.exe+510F357
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F33D: 89 4F 1C                    -  mov [rdi+1C],ecx
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F340: 80 7F 38 00                 -  cmp byte ptr [rdi+38],00
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F344: 75 11                       -  jne MassEffectAndromeda.exe+510F357
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F346: 48 8B 4F 30                 -  mov rcx,[rdi+30]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F34A: 48 85 C9                    -  test rcx,rcx
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F34D: 74 08                       -  je MassEffectAndromeda.exe+510F357
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F34F: 48 8B 01                    -  mov rax,[rcx]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F352: 8B 57 28                    -  mov edx,[rdi+28]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F355: FF 10                       -  call qword ptr [rax]
"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+510F357: 41 89 E9                    -  mov r9d,ebp

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by f34rY »

Jessen wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:24 pm

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Kalas »

STN wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:20 pm
Kalas wrote:
Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:05 pm
Infinite Life Support
Beware the point your using for life support bugs out quests as it affects a lot of other functions in game. I noticed this after it was too late and had to start the mission from scratch and find a fix :lol:
I've noticed that, It stops me from progressing some missions.

I'll have to see if it's accessing other stuff.. my bad haha.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by hedop »

Yep the life support for the whole team effect turrets strangely enough. If you just choose it for yourself it only effects you, but the whole team option is bugged and keeps the turrets alive even if they are enemies preventing you from progressing in some missions.

Another question: after the latest patch I finally have a quest unlogged that seemed to be bugged. It's called Task: Remnant Data Cores and apparently you get one of those each for any architect you kill (so 4), another one for the Vaults in Kadara, Voeld, 2 on Elaaden and another one on the mission to Meridian. Now especially the two in Elaaden are highly missable since they are only accessible after activating the purification field and are therefore not accessible afterwards anymore and neither is the one during the journey to Meridian which is somewhere in Remnant city. My question is this:

Is there a way for anyone who suffered from this quest not firing and or not knowing that those canisters were somehow important and missing them to finish that quest? So is there a way to edit how many remnant data cores you have so the quest progression triggers properly and allows you to finish that questline without having to drag yourself through the whole game again?

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Cielos »

Jessen wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:24 pm
can we get an update to the 'infinite item' script? or tell me how to update it myself? Heres what it is now.
would you mind posting the link to the original post as well?
the least you could do is credit the author you know... ;)
here's the updated script.
- it may looks different, but it alters the exact same bytes actually.
- by testing it, it's for duplicating item when selling them, right?
- note that if you bulk sell the whole stack at once you'd still loss the item. for example:
--- if you have 14, and you sell 14, the item is lost after the transaction.
--- if you have 14, and you sell 13, you'll have 27 after the transaction.
- also, I traced the code a bit, you should be noted that it seems item quantity is not the only thing that it deals with.
- or it might be just that I located a different opcodes. if you're unsure, feel free to start it from scratch. just start by finding the item quantity in the shop menu, and find out what access the quantity when you sell something; the quantity calculation should be right above the conditional jump just one opcode before the game writes the quantity.
if it proves to the same opcodes, or you just don't feel like to do that, just read on...
- just activate the script when you need to duplicate an item, and when you do, don't bulk sell a whole stack to avoid manipulating wrong address, and you should be fine.
- in short, use with caution.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"dupliacte item"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanmodule(quantityDecreaseOnTransactionAOB,MassEffectAndromeda.exe,** ** ** ** 74 1A 89 4F 1C)




quantityDecreaseOnTransactionAOB: //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9F4:
db 01 C1 90 90 90 90

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
quantityDecreaseOnTransactionAOB: //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9F4:
//db 2B C8 3B CA 74 1A
//Alt: sub ecx,eax
//Alt: cmp ecx,edx
//Alt: je MassEffectAndromeda.IsGameRuntime+4FE7C4
Kalas wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:01 am
STN wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:20 pm
Kalas wrote:
Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:05 pm
Infinite Life Support
Beware the point your using for life support bugs out quests as it affects a lot of other functions in game. I noticed this after it was too late and had to start the mission from scratch and find a fix :lol:
I've noticed that, It stops me from progressing some missions.

I'll have to see if it's accessing other stuff.. my bad haha.
it is, I have to utilize the dirty isbadreadptr() to filter out the unrelated addresses.. :cry:
hedop wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:12 am
Yep the life support for the whole team effect turrets strangely enough. If you just choose it for yourself it only effects you, but the whole team option is bugged and keeps the turrets alive even if they are enemies preventing you from progressing in some missions.
"life support for the whole team"?
if you meant the "undead" script, then thanks for the report, I'll have a look later. (but as I myself don't actually use the "teammates option" actually... finger crossed I won't forget to test it out..)
if not, what table are you using...?
Last edited by Cielos on Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by hedop »

Both. I tried with the current one and the last one. The issue remains. Undead for single player is fine, undead for whole team effects turrets as well. Btw. It would be really cool if you could look into the remnant cores thing.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Cielos »

"Yep the life support for the whole team effect turrets strangely enough"
anyway, as I said, I may have a look later.
in the mean time, if you're sure the life su... the "undead" script with "teammates" bit on would affects the turrets as well, if you see a turret and you want to destroy it, just change the status to "player only" temporary and you can destroy the turrent, just as you said so yourself, that "undead" for "player only" doesn't have this problem. so, you don't need to let it "preventing you from progressing in some missions", only if you insisted to do so.

oh, and again, thanks for the report~

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by hedop »

Cielos wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:33 am
"Yep the life support for the whole team effect turrets strangely enough"
anyway, as I said, I may have a look later.
in the mean time, if you're sure the life su... the "undead" script with "teammates" bit on would affects the turrets as well, if you see a turret and you want to destroy it, just change the status to "player only" temporary and you can destroy the turrent, just as you said so yourself, that "undead" for "player only" doesn't have this problem. so, you don't need to let it "preventing you from progressing in some missions", only if you insisted to do so.

oh, and again, thanks for the report~
I know dude. I didn't. I finished the game. I simply reported an issue I encountered and explained what it was for the benefit of other people who might encounter them as well. Are you always this pissy? I corrected myself in the post above and said undead. I also posted in response to YOUR question which table I'm using.

Personally I couldn't care less about the undead option simply because I didn't really need it for my teammates. However some posters above have mentioned that it prevents them from progressing in certain missions. Now they might have a different issue BUT I assumed it might be the same issue connected to the turrets which will prevent you from progressing if you do not know how to fix it. They way to fix it is to simply switch to player only in the undead option for the time being and switch back once you have progressed if you want to use it.

My real question was about the remnant core quest which has a lot of people reporting. I don't see Bioware fixing it any time soon because their first patch which didn't do a whole lot took them like 2 weeks so I doubt they will get to that before the end of the year which is why it would be nice to have a handy way of solving the problem by using cheat engine so people can finish that quest.

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Kalas »

Updated my Cheat Table (viewtopic.php?p=4039#p4039)

Fixed Two Features:

Infinite Shield - Minor Issue.
Infinite Life Support - Effected other stuff. (Thanks for STN for telling me about that)

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by Cielos »

Cielos wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:20 am
Jessen wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:24 pm
can we get an update to the 'infinite item' script? or tell me how to update it myself? Heres what it is now.
yeah, I know it's 1096bimu script now.
so, I've used another injection point based on 1096bimu's findings, to make these 2 scripts. you can only activate one of them at a time.
test them and see if there's any problem.
if none found, I'll update the table with these scripts on next update. thanks~

dupliacte item
- when activated, whenever you buy/sell stuff, the remaining quantity would be added with the quantity you buy/sell instead of being subtracted.
- the script effect would still kick-in when bulk sell the whole stack now, you won't lose the item instead anymore.
- for example, if you have 16, and you bulk sell the whole stack, you'll get 16 instead and have 32 afterwards.
- remember it works on BOTH buying and selling.
- for dupliacte item .3, hold Shift key when you confirm the trade to duplicate the item. i.e. when asked "CONFIRM TRADE?", hold Shift key, then press SPACE or click on OK.
- if you don't want this mod key at all, just use dupliacte item .2 instead.
- you can only activate one of these 2 scripts at a time.

dupliacte item .2:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"dupliacte item .2"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanmodule(quantityReadOnTransactionAOB,MassEffectAndromeda.exe,8B 57 1C 3B D5 75)

alloc(newmem,2048,quantityReadOnTransactionAOB) //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9A9)

newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
add [rdi+1c],ebp
add [rdi+1c],ebp

mov edx,[rdi+1C]
cmp edx,ebp

jmp returnhere


quantityReadOnTransactionAOB: //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9A9:
jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
quantityReadOnTransactionAOB: //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9A9:
db 8B 57 1C 3B D5
//Alt: mov edx,[rdi+1C]
//Alt: cmp edx,ebp
dupliacte item .3:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"dupliacte item .3"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanmodule(quantityReadOnTransactionAOB,MassEffectAndromeda.exe,8B 57 1C 3B D5 75)

alloc(newmem,2048,quantityReadOnTransactionAOB) //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9A9)

newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
push rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push rsi
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm0
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm1
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm2
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm3
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm4
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm5
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm6
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm7
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm8
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm9
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm10
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm11
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm12
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm13
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm14
sub rsp,10
movdqu dqword [rsp],xmm15
push rdi
push rbp

mov rcx,10    //SHIFT key
push rcx
call GetAsyncKeyState
add rsp,08
shr ax,#15
cmp ax,1
jne @f

mov ebp,[rsp]
mov rdi,[rsp+8]
add [rdi+1c],ebp
add [rdi+1c],ebp

pop rbp
pop rdi
movdqu xmm15,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm14,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm13,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm12,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm11,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm10,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm9,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm8,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm7,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm6,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm5,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm4,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm3,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm2,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm1,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
movdqu xmm0,dqword [rsp]
add rsp,10
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax

mov edx,[rdi+1C]
cmp edx,ebp

jmp returnhere


quantityReadOnTransactionAOB: //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9A9:
jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
quantityReadOnTransactionAOB: //"MassEffectAndromeda.exe"+67C9A9:
db 8B 57 1C 3B D5
//Alt: mov edx,[rdi+1C]
//Alt: cmp edx,ebp
          <Description>"hold shift and Confirm Trade"</Description>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
hedop wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:57 am
Personally I couldn't care less about the undead option simply because I didn't really need it for my teammates. However some posters above have mentioned that it prevents them from progressing in certain missions. Now they might have a different issue BUT I assumed it might be the same issue connected to the turrets which will prevent you from progressing if you do not know how to fix it. They way to fix it is to simply switch to player only in the undead option for the time being and switch back once you have progressed if you want to use it.
yes, it's a different issue. what they're descibing is a bug that causes by "Inf. life support" that Kala posted.
what you describe is actually (later revealed) my "undead" script, while saying (at the time) it's Kala's "Inf. life support".
for more info about the problem they mentioned, read the thread.
hedop wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:57 am
I know dude. I didn't. I finished the game. I simply reported an issue I encountered and explained what it was for the benefit of other people who might encounter them as well. Are you always this pissy? I corrected myself in the post above and said undead. I also posted in response to YOUR question which table I'm using.
no, you didn't correct yourself.
you just said "life support" causes the issue on the first post.
then you said "undead" caused the issue you have on the second post. these two statements aren't mutually exclusive.
and yes, you've reported a bug that's related to my table, and I said thanks. and I may have a look later when I find myself a battle turret to destroy again. (I've restarted a game with a different character, so it could take a while~)
so, why are you pissed?

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by maa »

Cielos, can you make inf inventary and weapons without cooldown?

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Re: Mass Effect Andromeda

Post by hedop »

Dude nvm. I'm not going to squabbly over pissy little shit like me using the wrong term once and then immediately using the correct term in the next post since you pointed out it's not the life support but the undead script. That's just getting childish.

Anyway. Before this gets lost in the shuffle:

If anyone who has a clue about tables gets the "Task: Remnant data core" quest it would be really appreciated if they could try and manipulate the quest to get to 9 remnant data cores since there are a bunch of people waiting in an EA support thread who didn't know the quest existed until the Patch unlocked it for them and now can't finish it because you can't reenter Vaults. It would be much appreciated if anybody could take a look at that.

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