Congratulations Drummer
Take your Time! There are more important things than tableupdates!^^
Downgrading Final Fantasy XII to the last Update:
Start Steam like this: steam.exe -console
Start Steam and click on Console Button at the Top of the Steamwindow
Type the following in the Console:
download_depot 595520 595521 1327698849945349442
The game won't appear in your Downloads, but you will see that there's traffic going on.
Wait until the Traffic stops (means, console finished downloading).
Go to [Your Steam Folder]/steamapps/content/app_595520/depot_595521/[Here is the downloaded game]
Now just exchange your April 2019 FF XII Files with those in the depot_595521 Folder.
You can stop the game from being updated again by two methods:
!! First you have to close steam for this changes to work !!
1. Go to [Your Steam Folder]/steamapps/ and open appmanifest_59520.acf with a texteditor.
Search for StateFlags and change whatever number is to the right of that to 4.
2. Go to [Your Steam Folder]/config and open loginusers.vdf with a texteditor.
Seach for WantsOfflineMode and change whatever number is to the right of that to 1.
Search for SkipOfflineModeWarning and change whatever number is to the right of that to 1.
Denuvo Games may want you to go online in a specific timeperiod. So keep an Backup of your "Old Game Version".
If you want to be totaly safe without changing any files, just cut your internet. Steam will prompt you for the offline mode.