Grim Dawn + All DLC's

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Denezhou »

Thanks StinVec!!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by StinVec »

You're welcome! I hope those options are useful additions alongside fantomas's table.

I've been working a little bit off and on with trying to get components and augments to not be restricted to certain types of armor/weapons. I mainly want to get it so that something that can only be applied to head armor can instead be applied to any armor/weapon item (maybe even on relics). Haven't had much luck yet, but I've tracked down what area of instructions seems to control that and I'm trying to work it out and which part does the check that highlights some types while excluding others. That's something I'd find useful as long as it doesn't cause any problems. If someone else succeeds in making that option then that'd be awesome, but seeing if it's possible is one thing I'm also working on.

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Denezhou »

could you make an infinite time on shattered realms script?

time is 4bytes in milliseconds (timer is displayed on top right hud)

here's some pointers to point you in the right direction, they should all hopefully work but gave a few alternatives

ive went from 43141 [started with 3 pointer maps from a restart each time, and only doing 3 max nodes per offset] to 8090 but every time i check it again i lose another 20 or so after 15 or 20 restarts and checking between all difficulties

Code: Select all

      <Description>"shattered realm timer"</Description>
      <LastState Value="445766" RealAddress="29AF7A3D584"/>
      <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"shattered realm timer [alternate]"</Description>
          <LastState Value="445766" RealAddress="29AF7A3D584"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"shattered realm timer [alternate]"</Description>
          <LastState Value="445766" RealAddress="29AF7A3D584"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"shattered realm timer [alternate]"</Description>
          <LastState Value="445766" RealAddress="29AF7A3D584"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"shattered realm timer [alternate]"</Description>
          <LastState Value="445766" RealAddress="29AF7A3D584"/>
          <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by StinVec »

Hopefully this works how you would like it to so the timer just doesn't decrease and can still increase and gain bonus time for better rewards. You can also change the time on the clock manually in the script.

Shattered Realm - Timer Does Not Decrease
(Tested on Steam-based v1.1.8.1-v1.1.9.1 x64 only)

This option causes the timer in the Shattered Realm to not decrease, but it can still increase as you gain bonus time for better rewards.

The option's script can also be edited to directly change the time remaining on the clock.

TABLE OPTION CODE: Shattered Realm - Timer Does Not Decrease (can also set the time on the clock)

Code: Select all

// Grim Dawn v1.1.8.1 (x64)
// Address:
// Game.GAME::PlayStats::UpdateBonusTimer+13 - 2B C2          - sub eax,edx
// Game.GAME::PlayStats::UpdateBonusTimer+15 - 89 81 6C010000 - mov [rcx+0000016C],eax

// Optional: Custom Timer Value
// Replace "eax" value on line 23 with the time you want on the clock in milliseconds "#300000" = 5 min
//      mov [rcx+0000016C],eax
// With:
//      mov [rcx+0000016C],#300000

aobscanmodule(infRealmTimer,Game.dll,2B C2 89 81 6C 01 00 00)


//  sub eax,edx            // Orig: Subtracts 1 second(edx) from timer(eax)
  sub eax,0                // Option: Amount of time subtracted changed to zero
  mov [rcx+0000016C],eax   // Orig: Moves time(eax) to active timer value after 1 second(edx) is subtracted
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

  db 2B C2 89 81 6C 01 00 00



"Game.dll"+3280AC: CC                             -  int 3 
"Game.dll"+3280AD: CC                             -  int 3 
"Game.dll"+3280AE: CC                             -  int 3 
"Game.dll"+3280AF: CC                             -  int 3 
"Game.dll"+3280B0: 40 53                          -  push rbx
"Game.dll"+3280B2: 48 83 EC 20                    -  sub rsp,20
"Game.dll"+3280B6: 8B 81 6C 01 00 00              -  mov eax,[rcx+0000016C]
"Game.dll"+3280BC: 48 8B D9                       -  mov rbx,rcx
"Game.dll"+3280BF: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
"Game.dll"+3280C1: 7E 7C                          -  jle Game.dll+32813F
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Game.dll"+3280C3: 2B C2                          -  sub eax,edx
"Game.dll"+3280C5: 89 81 6C 01 00 00              -  mov [rcx+0000016C],eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Game.dll"+3280CB: 0F B6 89 70 01 00 00           -  movzx ecx,byte ptr [rcx+00000170]
"Game.dll"+3280D2: 84 C9                          -  test cl,cl
"Game.dll"+3280D4: 74 14                          -  je Game.dll+3280EA
"Game.dll"+3280D6: 3D 10 27 00 00                 -  cmp eax,00002710
"Game.dll"+3280DB: 7C 09                          -  jl Game.dll+3280E6
"Game.dll"+3280DD: C6 83 70 01 00 00 00           -  mov byte ptr [rbx+00000170],00
"Game.dll"+3280E4: EB 39                          -  jmp Game.dll+32811F
"Game.dll"+3280E6: 84 C9                          -  test cl,cl
"Game.dll"+3280E8: 75 35                          -  jne Game.dll+32811F
"Game.dll"+3280EA: 3D 10 27 00 00                 -  cmp eax,00002710

I am also still learning a lot from inspecting fantomas's options and doing more research, so I also tried to do the option in a way that is more direct and streamlined, but also might be more compatible across game versions. It doesn't do anything with allowing for setting the time on the clock and only stops the timer from decreasing.
CODE: Shattered Realm - Timer Does Not Decrease (Alternate)

Code: Select all

  db 90 90

  db 2B C2
As usual, I'm also including the first code I note above as an option in table format for quickly copying the option and pasting it into fantomas's table, or fantomas's options can be copied over into this table if the option sorting framework in it is of use.
Grim Dawn - Stop Shattered Realm Timer - v1.1.8.1 - x64 (StinVec).ct
"Shattered Realm - Timer Does Not Decrease" option
Grim Dawn v1.1.8.1-v1.1.9.1
Tested on Steam-based x64

Includes CE compact view mode option, 1-click activation group with option sorting sub-groups.
(16.94 KiB) Downloaded 206 times
Last edited by StinVec on Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Denezhou »

thanks! they both work perfect for shattered realms.

the first one also works for crucible

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by StinVec »

Strange the second doesn't also work on Crucible's timer. I rarely play that and forgot it had a timer as well. The first code changes the time that gets deducted to zero, the second skips that operation entirely so it doesn't even try to deduct that 0 seconds. I must have missed something about it or did that second code improperly for it to not also work on Crucible's timer.

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Denezhou »

i don't play crucible, i thought about it after you provided the script and gave it a try

i don't know why the second wouldn't work for both, the same pointers work for both crucible and shattered realms. but i dont think its something worth the time messing with.

thanks again!!

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Grimander »

StinVec wrote:
Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:49 am
Instant Max Nemesis Option

I've enjoyed using fantomas's "Get Total Player Faction Points" (friendly factions set instantly to revered when encountered) option, so if this might be of use to anyone I've adjusted fantomas's "Get Total Player Faction Points" option slightly into two other options - one only sets enemies instantly to Nemesis status separately from the friendly faction, the other sets enemies Nemesis in combination with his friendly factions being made Revered option.

I had altered his option's code in the past to change the status of any NPCs nearby to me between friendly and enemy on the fly and finally looked to see if it could just be made to turn all enemies instantly to Nemesis status at the same time as setting friendly to Revered.

After finally looking more into and now properly understanding how the "je" (jump if equal), "jl" (jump if lower) and "jg" (jump if greater) work with jumping to and executing the code in other label sections based on the results of the compare function, I saw it was only a single letter in his code (and the value to set the faction to) that needed to be changed to turn all enemies to Nemesis.

However, then I realized that the same address seemed to control both so I made the changes to affect both friendly and enemy factions in one option and then also split off the enemies set to Nemesis as its own option (still only one option can be selected as active at a time).

- First option is fantomas's same option. It is unchanged other than its option name (I just renamed it to better denote what it does compared to the names I gave these other options).
Second option leaves friendly factions alone and only sets enemies in your faction list to Nemesis

Code: Select all

//Game: Grim Dawn + All DLC's
//Version: v1.1.7.2-v1.1.8.1 (x64)
//Original code by "fantomas", altered slightly by "StinVec"

//NOTE: "Eldritch Horrors" faction
// If you encounter "Eldritch Horrors" for the first time in The Forgotten Gods map then they will
// most likely be properly set to Nemesis when they are added to your faction list.
// However, if you encounter them prior to going into the FG expansion map and instead encounter them first
// at the "Forsaken Eldritch Totem" in the end dungeon of the secret "The Hidden Path" quest line, they MAY
// get mistakenly set to Revered when they are added to your faction list and become unable to be attacked.
// If this happens and you cannot attack the spawned totem monsters, to force them to be Nemesis:
//    - Pause the game while you are near the Eldritch Horror enemies and disable the faction option
//    - Edit this code and add // at the far left of the "jg code" line below (line 35) and hit OK
//    - Re-enable the option, return in-game, unpause and hit 'J' to see your faction reputations
// If they are now set properly to Nemesis status:
//    - Hit pause again and disable the faction option
//    - Remove the added // marks and re-enable the option
//    - Continue playing as normal

aobscanmodule(isFriend,Game.dll,F3 0F 10 44 82 08 0F 2E C6 75 * 8B D1)


  movss xmm0,[rdx+rax*4+08]
  movss [factionIndex],xmm0
  cmp [factionIndex],0
  jg code
  mov [rdx+rax*4+08],(float)-20000
  movss xmm0,[rdx+rax*4+08]
  jmp return

  movss xmm0,[rdx+rax*4+08]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db F3 0F 10 44 82 08

Third option has both co-existing together so all friendly will get set to Revered and all enemies will get set to Nemesis

Code: Select all

//Game: Grim Dawn + All DLC's
//Version: v1.1.7.2-v1.1.8.1 (x64)
//Original code by "fantomas", altered slightly by "StinVec"

//NOTE: "Eldritch Horrors" faction
// If you encounter "Eldritch Horrors" for the first time in The Forgotten Gods map then they will
// most likely be properly set to Nemesis when they are added to your faction list.
// However, if you encounter them prior to going into the FG expansion map and instead encounter them first
// at the "Forsaken Eldritch Totem" in the end dungeon of the secret "The Hidden Path" quest line, they MAY
// get mistakenly set to Revered when they are added to your faction list and become unable to be attacked.
// If this happens and you cannot attack the spawned totem monsters, to force them to be enemies/Nemesis:
//    - Pause the game while you are near the Eldritch Horror enemies and disable the faction option
//    - Edit this code and change "25000" on line 36 below to "-20000" and hit OK
//    - Re-enable the option, return in-game, unpause and hit 'J' to see your faction reputations
// If they are now set properly to Nemesis status:
//    - Hit pause again and disable the faction option
//    - Change "-20000" back to "25000" and re-enable the option
//    - Continue playing as normal

aobscanmodule(isFriend,Game.dll,F3 0F 10 44 82 08 0F 2E C6 75 * 8B D1)


  movss xmm0,[rdx+rax*4+08]
  movss [factionIndex],xmm0
  cmp [factionIndex],0
  jl code
  mov [rdx+rax*4+08],(float)25000
  movss xmm0,[rdx+rax*4+08]
  jmp return

  mov [rdx+rax*4+08],(float)-20000
  movss xmm0,[rdx+rax*4+08]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db F3 0F 10 44 82 08

I also updated the 'option framework' in this attached table version of these options to what I'm currently using with nested Activate All groups and then a "Master" Activate All group if this might also be of use to anyone. fantomas's options can just be copied/pasted or dragged/dropped into the different sections as you would like.

One Possible Issue:
As noted in my script notes in the codes above, an odd situation could result with the Eldritch Horrors enemy where they could be mistakenly set to Revered if they are encountered and added to your faction list via a lone Forsaken Eldritch Totem in a dungeon at the end of the "Hidden Path" secret quest line prior to going to the Forgotten Gods map. It is easily corrected via the notes I include in the code scripts.
More on this possible, but easily fixed issue
On one of my save games some months ago I had encountered this issue while using fantomas's faction option. I managed to alter them back to being enemies (which started my working to understand how to do these options in this post), but I wanted to see why that had happened in the first place as it shouldn't have.

I think I found the likely cause. As it was a fresh Ultimate save game that did not play through the Forgotten Gods expansion on an earlier difficulty, Eldritch Horrors had not been encountered on it and they were not in my faction list. However, instead of encountering them for the first time when I eventually went into the Forgotten Gods expansion, I instead encountered that enemy for the first time on that save game via a Totem spawn at the end of the "The Hidden Path" quest line.

Because that enemy seems to get set to -1 automatically when you start that FG map area and they are added to your faction list, they are automatically set to being designated as an enemy. As their faction value will not be equal to or greater than zero (as it is a negative number) they will not be made Revered status at that time by fantomas's option.

However, I think my encountering them via the "Forsaken Eldritch Horrors" totem spawn long before going to the FG map area, they were not auto-added to my faction list as -1 and set as enemies, so they technically had "0" experience and thus met the comparison check in fantomas's script as qualifying as friendly due to not being a negative number.

So the best thing to do on a new game with no factions in your list would be to not trigger the Forsaken Eldritch Totem in the Temple of the Three dungeon area at the end of the Hidden Path quest line before you start the Forgotten Gods expansion. Otherwise, if you do encounter them early via that totem and they get set to Revered, one little character change that I note in the scripts above can be used to correct them back to being enemies.
This one wont respond at all when i try to check the box. I might do something wrong but dont know what. Would be nice if someone could update this for latest version of the game.

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by StinVec »


It is noted in the attachment description that it is still compatible with the current v1.1.8.1 Steam-based x64 game version.

Are you using the Steam-based x64 game version it is noted as working with or the GoG or 32-bit version of the game?
- I note that I only tested it on the Steam-based x64 exe.
- If you are using a different version then it might not work.

Are you using fantomas's table and only added this cheat option into theirs?
- If so, are fantomas's options still enabling and only this add-in option isn't?
- If fantomas's aren't enabling either, perhaps Cheat Engine is not attached to the proper game executable.

I note that only one of the faction options can be enabled at a time, are you trying to enable more than one?
- This includes fantomas's faction option in their full table.
- I note that option 1 "Faction - Friendly - Instant Revered" is fantomas's exact option only renamed, and also that only one faction option can be enabled at a time. If fantomas's separate option is already enabled then these options cannot be enabled as the one you choose to enable has already been chosen (fantomas's friendly revered option).
- If fantomas's option is enabled, disable it and choose the nemesis or revered/nemesis option from this cheat.

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Baofu »

I still haven't booted this in a while, but can we alter crucible waves with this table and max out rewards?

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by kurekong »


I was wondering if there's an option for us to choose beneficial "mutators" in "dangerous domains".


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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by Hatzi »

is it possible to get an item editor? (just numbers, like highlight the item go to cheat engines and change the amount from what I have to 99)
and also is there any way to make certain highlighted legendary items change or get swapped to other item from a list of code or something ?

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by anl93 »

Can someone make a CT with pointers for latest version?
Specially for Stat and Skill Points.

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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by R3V0L »

Hi, made a table compilation from Marcus101RR and Cs's tables with some mine additions like masteries from mods (latest versions of Dawn of Masteries and Reing of Terror, some versions of Grimarillion, Apocalypse).
Everything working fine on x32 (Steam), except axyd's "unlimited transmutations" couldn't get it to work, maybe some one can help with that.
grim dawn.CT
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Re: Grim Dawn + All DLC's

Post by TheBoorsh »

R3V0L wrote:
Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:56 pm
Hi, made a table compilation from Marcus101RR and Cs's tables with some mine additions like masteries from mods (latest versions of Dawn of Masteries and Reing of Terror, some versions of Grimarillion, Apocalypse).
Everything working fine on x32 (Steam), except axyd's "unlimited transmutations" couldn't get it to work, maybe some one can help with that.
Thanks mate! Works great on steam version.

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