Is anyone have WSE2 Version? (Warband Script Enhancer 2) this program make the game less crash because game memory for modding, is anyone manage this thing works on WSE2 Version?
Is anyone have WSE2 Version? (Warband Script Enhancer 2) this program make the game less crash because game memory for modding, is anyone manage this thing works on WSE2 Version?
Same here, I'm desperately looking for one for WSE2 but haven't found anything since.
Can you add it please to WSE2 cheat table: RTR, Renown, Honor editor; Party Stat editor; Inventory editor (adding items, changing its prefix etc); Lord relation editor; Settlement relation editor. In short, everything that was in the previous table
Hello! I'm using the WSE2 table and it seems to work mostly fine, but the godmode cheat affects all troops, even the enemy's.
And the "Reputation Town" gets me all sort of weird numbers. For example my reputation in a city appears as -2 in-game but as "4294967294" in the table, and if I try to change it to a number like 1 or 2 it appears ingame as a number like that big one but in negative.