Tales of Symphonia - table v: 1.0 CT

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Tales of Symphonia - table v: 1.0 CT

Post by ModEngine »

Tales of Symphonia Steam v1.0 Cheat Engine Table (CT)

Game Name: Tales of Symphonia
Game Vendor: Steam + EPiC + Microsoft Store Xbox GamePass
Game Engine Version: Full Release v1.0
Game Process: TOS.exe
Game Engine: Proprietary Engine


Unlimited Health
Infinite TP
Easy Kills
Max Combo
Unlimited Items
Zero Battle Time
Save Anywhere
Unlimited GALD
Unlimited GRADE
Unlimited XP


Tested on Steam version but might work for other non-steam version as well such as Microsoft Store.


v 1.0: Initial release

A minimum of Cheat Engine 7.0 is required but it should work on any version regardless. I try to make my cheats compatible across variety of devices and versions.

Please give me +rep if you liked it. If you want to share, please don't post this elsewhere without linking to this thread.

If you wish to encourage me, please use my app. Cheat engine is great and my app is completely optional. You can continue to enjoy the cheat engine offerings I have available here.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Last edited by ModEngine on Wed May 01, 2024 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by ProfessorBAG »

Hi im trying to use this but all of the values fore items just come up as ??

The Table is tied to the process of the game. Is this outdated?

I have the game on steam

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by SALT »

ProfessorBAG wrote:
Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:05 am
Hi im trying to use this but all of the values fore items just come up as ??

The Table is tied to the process of the game. Is this outdated?

I have the game on steam
Are you using this with TSFix? Because i was having the same issue and was just about to ask for help until i figured out that was the problem for me. Uninstalled TSfix, verified game files on steam, and then the table started working as expected.

Apparently there was a table that worked WITH TSfix, but if it was this one i couldn't figure out how to do it. And now that the tables were removed from the cheatengine forums i can't find any other source for the TSfix compatible table.

Maybe someone out there has it? It would be ideal to be able to use both TSfix and cheatengine.

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by AdreanKael »

Ok guys I'm new to this whole cheat engine thing and I don't know if this will help someone but in trying to find stat values for Loyd this is what I've found.

The values are 2 byte not 4. If you search for the exact number on the screen you will only find the display value and it will reset after a battle. The actual values to change to get permanent stat changes are 1 digit more then the value. So if you have 70 in strength look for a number between 699 and 710.

If you can find the display value the number you need to change is not far from that. Loyds strength display value has always been in the 24***112 region for me even after rebooting my machine it doesnt move far from that. I realize this will be different for everyone though. In the most recent case at 200 in strength the display value was 2 byte, read as 200 and located at 244CD112 the actual value to change the number permanently was 244CD102 and read as 2001. As far as I've seen the last number can range from 1 to 9.

After changing the number at 244CD102 I had to enter battle and win. After leaving battle the number updated, recalculated my slash/thrust values and now I hit like a ton of bricks in combat. it persists through saves and seems to be the number you need to change. Current health and experience are 4 byte values and are REALLY easy to find. I'm working on creating a table with pointers for these addresses but I'm fairly new to creating pointers.

For defense values make sure you subtract the additional defense from armor from it. So if the armor value is 10 subtract that from your search. 100 defense - 10 from armor is 90 so search for 890 to 910. Long winded and I'm sorry but I hope this helps people who are trying to modify stats.

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by DrummerIX »

I have this game on PC, but never played it much. I could try coming up with a cheat table if there is interest in it.

So, a cheat table that works with TSFix is what is needed?

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by AdreanKael »

DrummerIX wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:53 am
I have this game on PC, but never played it much. I could try coming up with a cheat table if there is interest in it.

So, a cheat table that works with TSFix is what is needed?
I'm an amateur so forgive me if I say anything you already know.

I'm having issues with getting pointers made. I made them for Def, ACC, max/current HP/TP, every stat works except strength. For strength the pointer scan is scanning the wrong address even when I enter the address manually it always scans for *****100 instead of *****102 which is Loyd's strength value. Dunno why but when scanning for pointers for 244DD102 the pointer scan won't return any results that point to *****102 always 100. I can change his strength by changing the value of 244DD102 (it'll be different for everyone i know) and it will recalculate slash/thrust values after I heal or change equipment and is persistent through saves, reboots etc etc. I just cant make a pointer for it and that's the only one I cant.

But yea If you could get a table with an AOB scan working that would be great. Stat values won't show up properly in 4 byte though they will in 2 byte and if you search for the exact number all you'll find is a display value. Search for a number that is 1 digit more and is usually near the same region as the display value.. For example when searching for ACC at 88 I found the display number at 244DD11C reads 88 in 2 byte in 4 byte it reads 4325464.
The actual number to change that value (that will stay changed and effects combat) however is at 244DD108 and reads 881 in 2 byte it can also read 889 887 883 etc etc. The last digit can be anything between 1-9. So I just find the display number and then do a search for a number between a certain range. For ACC at 88 I would search for a number between 879 to 890 and find the one near that region and that's usually the one I need to change.

Also values won't update immediately. Usually after healing or taking dmg or changing equipment they'll update the display value.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by Dinichou »

Since google leads to this page, DrummerIX did an amazing upgrade of the table that works with TSFix ! Here's the link : viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4688

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by emymer »

how to make it all chests opened or all dogs talked to using Binary number ? change it all to one or what ?

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by hussian »

All of the tos cheats work but the titles and all techs
pls help I'm confused

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia

Post by aqualithe »

Is there a way or a pointer that would let you have multiple compound EX skills regardless of your current EX gem equipped ?
Also, I would like to know if it's possible to use an arte/tech from another character to another character ? Like for exemple using Angel Feathers arte on Genis (originally from Colette)

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