Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by Deed »

How do I use the -- True Insert Trait -- from the table? It doesn't execute (other things do) and I have no idea how to edit it.

Does it allow me to substitute existing trait for another? So I don't go over standard limit and I can remove existing traits

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by Contralto »

I think some of the strings have altered since this table has updated, some haven't worked so I've tinkered a bit with the phrasing here and there. Like, Your Contact Influence, I never saw a change in that. So I changed the wording from "InfluenceScoreMax" to just a simple "100", and it finally updated the Influence to 100. Or, here's just the snippet I plugged in:

Code: Select all

update GameContact set influenceScore = 100 where influenceScore < 100;

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by grimmjow2000 »

Any chance the tables could be updated for v2.5.11 (22 April 19) patch.

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by Animma »

im a a nub and i imageine a lot of people here looking to use this are confused even more.

just so everybody knows this table still works with the latest patch as of may 4th 2019 on steam.

Ive made use of the "open game query edditor by doing the following.

For easy mode start your game (even on max difficulty) then in the query editor type:


update GameData set lvlScale = 0.4 where _id=1;
update GameData set goldScale = 10 where _id=1;
update GameData set xpScale = 50 where _id=1;
update GameData set lvlOffset = 2 where _id=1;

using all 4 basically multiplies gains of xp x50, cash by 10,. also increases your ship power by x2 while hamstringing enemy power down to 40% of what it should be. sadly this does not reflect when checking your difficulty multipliers in game, but you will notice that bribing a ship to leave you alone nets you 1.5k xp or more.

to buff your characters use the commands below, just as above one update line at a time, im too nub to know how to put all the stats onto one code. there buff the described stat to 100, 30 is the cap but it does save 100, god knows if the game makes use of anything past 30 base stat tho.
update GameCharacter set attQuickness = 100 where _id=1;
update GameCharacter set attStrength = 100 where _id=1;
update GameCharacter set attFortitude = 100 where _id=1;
update GameCharacter set attWisdom = 100 where _id=1;
update GameCharacter set attCharisma = 100 where _id=1;
update GameCharacter set attResilience = 100 where _id=1;

use the select * from GameCharacter; to find the _id number for any other crew you wish to mod. or change where _id=1 to where [name of atribute] < 30;. dangerous as you might buff things that you will have to fight later

if your still shy on money this code is to limit all the wages to $1 for each crew member. careful though as it applies to every crew in existence if you do it at game launch it only effects your crew. After that, well your guess is ass good as mine as to how it may break things.

update GameCharacter set payRate = 1 where payRate >5;

sory for the long post

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by Hathur79 »

Anyone know how to get more talent points?

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by sudeki238 »

you could try this ... no idea if it still works ...

Do a grouped search for the health and morale of your target, eg "4:98 4:97"
Right click on the found address and choose "Browse this memory region"
17 bytes and 4 bits from the health value is the 4 byte value for the number of job levels
18 bytes and 0 bits from the health value is the 4 byte value for the number of talents taken
Reset both to 0, and you can level again.

To Simplify:
set scan mode to grouped,
enter "4:xx 4:yy" into the box, where xx is current health and yy is current morale.
Double click result and delete the second added entry.
double click the address and change the +0 to +90 for talent levels used and +8c forJob lvls used.

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by sudeki238 »

-- True Insert Trait --
insert into gamecharactertrait (gamecharacterid, traitid, characterknows, optionid) select 1, (select t._id from Trait t where t._id not in (select traitid from gamecharactertrait where gamecharacterid = 1) and t._id not in (4,7,11,13,22,28,29,30,31,33,36,42,45,49,50,51,56,59,64,75,78,79,80,81,85,86,87,89,90,92,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,103,105,108,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,145,146,147,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,180,181,194,195,196)), 1, 0;
delete from gamecharactertrait where gamecharacterid = 1 and traitid is null;
select * from gamecharactertrait where gamecharacterid = 1;

Negative Traits
officer, crew

Traits with bonus and penalty (you can check them in the Wiki)
??? - +/-
45-peacemaker, 78-merciless, 51-klepto, 56-blind focus, 64-twitchy, 80-fearsome, 81-rash, 90-obsessive, 97-jaded, 91-battle scarred, 99-righteous, 108-headstrong, 147-mindful, 180-pox infected, 181-plague scarred, 194-fierce,

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by sudeki238 »

-- Get All Jobs on Captain --
insert into gamejob (gameCharacterId,jobType,jobLevel,experience) select 1, (select distinct t.jobtype from job t where t.jobtype not in (select jobtype from gamejob where gamecharacterid = 1) and t.jobtype not in (22,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1011,1012,1013)), 1, 0;
delete from gamejob where gamecharacterid = 1 and jobtype is null;
select * from gamejob where gamecharacterid = 1;

-- All Captain Jobs to Lvl 15 --
update gamejob set joblevel=15 where gamecharacterid=1;
select * from gamejob where gamecharacterid = 1;

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by ChaosCircus »

Greetings all - still a little bit of a work in progress, but I'm sorting through some of the weapons and armor that pop up in the game for crew combat. The unfortunate problem with what I'm about to present here is that you can only modify any weapons or pieces of armor that haven't been assigned to a crewperson within the game. Also, I haven't yet found a way to directly edit a character's items -- admittedly, my SQL-fu is pretty low.

That said:
-- Raziel Blade --
update GameWeapon set itemId = 200 where itemId = 90;

This statement is intended to substitute any Level 7 blade with the Raziel Blade from the De Rivesh quest, allowing you to have more than one. As to the itemId in the GameWeapon table, any one that ends with a '0' or '8' is apparently a sword, so in your instance, you may have to insert the appropriate number from your database. (Also worth noting is that level 7 weapons start with a 9, while any special quest-gained weapons start with a '20')

-- Heirlock Pistol --
update GameWeapon set itemId = 201 where itemId = 91;

The pistol from the Tuko quest. Works much like the above -- pistol itemId end in '1'

-- Bahamut Shotgun --
update GameWeapon set itemId = 202 where itemId = 92;

Shotguns end in -- you guessed it! -- '2'.

-- Razorplate --
update GameArmor set itemId = 100;

Updates all unallocated armor into Razorplate.

I'll update with any more things I sort out as I go

EDIT: I'm rapidly discovering that my assumptions on how the itemId for weapons are set were fairly wrong. The itemId for the Quest weapons are correct -- however, I've found some variations in the stock/purchased weapons numbers that do give me a bit of pause. I'll keep poking around until I can generate a full list of all of the weapons in the game.


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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by Froggy »

So I know most people have given up on this one, but I did run into an easy was to boost your captain if nothing else, and it takes no real skill with Cheat Engine, either. The trick is to not worry about changing how many points you've spent, but rather how many points you have left. Here is how, and I've tried to make it as idiot-proof as possible (so sorry if it seems condescending to you older CE users - I'm writing for people who've got minimal CE experience, like myself):

1) Go to make new Template. Look at the five priority tiers to the left. Pick the one that says "Attributes" and see what it says. If it is in 4th place (D)it will say 28 points available, for example. Move it up to 3rd (C) and you now have 30 points available. Move it to 2nd place (B) and it says 38 points. With me so far? Good.

2) Head over to Cheat Engine and tap into the game's exe like normal. You're looking for old fashioned 4 byte values, nothing fancy. Specifically, you are looking for whatever it said your attribute point limit was where you last put it in the priority stack. So if it was in 1st place (A) then you're looking for 52. So in this case you're going to scan for a 4 byte value that says 52.

3) Now head back to the game and move that Attribute bar to something else. Let's say you moved it back down to 2rd place (B). The point limit will now be 38 and somewhere in that mess of 52s you have over in Cheat Engine one of those values just changed to 38 as well. Classic 4 byte number hunting, right? Good. So grab that value and add it to your list, then change it to 96 and LOCK it in place (for now).

Do NOT change the position of the sliders while a value is locked or it will crash the game!

4) Head back into the game, open up Attribute again and your new attribute limit is now 96 points. This will let you get up to a perfect 30 score in everything.

5) Go back and UNLOCK your 96 value, then repeat the above process for your Skills bar. If it was in 4th place (4 points) move it up to 3rd (8 points) or 2nd (15 points) until you track down the exact memory spot it is in, just like before. Once you do, add it to your list, get the bar where you want it and LOCK it in place at a value of 110. Then go back into Skills (do NOT move the Skills bar any more!) and give yourself a perfect 10 in all eleven skills. Head back, UNLOCK the value and skip directly to "SAVE TEMPLATE" before it can figure out what you've done. Make your new captain and SAVE the game as soon as it starts, just to be safe.


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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by Froggy »

From the above I made this simple not-really-a-table. The actual memory locations move around every time the game loads so it will not automatically point to the correct memory address. However all you need to do is this (at least this is how I do it, being a noob):

1) Go to the Template creation screen and select "new" or "copy," then find any one of the values via the method mentioned in previous post. So pick skills at 4 points, do a 4 byte scan for 4, then move skills to another level where it says 16, then search for 16, etc. Once you can find any one of them you can then use this pseudo table to find all of them.

2) Just go to the list of values on the table and insert the one value that you just found. If you're using the above as an example, you'd spot the 16 as the value for skills, then go to Skills on the table list, right click, Recalculate New Address and then Change to Address. Once you do that then it will synch up Skills, Attributes, Contacts, Captain Starting Experience Level, Officer Starting Experience Level and Ship Budget to what it shows in the game.

3) You can now change all of these values. Remember, you're not changing the number of points left or points spent, but the point limit. So for skills you'd change it to 110 or so and max out every skill in the game within the Template editor itself. You can raise the contact limit to include 1 of every type of contact that you have available. You can raise your ship budget up (It can go crazy if you go past $50,000,000, so be careful) and buy whatever ship you want (and you get to keep 20% of the leftover as starting cash).

While you can start with both your captain and all starting officers at level 40, there is a catch: If you ever reset you talents in game it will reset their level back to whatever their actual experience points say it should be. So get it right the first time! Also, do not lock the values before hitting the Launch button or you will crash the game.
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by X00L »


Could someone explain how to use the query editor to remove a trait?
I was adding traits and accidentally added the same one twice. :oops:


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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by ViperClaw »

X00L wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:36 am

Could someone explain how to use the query editor to remove a trait?
I was adding traits and accidentally added the same one twice. :oops:

I've been playing around with the query editor myself to manually add specific jobs, talents and traits and not bulk add everything as I only wanted to tweak the character slightly and not make it GODLY!!! and I've managed to do what I was wanting so i gave it a go at trying to delete them as well in case I added wrong info so here are the steps you'll need to follow to delete the wrong entry.

So to do this you need to find out what row the duplicate entry is on so just do the following steps.

Step 1:
Type select * from gamecharactertrait where gamecharacterid=1
This will output all the rows relevant ONLY for the character with ID 1 (which would be the captain) which will make this quicker and easier as will have less info on screen.

Step 2:
Look down the third collum which the traitId and look for which one is duplicated and then check what row it's on.

Step 3:
Once you know what row it's on enter delete from gamecharactertrait where _id=x and substitute the "x" with the row value.
For example if the duplicate entry was on row 5 you would enter delete from gamecharactertrait where _id=5

This will remove the specified row from the table, this change won't appear in game straight away, it requires the game to be saved and loaded again to take effect on what is displayed.

Note however that this won't update the other rows values so you'll have a gap in the sense that the row x won't exist, I'm not sure whether this will cause any issues during game play but I dont think it will.

If however you'd rather not risk any possible issues you can always update and swap the duplicate trait for another one instead of deleting it.
For this second method you follow the same steps up until step 3 where instead you'll use update gamecharactertrait set traitid=x where _id=y and substitute the "x" on traitid with the new trait you want it to be and "y" being the row that you identified previously.

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by X00L »

ViperClaw wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:18 pm
X00L wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:36 am

Could someone explain how to use the query editor to remove a trait?
I was adding traits and accidentally added the same one twice. :oops:

I've been playing around with the query editor myself to manually add specific jobs, talents and traits and not bulk add everything as I only wanted to tweak the character slightly and not make it GODLY!!! and I've managed to do what I was wanting so i gave it a go at trying to delete them as well in case I added wrong info so here are the steps you'll need to follow to delete the wrong entry.

So to do this you need to find out what row the duplicate entry is on so just do the following steps.

Step 1:
Type select * from gamecharactertrait where gamecharacterid=1
This will output all the rows relevant ONLY for the character with ID 1 (which would be the captain) which will make this quicker and easier as will have less info on screen.

Step 2:
Look down the third collum which the traitId and look for which one is duplicated and then check what row it's on.

Step 3:
Once you know what row it's on enter delete from gamecharactertrait where _id=x and substitute the "x" with the row value.
For example if the duplicate entry was on row 5 you would enter delete from gamecharactertrait where _id=5

This will remove the specified row from the table, this change won't appear in game straight away, it requires the game to be saved and loaded again to take effect on what is displayed.

Note however that this won't update the other rows values so you'll have a gap in the sense that the row x won't exist, I'm not sure whether this will cause any issues during game play but I dont think it will.

If however you'd rather not risk any possible issues you can always update and swap the duplicate trait for another one instead of deleting it.
For this second method you follow the same steps up until step 3 where instead you'll use update gamecharactertrait set traitid=x where _id=y and substitute the "x" on traitid with the new trait you want it to be and "y" being the row that you identified previously.
This is great, thanks!

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers v2.3.29 (Updated: 4/Aug/18)

Post by eltharion »

Good afternoon, thanks for the table that enables the use of queries. It also works with version 3.09.

I would like to know if there is a way to edit ships, in particular the number and type of components
that can be mounted in a hull.

I looked at the list of tables, but found nothing that seemed relevant to me. I have seen that it is
possible to change the "size" of the hull that is being used, but from what I have read it is impractical,
since it is reset every time you replace or upgrade to a shipyard.

Thanks for every answer you will want to give me about it.

Thanks for the chance to brush up on my SQL skills ...
I didn't realize I was so rusty ;)

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