This table hooks into the database the game uses to store data. The files are well encrypted so difficult to use directly with a database editor. This allows viewing the editing the data.db database which has base game information and the currently loaded game_#.db database.
The main requirement is that you must enable the table before loading the captain on the start menu so that it can get the correct pointers.
Next it will only expose SQL queries. This is probably foreign concept to most users here so this table may not be very useful.
To use the table select the "Open Game Query Editor" check box. It will launch an editor that allows queries to be run and results viewed.
For Example if you type the following it will show a list of all tables in the database that you can query:
Code: Select all
select name, tbl_name from sqlite_master where type = 'table'
You can set health for all characters with something like the following but we dont know actual max so the health bars might behave strange if it overruns.
Code: Select all
update Character set health=max(health,200), spirit=max(health,100)
The problem with this technique is that the game does not immediately load this data from the database.
Things like Contact Influence and Reputation are loaded frequently while Money never is. So you might need to exit to main menu and reload the current game to see effects.
Example SQL Commands
Code: Select all
-- Game Data --
select * from GameData;
Code: Select all
-- Game Character List --
select * from GameCharacter;
Code: Select all
-- Columns in Game Character Table --
PRAGMA table_info(GameCharacter);
Code: Select all
-- Character List --
select gc.displayName, c.* from GameCharacter gc, Character c where c._id = gc.gameCharacterId;
Code: Select all
-- Set Health to 200 --
update Character set health=max(health,200), spirit=max(health,200)
Code: Select all
-- Pay Crew --
update GameCharacter set payTurn = (select turn from GameData limit 1);
Code: Select all
-- Refuel Ship --
Update GameShip set fuel = 600 where mapZoneId = -1;
Code: Select all
-- Clear Last Talents Used --
update GameTalent set talentUsedTurn=0;
Code: Select all
-- Set Max Contact Influence --
update GameContact set influenceScore = influenceScoreMax where influenceScore < influenceScoreMax;
Code: Select all
-- Set Contact Reputation to 50 --
update GameContact set contactRep = 50 where contactRep < 50;
Code: Select all
-- Clear Ship Component Damage--
update ShipDeckCompartment set componentDamage = 0 where componentDamage != 0;
Code: Select all
-- Table List --
select name, tbl_name from sqlite_master where type = 'table';
Code: Select all
-- Character List --
select gc.displayName, c.* from GameCharacter gc, Character c where c._id = gc.gameCharacterId;
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1