Assassin's Creed 6 ~ Unity ~ v1.5.0 ~ Uplay & Steam
PRENOTE: if you keep crashing within minutes, try out v6.7 (pre v6.8.x) ! Also: working fine with v7.1...
I made this table some months back, but got not around posting it since I'm not really happy with the Teleport function (in that selecting icons eventually can/will cause crashes). That said: table is posted "as is" since I have very little time these days to do any research in this area. But it does have some nice features, so there you go....
* Player Status: health, god mode, invisibility
* Inventory Supplies: everything, incl Sync points
* Teleport & Coordinates... (don't go wild... and avoid selecting icons)
Important remarks:
1. READ the included readme file (t.i. if you do not want to crash all the time... or want to know why you crashed in the first place)
2. While the game is loaded, you can use ONLY 1 CE (featured) table/trainer (incl trainers like #Fearlessrevolution). Iow you can NOT have this table loaded, along with #Sunbeam's for example. It also means that you can not close, and then reload/attach the table again... you'll crash guaranteed !
3. Win 10 users are a bit in a "disadvantage" here. CE seems more memory-sensible in combo with this OS. The crashes mentioned earlier - in this topic - almost surely come from win10-gamers... (tip: try to load 'cheatengine-x86_64.exe' explicitly)
ps: I never played this game in full (just a few missions/retries), while building this table. So if you do stumble across some weird situation, report back (reproduce the error so I can pinpoint it down more easily). No promises, but - time permitting - I'll try to look into it...
A reminder to myself: (stuff to dive in when back on track... some day
- Icon selection: [
[Link] ]
- Unlimited breakpoints (?): [
[Link] ]