I made a free camera script, based on
Cyber's CS4 script.
Steam version - Added a version for Steam. This may or may not be updated in the future, as I own the GoG version.
v1.1 - Free camera can now be immediately activated upon loading the script (no need to turn on "camera status" to get coordinates) and more gracefully handles quitting the game while enabled, force pause rewritten (much more responsive as game engine now monitoring instead of cheat engine, be sure to enable the cheat before using), Min Z improved (now customizable depth multiplier, old setting 1.0, old "aggressive mode" is 2.0, new default set to 1.5), FOV now adjustable via hot keys (Home/End, enable with F4).
v1.0 - Initial release
- GoG Version
- Steam Version
- Force Pause Animation - F5 to turn on, F6 to turn off - this completely pauses the game! Check the box before trying to use. For some reason it also removes the HUD but leaves the minimap - use hide minimap to get a true photo mode.
- Unlock camera during pause - F7 to toggle. This frees the camera, allowing use of free camera (without free camera you're just rotating around the character). Certain animations (like sword flourishes) will still proceed with despite force pause when this is turned on, as will game-initiated camera angle changes. I cannot help this; the function that frees the camera for movement is the same function that lets these things proceed.
- Disable Dialogue - exactly what it says, dialogue disappears. If there is already a speech bubble when you activate it, it will disappear on the next bubble.
- Hide HUD/Minimap - When minimap disappears, it will not reappear until you go into the menu and come back out (quirk of the hack).
- Unlock tilt - look up and down from 89 to -89 degrees.
- Decrease min Z - Normally the camera restricts movement to waist high. This, uhh, lowers the limit.
- Set Custom Field of View - F4 to enable. Press Home to zoom in, End to zoom out.
- Free camera - press 0 to activate (please turn on "camera status" first!). See instructions below on how to navigate.
- Unlock pan/tilt during dialogue - normally you can't manipulate the camera angle in a dialogue; this re-enables camera angle manipulation. Leave off except when you want to look around during a dialogue or cutscene, because it disables the game from being able to dynamically change angles.
- Camera coordinates - mostly informational.
Code: Select all
Free Camera Controls:
Hotkey : Num 0 (Toggle On/Off)
Num 8 : Forward
Num 5 : Backward
Num 4 : Left
Num 6 : Right
Num - : Up
Num + : Down
Arrow Up : Tilt Up
Arrow Down : Tilt Down
Arrow Right : Pan Right
Arrow Left : Pan Left
Num 9 : Roll Right
Num 7 : Roll Left
Num 3 : Set Roll to 0
F1 : Decrease Camera Speed (Press and Hold)
F2 : Double Camera Speed (Press and Hold)
F3 : Quadruple Camera Speed (Press and Hold)
The free camera code itself is Cyber's code, all credit goes to him(?), please see
his post for directions on use. Everything else I had to hack together (since TXe is 32-bit, finding code analogous to CS4 by AOB searching was basically useless). Some things work the same, some don't.
My other free camera scripts:
Trails of Cold Steel 1,
Trails of Cold Steel 2,
Trails of Cold Steel 3,
Hajimari no Kiseki CLE,
Kuro no Kiseki CLE,
Kuro no Kiseki 2 CLE,
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana,
Atelier Ryza,
Atelier Ryza 2.